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Thread: Become a Millionare

  1. #1

    Become a Millionare

    The naruto online community seems to greatly fear the prospect of naruto being brought over to America. Everyone is afraid of what could be done to the series if it's picked up by someone like 4kids or Funmation. They are afraid of horrible dubbing and translations that await.

    When naruto does arrive in the states and it will it's only a matter of time I believe it will be extremely successful. I may even be more successful then Dragonball Z, Pokemon, and Yu-gi-oh combined. So what I propose is simply. I say instead sitting here waiting for it come to the states and become an international phenomenon we should be the ones to bring it to the states. Can't you imagine it sitting back enjoying the profits as naruto gains more and more steam until it reaches an incredible holiday climax with children and parents all scrambling to their hands on naruto action figures and naruto plush. We will all be millionaires twice over.

    So what I propose is that we use our combined resources and connections to bring naruto over to the states. Who knows maybe we can ensure that the voice acting doesnt suck and that certain techniques are translated properly while becoming millionaires. So sound off give your opinions, connections, and potential resources so maybe we can turn this dream into a reality.

  2. #2

    Become a Millionare

    eh someone here in texas won the lotto sololy he/she/it became an instant millionair like 64 million bucks or sumfin

  3. #3

    Become a Millionare

    well, either everyone can boycott the horribly translated and dubbed anime (which won't happen). on the subject, anyone knows the history of either company? also, how many of you are studying business adminstration related subject? just out of my curiosity.

  4. #4
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Become a Millionare

    rofl this could never happen, if they are going to license it for the states they will make sure its a company that has experience and knows that theyre doing. the idea of a bunch of 24 and under year olds trying to license naruto is fantasy.

  5. #5

    Become a Millionare

    Well it's not going to happen with that kind of attitude.

  6. #6
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Become a Millionare

    It is possible, but it won't be cheap however. To start the company is relatively cheap, but to get the licensing from Japan itself, would be I think around a 1-2 mil. Especially getting the channel to sponsor us and the Advertising.

    We'll be spending loads before making any. However If Naruto does catches on, we could make money. Though not very much, unless we get bought over by some bigger corp like ADV. And screw things over again.

    In fact, they are showing Naruto here in Malaysia already. Except it's in Dubbed in MALAY!! OMG!!! IT SUCKS BALLS!!!! Really really really really bad! So much so, Everytime I see the advertistment of it, I feel like throwing my chair into the tv.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  7. #7

    Become a Millionare

    SK definitely has a point about company not wanting to deal with inexperience and young business people. it is even down right close to impossible to beat people who have already established their reputation in the industry. but the people who brought japanese animes overseas to other continents started somewhere. it's true that even with a well planned business proposal and careful planned operations can still lead to failures, but that doesn't mean that there's absolutely no chance for any newcomers to rise.

    anyhow, i wonder how much japanese companies actually cares about the quality of their dubbed animes overseas. i grew up in asia thinking that perhaps only chinese dubbed animes are horrible, but then the english dubbed that i've come across are pretty bad as well. of the dubbed animes that people have seen, do they recycle the voice actor/actress?

  8. #8

    Become a Millionare

    "Hi. We're people who love to watch the illegal subtitled version of your anime/manga. Would you like to release it to the rest of the world through us, instead of someone with quality dubbing artists/voice actors/budget?"

  9. #9

    RE: Become a Millionare

    but if kishimoto is a person who likes quality over money... ofcorse he would choose fan-subbers... Fansub translation is always better than company subs... and will stick to the original script instead of putting some bs like art of centerfold, art of shadow doppoganger... evil eyes, and crap like that

  10. #10

    RE: Become a Millionare

    Funimation is not as bad as they use to be.
    While I suppose Naruto could appeal to 4kids(considering that the cast are 13 year olds) I think there is too much, "realisitic" fighting in it(aka stabbings, knives, swords, punching, etc). But I guess it is still a possibility.
    But I think ever since they acquired One Piece, that should have their resources tied up for a while, so they shouldn't think of doing another long series like Naruto.

