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Thread: inane 230 out

  1. #21

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Naruto_-_Kun
    Hotsuma, if u dont like it u dont have to read it...if someone says they like it, it doesnt mean u must attack them. I respect ur opinions u should respect others.

    Anywho, why does everyone think its a bad thing that kyuubi is mixing chakra with naruto, did jiriaya talk about there powers mixing? and he didnt think it was a bad thing. Also if its so bad the powers mixing then howcome after the haku fight and the orochimaru fight and the gaara fight naruto wasnt trying to kill every1 like kyuubi would try to do? I reckon its all part of his growth and as he gets older he'll get more power from the kyuubi.
    I love it when people say "if you don't like it, don't watch it."

    Get one thing straight. I like Naruto. Probably more than any other fighting anime so far. With the possible exception of YYH. Now, just because I don't like a certain element of it, DOES NOT MEAN I hate the series.

    I said it once, and I'll say it again. Hidden power and instant leveling up is fucking gay. I don't like that aspect of fighting, because it's been done forever and then some, but that does not mean I hate the series.

    Now, for attacking people. Sorry, I tend to get a little overboard on that. I do think people are undermining Naruto's character and individual strength, when they see *only* Kyuubi in there.

  2. #22

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Originally posted by: kyubisrage
    Dont bitch at us Hotsuma for what has happend so far in the manga. Go complain to kishimoto. So Please stop bitching at every single aspect.
    I'm not bitching at you. Stop taking it personally. It's called a discussion. An opinion. Criticism. The internet is full of it. Deal with it.

    Well, Kyuubi won't die forever...I'd think that would be a good deal for chakra.

    That was kind of the point of Kyuubi aiding Naruto in summoning Gamabunta, if Naruto dies, the Kyuubi goes too. Sasuke is trying to kill Naruto to gain his silly super-sharigan (I know what its called, I just don't want to type it anymore), so Kyuubi needs to help Naruto win this fight to survive.
    It's not about Kyuubi surviving. I'm looking at it from a slightly different angle. A pessimistic, or "what if" view. It's about Kyuubi slowly beginning to influence Naruto's overall character. I guess, in a way, it's like giving yourself over to the devil. (Religious replies are not welcome)
    I don't mind criticism, but people like to discuss the chapter and not compare Naruto to DBZ.
    If it's bothering you get the fuck out there are plenty of other manga's out there.
    You should by now know what shounen manga is about, if it's not your taste go read Chobits or something else, don't complain about something you are getting for free.

  3. #23
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    RE: inane 230 out

    I never said anything about staying in the same power level. It's possible for Naruto to get stronger, but still use creativity and ingenuity to win a battle, instead of a "I've more chakra than you, so I'll win!" I think you underestimate Naruto's good points as a tricky ninja, and only look to him as just strong. That's boring. Don't think that getting strong must mean you have to use brute force to win.

    On the contrary, I'm not underestimating Naruto in any way. Like you, what draw me to this series was all the cool tricks and tactics the ninjas used to win fights, specifically Naruto. And I don't think that getting strong just means increasing you ability to dish out damage through brute force, but I do think that it's necessary to increase your actual power (dealing damage, illusions, whatever.)

    I do think the power acquisition is ridiculous. Powering up is all fine and dandy. But through a lame and boring way as just tapping into something you've had forever? Come now. If Naruto and Sasuke gained strength, via work and training, I wouldn't look down on the current events. Instead, we're seeing recycled material, where the power pops up out of nowhere.[/quote]

    These power ups didn't pop out of nowhere. Like you said, Naruto's always had that power. Isn't it time time he started using more of it's power? I mean, what he was using before was a pittance. Gaara had more access to his demon's power than Naruto did. Also, this might serve as a starting point in the near future for Naruto to learn techniques that he simply cannot do without the demon chakra, like bloodline abilities (not like the summon technique, where if he had enough chakra of his own, he could do it). All the coolness potential this fight is setting up is well worth the dbz type power gains, specially since this happens so rarely (if ever?) And Sasuke...I don't quite see your problem with his evolution. He's developing his Sharingan. How do you train that? In battle of course. It's only natural that the third dot would appear in a fight of this caliber. Also, he's not using the power of the cursed seal right now. The way I see it, Sasuke's evolving quite wonderfully.
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

    - Inquisitor Czevak

  4. #24

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Originally posted by: kyubisrage
    Dont bitch at us Hotsuma for what has happend so far in the manga. Go complain to kishimoto. So Please stop bitching at every single aspect.
    I'm not bitching at you. Stop taking it personally. It's called a discussion. An opinion. Criticism. The internet is full of it. Deal with it.

