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Thread: inane 230 out

  1. #121
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    this chapter was awesome when i saw the last page a BIG smile went across my face. naruto is awesome in his new form. altho if he does this in every fight its going to become boring i hope its one of those one time things. i have to agree with hotsuma on what he wrote in the first pages. the lack of ninjutsu and strategy is becoming quite boring. sasuke is also awesome now with his complete sharingan. i want more :'(

    just have to comment on this with yondaime, this looks like it will involve parts of old naruto - 4th theories and i would love to see who has anything right in this.

  2. #122
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    PSJ: i still think inane got the translation wrong and its supposed to say "Kid, you should thank me and the 4th hokage that sealed me in you"

    thats what another person translated it to be.....and it sounds more practical imo

    i dont think strategic henges would be as cool in this fight.....its way too significant for it to have an outcome decided by some sneaky bastard technique
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #123
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    ok yea that would make more sense... yea for this fight i want the brute force badass transformations fight but in the future i want it to go back to ninjutsu and strategy again.

  4. #124
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: inane 230 out

    I wouldnt mind seeing what Sakura did to Zaku in a fight again(but not as gay or useless), with all the copies but ok brute force can sometimes work and I guess Kishimoto is just elaborating on that

    R.I.P Captain America.

  5. #125
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    it all depends on the significance of the fight and the characters involved.

    if naruto beat sasuke by farting in his face.........then about 80% of the naruto fans would stop watching
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  6. #126

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Elessar
    "You are someone who knows the same pain of loneliness that I do. And.. that pain makes a person stronger. Because of that, by severing these bonds... I will gain even more strength."

    I was expecting Sasuke to win and join Oro - but after that sentence I don't think that option is valid anymore. Sasuke will, just like Gaara, learn that fighting for someone is better than fighting for yourself. Maybe he will beat Naruto and then be caught off-guard by Gaara or will have to face all the survivors of the expedition team + sand in a group fight when they fight for Naruto - and his very own sake. But what is imho certain is that by the end of this fight, Sasuke will have understood just like Neji and Gaara did.
    Now this is a interesting prediction, I would really like to see that. It would fit the theme of Naruto very well and also keep sasuke on the good side.(plus i think it would make this arc incredible)

  7. #127
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    @AssertnFailure: And the problem with feeling that posts are directed at you only is that it's completely unnecessary. In other words, I wasn't talking about you. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  8. #128
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    i dont want sasuke to turn good again that would ruin this whole arc that put so much weight in the sasuke - oro relationship and sasuke cutting all bonds to leaf. if he turns good again i will lose much of my respect for this show. just to compare it to dbz, i want a reverse vegeta situation instead of turning good from bad i want him to turn evil completly fomr this point since it has happened gradually for a long time.

  9. #129

    RE: inane 230 out

    awesome chapter. lots of information is presented about sharingan.

    future: sasuke needs to escape so oro can buttfuck him

  10. #130

    RE: inane 230 out

    pretty good chapter, can't wait to find out the conclusion to naruto vs sasuke fight.

  11. #131
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    i dont want sasuke to turn good again that would ruin this whole arc that put so much weight in the sasuke - oro relationship and sasuke cutting all bonds to leaf. if he turns good again i will lose much of my respect for this show. just to compare it to dbz, i want a reverse vegeta situation instead of turning good from bad i want him to turn evil completly fomr this point since it has happened gradually for a long time.
    I don't think Sasuke will come back to 'the good side' anytime soon. Ever since we first saw the sannin, the parallels with them and Team 7 have only grown. Sasuke is clearly the Oro of Team 7 and I would be really surprised (and disappointed) if Naruto managed to turn him around. Now I could see Naruto winning and dragging Sasuke forcibly back, which would only make Sasuke hate Konoha more. It would also ruin this whole arc that has started to drag on a bit. (Before everyone flames me again about how I complain about this arc's length, this chapter has redeemed the arc, more with the dialogue than the whole transformo-naruto thing.)

  12. #132
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    @AssertnFailure: And the problem with feeling that posts are directed at you only is that it's completely unnecessary. In other words, I wasn't talking about you. [img][/img]
    oh.....i thought you did, since i was the only one talking about YYH [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    as cool as the idea of having one of the kids be a protagonist with the level 3 sharingan and level 2 curse seal.....its kinda sad that he'll end up being a bad guy [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #133
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    inane 230 out

    No you weren't, re-read all posts! Damnit! I should have just pointed fingers and called names to begin with lol [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  14. #134

    RE: inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    it all depends on the significance of the fight and the characters involved.

    if naruto beat sasuke by farting in his face.........then about 80% of the naruto fans would stop watching
    Man, if Naruto beats Sasuke that way, I'd love the series even more. It'd be the ultimate pwnage.

  15. #135

    RE: inane 230 out

    well at least we can be pretty sure naruto wont defeat him with 1000 years of pain

  16. #136

    RE: inane 230 out

    Naruto is annoying, I hope he gets his ass kicked

  17. #137

    RE: inane 230 out

    i wanna see this superkyubi-naruto do some shit...looks bad ass!!
    im thinking this fight might end with interference...but i think we will see a winner through the fighting, i just dont think the fight will finish...if there is to be interference

  18. #138
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    lol mage...........

    tell me, would your ideal forum world be people posting what they like and dont like and nobody else would respond in any way that opposes their post? if so.....then that would be one hell of a boring forum
    assertnfailure your racial remarks are offending

  19. #139

    RE: inane 230 out

    i dont see a racial comment in that quote..


  20. #140
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    because your eyes are un-trained, my son.

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