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Thread: Naruto 81-90 Error

  1. #1

    Naruto 81-90 Error

    I left Bittorrent downloading [ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_81_90 overnight, when I checked it in the morning it was suck on 99.9% and keeps giving the same Error "peice 1358 failed hash check, re-downloading it". I've seen the error many times, but typicaly it re-downloads once and continues along fine. This time it is different, it fails over and over nomater how many times it tries, it's a 1737.83MB file and when I checked to see how much had been downloaded overall, it says it's downloaded 3400MB which I can only assume is from re-downloading peice 1358. Does anyone have sugestions? Should I delete the file and start over?

  2. #2
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Naruto 81-90 Error

    Off your download for now and re-click on the torrent. Then let your BT check for the existing data, then when it resumes, it should finish instantly (since your at 99.9%). If you do that but the your error occurs again, leave the download on for awhile. Then if it doesn't finish, you can restart the entire download if you want. The thing is that even though it stops at 99.9%, your download is "technically" done, it just doesnt say File Complete!. So its up to you, you can restart the entire thing or consider your download done.
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

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