    Well, Kyuubi won't die forever...I'd think that would be a good deal for chakra.

    That was kind of the point of Kyuubi aiding Naruto in summoning Gamabunta, if Naruto dies, the Kyuubi goes too. Sasuke is trying to kill Naruto to gain his silly super-sharigan (I know what its called, I just don't want to type it anymore), so Kyuubi needs to help Naruto win this fight to survive.
    It's not about Kyuubi surviving. I'm looking at it from a slightly different angle. A pessimistic, or "what if" view. It's about Kyuubi slowly beginning to influence Naruto's overall character. I guess, in a way, it's like giving yourself over to the devil. (Religious replies are not welcome)
    I don't mind criticism, but people like to discuss the chapter and not compare Naruto to DBZ.
    If it's bothering you get the fuck out there are plenty of other manga's out there.
    You should by now know what shounen manga is about, if it's not your taste go read Chobits or something else, don't complain about something you are getting for free.
    How can you not mind criticism, but hate it when it's compared to something else? That's part of what criticism is, dumbass. Here, let me tone this down for you.

    My criticism is : Currently, this turn of events is predictable and lacking in any real creativity, which we've come to expect from Naruto. INSTEAD, it's turning into something that is not Naruto like. It's lame, but that won't stop me from reading it. I'm not bitching, simply saying I dislike it.

    There's my take on it, with a candycoated "But, I'll still read it" at the end. Now, shut the fuck up with the "like it, or shut up" attitude.

    Uchiha Barles :

    The way I see it is this. This fight would be far more interesting, without the addition of seals and beasts, and whatnot. Just a bad-ass fight to the finish utilizing what each of them have. Naruto uses what he has (high stamina, chakra, kagebunshin, henge [sexy no jutsu]) and Sasuke uses whatever he has to counter it. It would definitely dazzle the readers more, if you see tricks upon tricks, different jutsus on different jutsu, and so on. Not just a fight that gives a DBZ-like (oh, better watch out for the haters here) powering up of like..everything but your mind. Now, let's say they DID power up. I wouldn't mind them using said powers to further enhance what they were already doing (on a grander scale), but what I think we'll be seeing now is just a brawl without much thought.

    Again. Power ups is cool. It serves as even more action potential. But, just duking it out without any thought, and trying to overpower the other... Just not fun, and expected from Naruto.

  5. #25
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    RE: inane 230 out

    Alright, I'll agree with that, but the fight isn't over yet, so there's still hope, and I think they're both approaching a limit. But I'd be fine even this turned out to be a slug fest, because I'm expecting excellent things to surface from the improvements these two made in this fight. I would however, prefer some surprising uses of the new powers they've acquired, while the fight is still happening. For me, this fight has been pretty unpredictable, but only because I predicted it, and refused to believe that kishimoto would be so predictable. But it's turning out alright despite that, specially now that Sasuke isn't using the cursed seal.
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

    - Inquisitor Czevak

  6. #26

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Originally posted by: kyubisrage
    Dont bitch at us Hotsuma for what has happend so far in the manga. Go complain to kishimoto. So Please stop bitching at every single aspect.
    I'm not bitching at you. Stop taking it personally. It's called a discussion. An opinion. Criticism. The internet is full of it. Deal with it.

    Well, Kyuubi won't die forever...I'd think that would be a good deal for chakra.

    That was kind of the point of Kyuubi aiding Naruto in summoning Gamabunta, if Naruto dies, the Kyuubi goes too. Sasuke is trying to kill Naruto to gain his silly super-sharigan (I know what its called, I just don't want to type it anymore), so Kyuubi needs to help Naruto win this fight to survive.
    It's not about Kyuubi surviving. I'm looking at it from a slightly different angle. A pessimistic, or "what if" view. It's about Kyuubi slowly beginning to influence Naruto's overall character. I guess, in a way, it's like giving yourself over to the devil. (Religious replies are not welcome)
    I don't mind criticism, but people like to discuss the chapter and not compare Naruto to DBZ.
    If it's bothering you get the fuck out there are plenty of other manga's out there.
    You should by now know what shounen manga is about, if it's not your taste go read Chobits or something else, don't complain about something you are getting for free.
    How can you not mind criticism, but hate it when it's compared to something else? That's part of what criticism is, dumbass. Here, let me tone this down for you.

