The naruto online community seems to greatly fear the prospect of naruto being brought over to America. Everyone is afraid of what could be done to the series if it's picked up by someone like 4kids or Funmation. They are afraid of horrible dubbing and translations that await.

When naruto does arrive in the states and it will it's only a matter of time I believe it will be extremely successful. I may even be more successful then Dragonball Z, Pokemon, and Yu-gi-oh combined. So what I propose is simply. I say instead sitting here waiting for it come to the states and become an international phenomenon we should be the ones to bring it to the states. Can't you imagine it sitting back enjoying the profits as naruto gains more and more steam until it reaches an incredible holiday climax with children and parents all scrambling to their hands on naruto action figures and naruto plush. We will all be millionaires twice over.

So what I propose is that we use our combined resources and connections to bring naruto over to the states. Who knows maybe we can ensure that the voice acting doesnt suck and that certain techniques are translated properly while becoming millionaires. So sound off give your opinions, connections, and potential resources so maybe we can turn this dream into a reality.