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Thread: inane 230 out

  1. #61

    RE: inane 230 out

    What "Power levels" are you guys talking about, everything is usually fucking explained in Naruto. Powerlevels have never been mentioned, not once have i seen Naruto just stand there and take a 2 hour beating like it was a two hour tickle fest as you see in dbz because of a silly "power level". To me it seems like you guys are using the wrong word. Sasuke's eyes as already stated above, only gave him more insight. And they did NOT appear out of no where the curse seal helped him with that as mentioned in the manga. The fox seems to be gaining a upperhand no naruto slowly, we do not know if the seal will ever come off completely or if there is a double-edge sword to it that affects only naruto personally.

    Also what the hell? Powering up in which way you're all using it (DBZ) is standing there for 30 minutes grunting with a huge aura, NO one has ever done that in naruto. Kyubi chakra is just an effect, it's so massive that it's visible with life protecting Naruto. As for naruto not being able to deflect sasukes hits with the chakra, well he could see his movement before the chakra "reached and wrapped" Naruto's body it looked like (Not that sure, but it sounded like that from him explaining). It's a wonder i havent found any "OMFG DMC (Devil may cry) = DBZ!!" because of Dante's "powering up" as the game progresses and Devil Trigger, you silly people will always compare and look back at the first chance you get. Was it really that traumatizing? Dragonball Z i mean, you tell me.

  2. #62
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    inane 230 out

    great, first it was chambers, now it's this ?igma guy.

    Originally posted by: chet_chetty
    In the Haku fight, if Naruto was able to deflect ice spears (or kunai, cant remember) with chakra at a subconscious level, there's no reason why the same shouldnt happen when Sasuke is about to land a punch on him. If his Kyuubi powers were consistent (seems to be more of a storyline inconsistency), it shouldnt matter that Naruto didnt see the punch coming.

    And Sidnne is right, Sasuke's taijutsu shouldnt even phase Naruto let alone require Kyuubi to transform him so he can stay in the fight. The only thing different about Sasuke is the third comma. As mentioned earlier he didnt get physically stronger so how ridiculous is it that Naruto got rocked so hard?

    It seems like they're dumbing down Kyuubi Naruto for storyline's sake so Sasuke can go even w/ Naruto for most of the fight.
    i don't know why it's such a surprise for you guys. it's not ridiculous at all. sasuke has gotten way stronger and it's only right that he can smash naruto in the face like that. think about this, when you try punching someone and before you can even extend your arm you're knocked right in the face. do you think you're gonna be completely fine? absolutely, not you're just not expecting something to happen like that and you're caught off guard. no matter how strong someone is, if they are caught off guard, it's gonna hurt way more than if they got when they're expecting it.

    also, naruto can only deflect projectiles (whether they are needles or fire jutsus) when he expels chakra. he didn't do that when he got punched by sasuke.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  3. #63
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    you know what reminds ME of DBZ? when that main guy in YYH shoots spirit energy things at people......OMFG KAMEHAMEHA ROFL ROFL

    seriously, get over it.....dont act like a noob hotsuma when you've been on the forms for so long. Every time someone brings up the debate, it's always concluded with the fact that "MOST LONG RUNNING ACTION SERIES BORROW ELEMENTS FROM DBZ"

    i think transforming is cool. It's lame when it totally comes out of nowhere with seemingly no explanation, like "omfg freeza still has 5 more forms!!"...but with naruto and sasuke its totally acceptable.
    and for those of you who miss the days when people were using strategy and doing creative things instead of brute force.....go read the shikamaru vs tayuya match again
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #64

    RE: inane 230 out

    THis chapter was awesome sasuke gonan get F*cked up ahah naruto's gonna eat him lol

  5. #65

    RE: inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Tap
    Also what the hell? Powering up in which way you're all using it (DBZ) is standing there for 30 minutes grunting with a huge aura, NO one has ever done that in naruto.
    have to agree with you on that.... characters from naruto don't get constipated while drawning out more chakra [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    on 230.... it was awesome seeing how sharingan works... no wonder the uchiha clan scared the shit out of everyone. i find the fight amusing, reminds me of two elementary school kids beating the hell out of each other.

  6. #66

    inane 230 out

    Naruto rising in strength through Kyuubi is no different then Goku leveling up into the various versions of the SSJ forms. Coincidentially, they both have to start losing in order for that power to really kick in Just because it's "explained" doesn't mean shit. I can just as easily say "Well, Goku can turn into SSJ lvl infinity (like you Kyuubi fans are saying Naruto can become) because he's an alien, and has always had the powers in him." It would be no different than "Well, Naruto is simply tapping into the power more fully" Or "Well, Sasuke can lvel up more, because of that stupid pill" Taking the cannon out of the picture, it's still reminscent of the DBZ power battles, where a new power arrises (or just expands) when somebody starts to lose. And so on. It's an ongoing cycle, until one just *happens* to be at his or her limit and dies.