    My criticism is : Currently, this turn of events is predictable and lacking in any real creativity, which we've come to expect from Naruto. INSTEAD, it's turning into something that is not Naruto like. It's lame, but that won't stop me from reading it. I'm not bitching, simply saying I dislike it.

    There's my take on it, with a candycoated "But, I'll still read it" at the end. Now, shut the fuck up with the "like it, or shut up" attitude.

    Uchiha Barles :

    The way I see it is this. This fight would be far more interesting, without the addition of seals and beasts, and whatnot. Just a bad-ass fight to the finish utilizing what each of them have. Naruto uses what he has (high stamina, chakra, kagebunshin, henge [sexy no jutsu]) and Sasuke uses whatever he has to counter it. It would definitely dazzle the readers more, if you see tricks upon tricks, different jutsus on different jutsu, and so on. Not just a fight that gives a DBZ-like (oh, better watch out for the haters here) powering up of like..everything but your mind. Now, let's say they DID power up. I wouldn't mind them using said powers to further enhance what they were already doing (on a grander scale), but what I think we'll be seeing now is just a brawl without much thought.

    Again. Power ups is cool. It serves as even more action potential. But, just duking it out without any thought, and trying to overpower the other... Just not fun, and expected from Naruto.

    I don't think you understood so let me clear it up for you. This thread is about the current chapter not about comparing Naruto to DBZ. We are talking about chapter 30 not how Naruto is like DBZ. When you start saying shit like that on this thread, where a majority of the people are Naruto fans then you are begging to get flamed. What I would suggest is for you to make a thread called "Naruto is like DBZ" or something similar, then you can see how many people give a fuck about your opinion.

  7. #27

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Originally posted by: kyubisrage
    Dont bitch at us Hotsuma for what has happend so far in the manga. Go complain to kishimoto. So Please stop bitching at every single aspect.
    I'm not bitching at you. Stop taking it personally. It's called a discussion. An opinion. Criticism. The internet is full of it. Deal with it.

    Well, Kyuubi won't die forever...I'd think that would be a good deal for chakra.

    That was kind of the point of Kyuubi aiding Naruto in summoning Gamabunta, if Naruto dies, the Kyuubi goes too. Sasuke is trying to kill Naruto to gain his silly super-sharigan (I know what its called, I just don't want to type it anymore), so Kyuubi needs to help Naruto win this fight to survive.
    It's not about Kyuubi surviving. I'm looking at it from a slightly different angle. A pessimistic, or "what if" view. It's about Kyuubi slowly beginning to influence Naruto's overall character. I guess, in a way, it's like giving yourself over to the devil. (Religious replies are not welcome)
    I don't mind criticism, but people like to discuss the chapter and not compare Naruto to DBZ.
    If it's bothering you get the fuck out there are plenty of other manga's out there.
    You should by now know what shounen manga is about, if it's not your taste go read Chobits or something else, don't complain about something you are getting for free.
    How can you not mind criticism, but hate it when it's compared to something else? That's part of what criticism is, dumbass. Here, let me tone this down for you.

    My criticism is : Currently, this turn of events is predictable and lacking in any real creativity, which we've come to expect from Naruto. INSTEAD, it's turning into something that is not Naruto like. It's lame, but that won't stop me from reading it. I'm not bitching, simply saying I dislike it.

    There's my take on it, with a candycoated "But, I'll still read it" at the end. Now, shut the fuck up with the "like it, or shut up" attitude.

    Uchiha Barles :

    The way I see it is this. This fight would be far more interesting, without the addition of seals and beasts, and whatnot. Just a bad-ass fight to the finish utilizing what each of them have. Naruto uses what he has (high stamina, chakra, kagebunshin, henge [sexy no jutsu]) and Sasuke uses whatever he has to counter it. It would definitely dazzle the readers more, if you see tricks upon tricks, different jutsus on different jutsu, and so on. Not just a fight that gives a DBZ-like (oh, better watch out for the haters here) powering up of like..everything but your mind. Now, let's say they DID power up. I wouldn't mind them using said powers to further enhance what they were already doing (on a grander scale), but what I think we'll be seeing now is just a brawl without much thought.