    Eh, as long as there are uncut DVDs I'll be fine.

  11. #11

    Become a Millionare

    Originally posted by: Lucian5000
    "Hi. We're people who love to watch the illegal subtitled version of your anime/manga. Would you like to release it to the rest of the world through us, instead of someone with quality dubbing artists/voice actors/budget?"
    kid's got a point....we should stop talking about legit business... i am sure illegal subs will give the animators more incentive to spend more time to create more animes.

    i won't be surprised if naruto ends up in adult swim.... doubt the government would allow it to show during the early afternoon. bet some parents would be complaining too.

  12. #12

    Become a Millionare

    Naruto could probably appear on adult swim unedited but I see naruto appealing to a much wider audience. For the most part naruto isn't that violent. Everything that was shown in during the war story arc could defintly pass on daytime or prime time television. All you have to do is edit out the blood in a few scenes and presto it's ready for the American market.

    Most parents are to lazy to actually spend time and watch childen's programming with their kids so any of the darker stuff that's applied would fly right over their heads. Like for an example Orchimaru's experimentations.

    As for your previous comments about all of us being increadibly inexperienced and underqualified may I remind you of that inexperienced guy steve jobs who worked in his basement on that little thing called the apple computer.

    Or that other really inexperieced guy who dropped out of college but was lucky enought to steal someone else's idea and now has enough money to buy a small country and have most of us knocked off if he felt like it.

  13. #13

    Become a Millionare

    Naruto could probably appear on adult swim unedited but I see naruto appealing to a much wider audience. For the most part naruto isn't that violent. Everything that was shown in during the war story arc could defintly pass on daytime or prime time television. All you have to do is edit out the blood in a few scenes and presto it's ready for the American market.

    Most parents are to lazy to actually spend time and watch childen's programming with their kids so any of the darker stuff that's applied would fly right over their heads. Like for an example Orchimaru's experimentations.

    As for your previous comments about all of us being increadibly inexperienced and underqualified may I remind you of that inexperienced guy steve jobs who worked in his basement on that little thing called the apple computer.

    Or that other really inexperieced guy who dropped out of college but was lucky enought to steal someone else's idea and now has enough money to buy a small country and have most of us knocked off if he felt like it.

  14. #14
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Become a Millionare

    First if they put it in adult swim it will still be edited(dont know why) cause Cowboy Bebop was edited some bloddy parts when it appeared in adult swim and it just wouldn't be the same if they edit Naruto and give it dubbed voices when your used to the japanese version

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  15. #15

    Become a Millionare

    As much as I'd love to get a piece of this, i don't think any of us have that much money. Combined we would need a couple mil most likely.

  16. #16

    Become a Millionare

    i say forget about the future cos itll suck wen its been dubbed, enjoy the now

  17. #17
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Become a Millionare

    i want to kill you.

  18. #18

    RE: Become a Millionare

    PPL like watching spongebob squarepants better.

  19. #19

    RE: Become a Millionare

    Listen to you cynical people. If you provide the public with good stories they will come. Naruto has some fantastic story telling and I probably wouldn't be watching it still if there were not something greater to latch on to. Proff enough of naruto's captivating quality is how i've gotten my little brother, my best friend, roomate, and even my dad addicted to naruto.

    heck even in Yu-gi-oh if you search beneath all of the subliminal advertising in Yu-gi-oh there is a story and that's the reason why it's still on the air and hasn't disappeared completly. People like good stories and if you give them something good to latch onto the rest will take care of itself.

    On a completly unrelated note I remember a long time ago some on this forum said that there was a cross over in either the yu-gi-oh comic or anime where Ino, Shikimaru, and Chouji made a guess appearace? I've tried searching around but I couldn't find anything could someone plz give me a link this is something I have to see.

  20. #20
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Become a Millionare

    Sure thing, here, have 1 buck. It's all I could spare this week. But hey, if I keep contributing 1 buck every week we might be able to at least bring an Akamaru wallprint over to the states til' Christmas...

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