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Thread: inane 230 out

  1. #221
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    yea i hope thats what kishimoto has thought up for him. and naruto hiding with jiraiya getting training and sakura trains under tsunade(hopefully) so all of them become better and more like the sannin. that would be kickass. only if that happens a time jump can be done.

  2. #222
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: inane 230 out

    the only thing I like to happen with that plan though, is that Sasuke doesnt turn out like Oro so much as the other will turn out like their teachers

    R.I.P Captain America.

  3. #223
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    i think sasuke will become more and more like itachi instead of oro. but the other 2 already got qualities that are very similar to their teachers.

  4. #224

    RE: inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    Originally posted by: GotwootNewbie
    Originally posted by: Hotsuma

    People who want Sasuke to become evil.. Dream on. It's not going to happen. So far, everybody in Naruto who's fought against him has ultimately changed their ways. I think it's lame that they do, because a kid yaps his mouth, but oh well.

    No its not lame. In naruto the charaters are acually HUMAN with real emotions. I mean look at Zabuza(sp?). He was evil he killed for fun he called himself a demon. But near the end he died crying because his friend haku died. Protecting him and everyone else. I think this style of story telling is more real then some of the other idiot badies out there. Who have no real purpose other then to kill and cause chaos.
    yes it is quite lame. and boring in the long run.

    @ hotsuma. maybe we are dreaming but if he doesnt this series will suck really bad. sasuke cut all ties to konoha when he left if he comes back now and everybody forgives him i will seriosuly kill kishimoto.
    Thank you. I'm glad somebody gets the picture.

    Badass guy : "I must kill everything! The world sucks!" (or anything anti-hero)
    Naruto : "No! You can't kill! It's just not right! Change your ways!"
    Badass guy who is no longer badass : *cries* I'm sorry, I was wrong.
    Naruto : "Let's go eat some ramen."

    Villains are meant to stay villains. Neji was MUCH cooler as a "villain." Gaara was more character as a bad guy. (but when he came back, he was still fairly cool, because of how dramatic it was) Zabuza was an AWESOME bad guy who had all the right parts to being a good villain. Until Naruto came in and pussified him.

    Maybe I'm just a cynical person. who knows.

    if i remeber correctly neji was a whiny bitch back then and didnt do anything cooler then whats hes doen recently. neji back then was a calm collected person until someone mentioned the main family...then he was just an asshole. im glad that he changed, cause hes still calm and cool. he just isnt an ass anymore. needless to say, i prefer this neji.

    on topic: i hope next chapter either seals the deal with this fight or ends with a real cliff hanger (you know one thats not like "oh my god! he powered up! see you next issue!")

  5. #225
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    I'd like to see the next chapter have an ending that's not "power-up" related. But if they're gonna whip out the level 2 with Sasuke I think they're gonna wind up doing just that... another "ooh aah" chapter.

    I wouldn't mind seeing Lev 2 Sasuke smack Kyuubi down (though I doubt that'll be the case). If there was something left of Naruto after the beatdown perhaps he could switch back to the sneaky shit that he's known for... that'd be more entertaining than 2 super-powered adolescents bumping heads over and over again.

  6. #226
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    We'll if there is anyhting left of Naruto's mind left in that body. He's so powered up right now he's lost him self in the power and has gone into auto fight mode or somthing along those lines. Sasuke IS going tpo have to beat him down till he can't get back up again. I feel sorry for who ever interupts this fight first.

  7. #227
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    oh man, if there's another clifffhanger...i don't know what i'll do.

    oooh~ if kakashi's the one who interferes he getta see naruto in his kyubi form. cuz he hasn't really yet. he just felt the kyubi presence during the zabuza battle and he didn't get to see naruto use the kyubi chakra during the chuunin exam.

    I tried my best...

  8. #228

    RE: inane 230 out

    Then Kakashi would say to Naruto. "Snap the fuck out of it!" And Naruto pops back into reality.

  9. #229

    inane 230 out

    i thought DBZ was a cool series. Not a Great series (which would actually include logic, a good storyline, good character development, and a monster soundtrack), but nonetheless a very entertaining series to watch. If you weren't in awe from Goku turning SSJ ON Freeza and its all like "AAHHHH!!!!", then yeah, watever. I just thought it was COOL to finally have that sunbitch freeza on his ASS screaming for his life.
    Ah i think the real reason i hate DBZ is because how the english dubbers literally ruined it for me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] stupid dubbers!
    "You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow

  10. #230

    inane 230 out

    ~Greed~ posted this(sorry dont know how to do the quote thing)
    "Remember the fight: Sasuke/Naruto vs. Garaa? Remember how Garaa would keep tranfoming part by part, until he become the giant Shuusaku (or whatever the name was) creature? Naruto is just beginning to transform. The double-edge sword is probably: once Naruto reaches the final-form, like transforming into a giant Kyubi creature, he will probably will go berserk and lose his mind."