    Again. Power ups is cool. It serves as even more action potential. But, just duking it out without any thought, and trying to overpower the other... Just not fun, and expected from Naruto.

    I don't think you understood so let me clear it up for you. This thread is about the current chapter not about comparing Naruto to DBZ. We are talking about chapter 30 not how Naruto is like DBZ. When you start saying shit like that on this thread, where a majority of the people are Naruto fans then you are begging to get flamed. What I would suggest is for you to make a thread called "Naruto is like DBZ" or something similar, then you can see how many people give a fuck about your opinion.
    First off, I've only been stating that this is like DBZ, and defending it. And that's only because people continue to dwell on it. The similarities are there. I'm acknowledging it. Nowhere in this thread, did I begin to prod on that obvious fact, attempting to make a discussion about it. Only dumb shits like you take it personally and start offering choices like "Don't like it, don't read it."

    Second, not every topic will follow exactly what the thread says, you fucktard. This is the internet.

    Third. I said it clearly, that I'm a Naruto fan too. Why the fuck would I even be d/ling the books, and anime if I wasn't? And no, just because I'm a fan, doesn't mean I will like every part of it, either.

    Having explained this, please just shut the fuck up and let the topic die already.

  8. #28

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Originally posted by: kyubisrage
    Dont bitch at us Hotsuma for what has happend so far in the manga. Go complain to kishimoto. So Please stop bitching at every single aspect.
    I'm not bitching at you. Stop taking it personally. It's called a discussion. An opinion. Criticism. The internet is full of it. Deal with it.

    Well, Kyuubi won't die forever...I'd think that would be a good deal for chakra.

    That was kind of the point of Kyuubi aiding Naruto in summoning Gamabunta, if Naruto dies, the Kyuubi goes too. Sasuke is trying to kill Naruto to gain his silly super-sharigan (I know what its called, I just don't want to type it anymore), so Kyuubi needs to help Naruto win this fight to survive.
    It's not about Kyuubi surviving. I'm looking at it from a slightly different angle. A pessimistic, or "what if" view. It's about Kyuubi slowly beginning to influence Naruto's overall character. I guess, in a way, it's like giving yourself over to the devil. (Religious replies are not welcome)
    I don't mind criticism, but people like to discuss the chapter and not compare Naruto to DBZ.
    If it's bothering you get the fuck out there are plenty of other manga's out there.
    You should by now know what shounen manga is about, if it's not your taste go read Chobits or something else, don't complain about something you are getting for free.
    How can you not mind criticism, but hate it when it's compared to something else? That's part of what criticism is, dumbass. Here, let me tone this down for you.

    My criticism is : Currently, this turn of events is predictable and lacking in any real creativity, which we've come to expect from Naruto. INSTEAD, it's turning into something that is not Naruto like. It's lame, but that won't stop me from reading it. I'm not bitching, simply saying I dislike it.

    There's my take on it, with a candycoated "But, I'll still read it" at the end. Now, shut the fuck up with the "like it, or shut up" attitude.

    Uchiha Barles :

    The way I see it is this. This fight would be far more interesting, without the addition of seals and beasts, and whatnot. Just a bad-ass fight to the finish utilizing what each of them have. Naruto uses what he has (high stamina, chakra, kagebunshin, henge [sexy no jutsu]) and Sasuke uses whatever he has to counter it. It would definitely dazzle the readers more, if you see tricks upon tricks, different jutsus on different jutsu, and so on. Not just a fight that gives a DBZ-like (oh, better watch out for the haters here) powering up of like..everything but your mind. Now, let's say they DID power up. I wouldn't mind them using said powers to further enhance what they were already doing (on a grander scale), but what I think we'll be seeing now is just a brawl without much thought.

    Again. Power ups is cool. It serves as even more action potential. But, just duking it out without any thought, and trying to overpower the other... Just not fun, and expected from Naruto.

    I don't think you understood so let me clear it up for you. This thread is about the current chapter not about comparing Naruto to DBZ. We are talking about chapter 30 not how Naruto is like DBZ. When you start saying shit like that on this thread, where a majority of the people are Naruto fans then you are begging to get flamed. What I would suggest is for you to make a thread called "Naruto is like DBZ" or something similar, then you can see how many people give a fuck about your opinion.
    First off, I've only been stating that this is like DBZ, and defending it. And that's only because people continue to dwell on it. The similarities are there. I'm acknowledging it. Nowhere in this thread, did I begin to prod on that obvious fact, attempting to make a discussion about it. Only dumb shits like you take it personally and start offering choices like "Don't like it, don't read it."