    And that's what we've been seeing. Sasuke and Naruto fight. Both are fairly equal. Sasuke gets stronger, beats up Naruto. Naruto, then becomes even stronger than that, and beats on Sasuke. Sasuke becomes stronger than Naruto, and wins that round. Naruto becomes stronger AGAIN, and will probably end up beating on Sasuke for a while. Obviously, the next step in this ongoing cycle is Sasuke will reach level 2, and we're back at square one. Explain the "Well, it's okay, because -x- reason" all you want to me, or anyone else. As a fan, taking the official cannon out, and looking at the plot of events so far, this is no different than DBZ.

    Most of the people here are going to be exagerrating the situation with a random number out of their ass, like "Naruto is only using .123456789134741 percent of Kyuubi's power (DBZ like again!). Sasuke can't win this.!!!!!11one" Not once do people try to explain it without having the Kyuubi's nuts in their mouth.

  7. #67
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    remember when yusuke was rising in strength through genkai's spirit ball thing? ah those were the days
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #68

    inane 230 out

    hostuma,youre completely ignoring the underlying storyline of emotion,friendship and revenge that is driving each of the characters to reach their limits so they can accomplish their goals. Its like saying a marathon runner gets passed in the last 100 meters on the race and digs deep for extra energy to retake the lead and win the race. Its called perservarance and motivation. Its not like DBZ where they go in a room to purposely reach another level. Levels were never mentioned in naruto besides ninja rank and that means nothing. levels were in dbz from the start they had powerlevel readers for godsake.

    And i still think sasuke wont use the curse seal he will realise he own individual potential.

  9. #69

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    i don't know why it's such a surprise for you guys. it's not ridiculous at all. sasuke has gotten way stronger and it's only right that he can smash naruto in the face like that. think about this, when you try punching someone and before you can even extend your arm you're knocked right in the face. do you think you're gonna be completely fine? absolutely, not you're just not expecting something to happen like that and you're caught off guard. no matter how strong someone is, if they are caught off guard, it's gonna hurt way more than if they got when they're expecting it.

    also, naruto can only deflect projectiles (whether they are needles or fire jutsus) when he expels chakra. he didn't do that when he got punched by sasuke.

    I stand corrected. Sasuke did get physically stronger after he was "reborn" so I'll give him that. I just find it funny that Sasuke was able to land the blow in the first place. I dont belive, in the Haku fight, that Naruto actually saw those spears coming at him thus enabling him to shield them off w/ chakra. It seemed like 100% of his focus was pointed at mauling Haku and the chakra shielding was a subconscious act. It was a physicaly reaction rather than a mental one. It seems that they've built Naruto to have somewhat of a Gaara-like natural defense when he's in Kyuubi mode (again basing this on the Haku fight) but it doesnt make itself present in this current fight. That seems inconsistent.

  10. #70
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    Remember the time you edited that message becuase it's a damn spoiler for the last episodes?

    geez, there's a diffrence between talking about Yusuke's reigun and his powerups (since they occured in the first 20 eps) and between blabbering about the end of the anime...

    unfourtanly, i was long since spoiled with that piece of information, but it doesn't mean everyone should be...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  11. #71

    inane 230 out

    i memory serves correct....didnt ewerybody in the 229 discusion say that the third dot i sasukes eye wouldt change a thing.....anyway a good chapter

  12. #72

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Guy
    hostuma,youre completely ignoring the underlying storyline of emotion,friendship and revenge that is driving each of the characters to reach their limits so they can accomplish their goals. Its like saying a marathon runner gets passed in the last 100 meters on the race and digs deep for extra energy to retake the lead and win the race. Its called perservarance and motivation. Its not like DBZ where they go in a room to purposely reach another level. Levels were never mentioned in naruto besides ninja rank and that means nothing. levels were in dbz from the start they had powerlevel readers for godsake.

    And i still think sasuke wont use the curse seal he will realise he own individual potential.
    You still don't get it, do you? I said, not taking the story into consideration (like revenge and stuff), it's STILL stuff we've seen before. It doesn't matter what the reason - that doesn't change the fact that we have seen this same cycle in a different series, which ultimately made it bad. What you're saying is "Well, it's ok that the fights become boring and their powers sky rocket, because of everything at stake." Maybe you're more forgiving than I am, but I'm only pointing this out, not to instigate this inane discussion of people denying obvious fucking facts with "justifications," but cause it's been done before and it is. boring.

  13. #73

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    great, first it was chambers, now it's this ?igma guy.