    I was thinking the same thing about kyubi, I seem to remember a time where kyubi said that even if naurto died he would not. But, if kyubi were always around thru out history the whole world would be destoried I figure kyubi needs to devour a human soul to take form. He is slowly doing that to naurto it seems. Also people say that naruto's kyubi form got weaker cause he was not able to deflect attacks with chakura alone. Well i think this has to do with out kyubi's chakura was being used in the first battle Naruto was more or less taken over by anger then it released. Kakashi was worried cause the seal may of broke. But, it didnt yet naurto didnt call for it either. Remember how ero-sanin tought naurto how to control kyubi? In every instance since then naruto has talked to the fox before he came out. But, this last time he didnt and it took more form of kyubi, and part of the seal seemed of of break aswell.

    One last thing has to do with the differance in how kyubi was sealed and how the 3rd sealed the 1st, 2nd, and oro's arms. Kyubi is a huge deamon fox with great power that was easily stronger then any of these 3 people. I would bet that the way the seal worked on the others would not be posible because of this, that he has to seal it into somthing not just into the belly of death.

  11. #231
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    inane 230 out

    Originally posted by: Fobik-X
    ~Greed~ posted this(sorry dont know how to do the quote thing)
    "Remember the fight: Sasuke/Naruto vs. Garaa? Remember how Garaa would keep tranfoming part by part, until he become the giant Shuusaku (or whatever the name was) creature? Naruto is just beginning to transform. The double-edge sword is probably: once Naruto reaches the final-form, like transforming into a giant Kyubi creature, he will probably will go berserk and lose his mind."

    I was thinking the same thing about kyubi, I seem to remember a time where kyubi said that even if naurto died he would not. But, if kyubi were always around thru out history the whole world would be destoried I figure kyubi needs to devour a human soul to take form. He is slowly doing that to naurto it seems. Also people say that naruto's kyubi form got weaker cause he was not able to deflect attacks with chakura alone. Well i think this has to do with out kyubi's chakura was being used in the first battle Naruto was more or less taken over by anger then it released. Kakashi was worried cause the seal may of broke. But, it didnt yet naurto didnt call for it either. Remember how ero-sanin tought naurto how to control kyubi? In every instance since then naruto has talked to the fox before he came out. But, this last time he didnt and it took more form of kyubi, and part of the seal seemed of of break aswell.

    One last thing has to do with the differance in how kyubi was sealed and how the 3rd sealed the 1st, 2nd, and oro's arms. Kyubi is a huge deamon fox with great power that was easily stronger then any of these 3 people. I would bet that the way the seal worked on the others would not be posible because of this, that he has to seal it into somthing not just into the belly of death.

    I'm pretty sure Kyuubi will die if Naruto does. That was the entire motivation for Kyuubi to help Naruto get the necessary chakra to summon Gamabunta the first time. Chapter 95, page 16 "If you die, I die too eh? To threaten me like this...what guts" Also in 229 Naruto blasted back Sasuke's Katon with pure chakra, if anything has been indicated by these last chapters, Kyuubi's aid has only gotten better, or Naruto has gotten better at pulling chakra out of him. Naruto hasn't talked to Kyuubi everytime he's used the red chakra, and in fact, the transform time (this time) he did.

  12. #232

    inane 230 out

    But who'll win ? Naruto or the Sasuke ? (Is Kyuubi an option ?)

  13. #233
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: inane 230 out

    yea kyuubi will die if naruto dies. thats why he is helping naruto.

  14. #234

    RE: inane 230 out

    Ah i think the real reason i hate DBZ is because how the english dubbers literally ruined it for me stupid dubbers!
    then watch it in japanese...

    But, if kyubi were always around thru out history the whole world would be destoried I figure kyubi needs to devour a human soul to take form.
    kyubi has been alive for a long time...but he is most probably like a summoned gamabunta, manda, etc...he is in another place...and needs to be summoned to this world to do any damage..which is what might have happened. but this is still needed to be explained.

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