    Second, not every topic will follow exactly what the thread says, you fucktard. This is the internet.

    Third. I said it clearly, that I'm a Naruto fan too. Why the fuck would I even be d/ling the books, and anime if I wasn't? Just because I'm a fan, doesn't mean I will like every part of it, either.
    Fucktard its called taking a thread off-topic, it happens does that make good? No!
    If you want I can make a thread for you where you can compare Naruto to DBZ.

    Speaking of you downloading the manga/anime, it seems that you have'nt spend a penny on it yet you like to bitch about it, typical "spoiled kid" mentality. That is we say if you don't like it get the fuck out! no one will miss you! If you spent money on it, then maybe I would say you have a point, but your getting it for FREE!!!!!!!

    Getting tired of educating these cuntrags. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]

  9. #29

    inane 230 out

    oh my god.

    please, take your conversation to somewhere else besides the boards, yeesh.

    p.s. nice fight scenes in the chapter. really smart with the description of how sharingan works and how sasuke was fighting against the future spots that naruto would be in. oo.

  10. #30

    inane 230 out

    The way I see it, is you're the only dumbass here that's even dwelling on this.

    AGAIN. Just because I'm a fan, doesn't mean I'll enjoy everything that's happening. People hate Sakura, and yet they still read the books. This is no different. And, also, they're still here! What part of Not everything will be liked, do you not understand?

    And man. I totally understand where you're coming from. I hate having to dumb down obvious liberties such as opinions and criticisms. Take a hint, douchebag.

  11. #31

    inane 230 out

    sorry man.
    I am done here, I don't need anything else to add so if you excuse me.

    check your private messages.

  12. #32

    inane 230 out

    Yeah, me too.

    Anyways, back on topic. I predict Sasuke will win this fight. Not because he was the better fighter or anything (he isn't), but just because we need some closure on this Orochimaru deal. And Kishimoto will definitely have to deliver it. If not, he'll be like a thorn on the side for the rest of the series.

    And the level 2 thing as well. Next chapter will be Naruto owning Sasuke. Then Sasuke comes back w/level 2 madness. At that point, I think Naruto will be held back by Kakashi, while Sasuke finishes his deal with Oro. BUT, since they'll be doing more than just fighting (Naruto is a good friend like that), Sasuke *might* turn on Oro himself.

  13. #33
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    LA, Cali

    inane 230 out

    the best part about this is... I'M NOT PART OF THE FLAMING!

    woot. where is that hiten mitsurugi guy? i miss shutting down his stupidity.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  14. #34

    inane 230 out

    What happened to Phoenix? He was actually pretty cool, simply because he saw the series past Naruto the character, but more as a whole story. I.e. "OMG. Kyuubi Naruto will never lose,even if it's getting boring!"

  15. #35

    inane 230 out

    lol nice chapter.

    HAHA the demon fox thinks teh fourth was weak.

    - what you get when you mix a warewolf an a ninja ......


  16. #36

    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    the best part about this is... I'M NOT PART OF THE FLAMING!
    A rare occasion for gotwoot.

  17. #37
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    inane 230 out

    I actually really liked this chapter, this is the fight i was waiting for...
    Sasuke's sharingan kicked ass, and soon Naruto will kick unpridectable ass (sasuke couldn't see Naruto standing back up, cuz naruto's movements are now affected by Kyubi's mind)... no chidori or rasengan are being thrown aroud, and no obscure smoke comes out and wastes two pages...

    and sorry for reviving this argument, but hotsuma, you say your favorite fighting anime is YYH, doesn't it a bit contradicitng to the fact you hate pointless power ups? there wasn't a 'smart' battle in this anime for years... about everything in YYH is 'look at his big reiki!' or 'your amount of reiki isn't enough to beat me!'...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  18. #38

    inane 230 out

    Well this chapter shows that Kyuubi knew the Fourth. So it could support the mother theory...


    I really hope that's not would be so creepy.

  19. #39

    inane 230 out

    stop bitching and discuss the chapter. Now it's just out of topic!

  20. #40

    inane 230 out

    what mother theory?

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