    Originally posted by: chet_chetty
    In the Haku fight, if Naruto was able to deflect ice spears (or kunai, cant remember) with chakra at a subconscious level, there's no reason why the same shouldnt happen when Sasuke is about to land a punch on him. If his Kyuubi powers were consistent (seems to be more of a storyline inconsistency), it shouldnt matter that Naruto didnt see the punch coming.

    And Sidnne is right, Sasuke's taijutsu shouldnt even phase Naruto let alone require Kyuubi to transform him so he can stay in the fight. The only thing different about Sasuke is the third comma. As mentioned earlier he didnt get physically stronger so how ridiculous is it that Naruto got rocked so hard?

    It seems like they're dumbing down Kyuubi Naruto for storyline's sake so Sasuke can go even w/ Naruto for most of the fight.
    i don't know why it's such a surprise for you guys. it's not ridiculous at all. sasuke has gotten way stronger and it's only right that he can smash naruto in the face like that. think about this, when you try punching someone and before you can even extend your arm you're knocked right in the face. do you think you're gonna be completely fine? absolutely, not you're just not expecting something to happen like that and you're caught off guard. no matter how strong someone is, if they are caught off guard, it's gonna hurt way more than if they got when they're expecting it.

    also, naruto can only deflect projectiles (whether they are needles or fire jutsus) when he expels chakra. he didn't do that when he got punched by sasuke.
    Umm... if naruto can recover from an impaled right lung (with sasuke's hand sticking out on the other side) within a few seconds, Sasuke's hits shouldn't have phased Naruto at all. Even if Sasuke's punch's power is combined with Naruto's own force running into it, it's nothing compared to a hole through the chest.

  14. #74
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: chet_chetty
    I just find it funny that Sasuke was able to land the blow in the first place. I dont belive, in the Haku fight, that Naruto actually saw those spears coming at him thus enabling him to shield them off w/ chakra. It seemed like 100% of his focus was pointed at mauling Haku and the chakra shielding was a subconscious act. It was a physicaly reaction rather than a mental one. It seems that they've built Naruto to have somewhat of a Gaara-like natural defense when he's in Kyuubi mode (again basing this on the Haku fight) but it doesnt make itself present in this current fight. That seems inconsistent.
    actually, the kyubi chakra does not act as a natural defense that is active all the time like gaara's sand. in both sources (manga ch. 28 and anime ep. 17), it clearly shows naruto exerting chakra outwards to deflect the needles away. they're all voluntary acts and they have not shown to act involuntarily.

    Originally posted by: randomguy
    Umm... if naruto can recover from an impaled right lung (with sasuke's hand sticking out on the other side) within a few seconds, Sasuke's hits shouldn't have phased Naruto at all. Even if Sasuke's punch's power is combined with Naruto's own force running into it, it's nothing compared to a hole through the chest.
    naruto healing immediately after getting impaled by a chidori and naruto getting knocked down by a punch have nothing to do with each other. i do not see the point of the comparison. plz explain how naruto's healing ability has anything to do with sasuke's punch being effective.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  15. #75
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    there needs to be some kind of chakra measurement readers in naruto that would be really cool i wish i could see who is stronger by just numbers it would rule beccause i wouldnt have to see them fight

  16. #76
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    let me explain how Sasuke punched worked, or better yet, i'll let you on a diffrenet example of it.

    those of you who read\watched Hajime no ippo, there was the fight between Machita (or whatever he's called, Ippo's first rival) and Jimiy Hoppe (from taiwan), and there they disscussed the perfect counter, using both your enemies movements and you owns to deliever a finishing punch, Sasuke can do it with every strike, becuase of his sharingan.

    Naruto's movement patteren leaves him vunrable on a few spots during a few moments, Sasuke can see those moments cordinate his attack even before Naruto gets in position, this way, Sasuke strikes are always 'critical hits', or 'natrual twenty'.

    Sasuke doesn't need to be stronger than Naruto if he is able to slide in those hits, just like how Machita (or whatever his name is) wasn't one bit stronger than Jimiy Hoppe, and he still won.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  17. #77

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: chet_chetty
    I just find it funny that Sasuke was able to land the blow in the first place. I dont belive, in the Haku fight, that Naruto actually saw those spears coming at him thus enabling him to shield them off w/ chakra. It seemed like 100% of his focus was pointed at mauling Haku and the chakra shielding was a subconscious act. It was a physicaly reaction rather than a mental one. It seems that they've built Naruto to have somewhat of a Gaara-like natural defense when he's in Kyuubi mode (again basing this on the Haku fight) but it doesnt make itself present in this current fight. That seems inconsistent.
    actually, the kyubi chakra does not act as a natural defense that is active all the time like gaara's sand. in both sources (manga ch. 28 and anime ep. 17), it clearly shows naruto exerting chakra outwards to deflect the needles away. they're all voluntary acts and they have not shown to act involuntarily.

