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Thread: naruto torrent 11-20

  1. #1

    naruto torrent 11-20

    hey guys i had a continuous dl of naruto 11-20 file and i had to cancel it and now i just resumed it but however it says that there is a tracker problem.. also on of these threads a person gave another site that has the exact files i think.. bc i clikced on it and the program (bittorrent) checked the existing files and continued dling from there ..however the gotwoot naruto series aren't working... know when it'll be up again?.. or when it'll be seeded again?/ thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    RE: naruto torrent 11-20

    no idea might not even be reseeded...
    try the downloads section..and you should posted this there
    and you will prob have to get it from somewhere else..

  3. #3

    RE: naruto torrent 11-20

    try irc or you could find them on some p2p programs

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