I have to say that this thread has been 9 pages of utter shit. I had to sift through that many pages of DBZ-flames, when the arguing parties should have created their own thread for the argumentatively challenged, and fought it out with blowup boxing gloves.

There were a few gems though. Elessar's comment that brought up the point of the entire arc was exceedingly accurate, in my eyes. The whole point of this adventure was to prove the point... fighting for someone else is what makes you strong. It seems that every (good) main character in the story has learned the lesson except Sasuke. (Whether he's "good" or "bad" is up for debate now...) Most of the people learned that lesson... FIGHTING NARUTO. Hello?! *knock knock knock* Anyone home?! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

My predictions for the next chapter... I think that the three-dot sharingan will be a possible negative when his sight fills with the probabilities of Naruto's moves. I have a vision in my head of tons of Narutos on a single pane surrounding Sasuke. Probably not though... just a Naruto-fanboy vision probably.

As far as long term, I'd love if Gaara and Lee entered the picture together to illustrate the point Elessar brought up. Imagine the effect that Lee and Gaara fighting for Naruto would make upon Sasuke.

Regardless, flame away... seems to be the only thing Gotwoot has been good for lately.