    Originally posted by: chet_chetty
    Umm... if naruto can recover from an impaled right lung (with sasuke's hand sticking out on the other side) within a few seconds, Sasuke's hits shouldn't have phased Naruto at all. Even if Sasuke's punch's power is combined with Naruto's own force running into it, it's nothing compared to a hole through the chest.
    naruto healing immediately after getting impaled by a chidori and naruto getting knocked down by a punch have nothing to do with each other. i do not see the point of the comparison. plz explain how naruto's healing ability has anything to do with sasuke's punch being effective.
    I'm not talking about getting knocked down. I'm saying if Naruto can recover from an impaled lung, Sasuke's hits shouldn't hurt at all.

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    let me explain how Sasuke punched worked, or better yet, i'll let you on a diffrenet example of it.

    those of you who read\watched Hajime no ippo, there was the fight between Machita (or whatever he's called, Ippo's first rival) and Jimiy Hoppe (from taiwan), and there they disscussed the perfect counter, using both your enemies movements and you owns to deliever a finishing punch, Sasuke can do it with every strike, becuase of his sharingan.

    Naruto's movement patteren leaves him vunrable on a few spots during a few moments, Sasuke can see those moments cordinate his attack even before Naruto gets in position, this way, Sasuke strikes are always 'critical hits', or 'natrual twenty'.

    Sasuke doesn't need to be stronger than Naruto if he is able to slide in those hits, just like how Machita (or whatever his name is) wasn't one bit stronger than Jimiy Hoppe, and he still won.

    A hole in the chest sounds like a critical hit to me. End of story.

  18. #78

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    great, first it was chambers, now it's this ?igma guy.

    Originally posted by: chet_chetty
    In the Haku fight, if Naruto was able to deflect ice spears (or kunai, cant remember) with chakra at a subconscious level, there's no reason why the same shouldnt happen when Sasuke is about to land a punch on him. If his Kyuubi powers were consistent (seems to be more of a storyline inconsistency), it shouldnt matter that Naruto didnt see the punch coming.

    And Sidnne is right, Sasuke's taijutsu shouldnt even phase Naruto let alone require Kyuubi to transform him so he can stay in the fight. The only thing different about Sasuke is the third comma. As mentioned earlier he didnt get physically stronger so how ridiculous is it that Naruto got rocked so hard?

    It seems like they're dumbing down Kyuubi Naruto for storyline's sake so Sasuke can go even w/ Naruto for most of the fight.
    i don't know why it's such a surprise for you guys. it's not ridiculous at all. sasuke has gotten way stronger and it's only right that he can smash naruto in the face like that. think about this, when you try punching someone and before you can even extend your arm you're knocked right in the face. do you think you're gonna be completely fine? absolutely, not you're just not expecting something to happen like that and you're caught off guard. no matter how strong someone is, if they are caught off guard, it's gonna hurt way more than if they got when they're expecting it.

    also, naruto can only deflect projectiles (whether they are needles or fire jutsus) when he expels chakra. he didn't do that when he got punched by sasuke.

    whoooooo .. easy on the guy stuff, we don't know eachother I presume, just ?igma is enough.. don't get so familiar here.

    But whatever you say, a naked DBZ comes down to this:

    power->defeat-> more power-> win

    Naked Naruto comes down to this:

    Humor->storyline->power->storyline->defeat->humor->storyline->power-> win

    so basically, not that much is different. I just think it can't be compared by what we have seen.
    If you compare the visuals, there is in no way any connection to DBz.
    If you compare the main focus, I think both are on equal lvl.

    The visuals we see, as when Naruto "powers up" are there to make it look better, not because there is just this DBZ rip-off.
    Naruto would be boring without some of those effects I suppose.

    Although it would be stupid to deny any connection with DBZ.
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  19. #79
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: randomguy
    I'm not talking about getting knocked down. I'm saying if Naruto can recover from an impaled lung, Sasuke's hits shouldn't hurt at all.
    you're trying to make a connection between healing and pain but you can't do that in this case. why shouldn't sasuke's hits hurt at all? naruto isn't invincible so if he is hit, it'll still hurt him. naruto is only 'fine' after he has healed up. the only way for naruto to be uneffected by sasuke's punches if naruto was invulnerable to all attacks. i think you're getting something confused here. the kyubi's healing powers do not make naruto not feel pain.

    ?igma, who said we were familiar? "this ?igma guy" represents a description of a person who i'm not familiar with, if anything. but hey, you're probably correct considering you're 'smarter' than i am cuz you think the chidori can act as a magnetic force and i wasn't able to understand that.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  20. #80

    inane 230 out

    I'm not talking about pain. I'm talking about the damage Naruto receives for the duration of the battle. Sure, he should feel "pain" upon taking the hit, but that shouldn't hurt him for the rest of the fight with his healing abilities.

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