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Thread: PSP

  1. #61


    I'm really looking forward to seeing this new portable conflict play out. It should prove interesting. The PSP is sexier, sleeker, and more powerful, but the DS comes from Nintendo and they have dominated the handheld market since 1989. This won't be the first time Nintendo has faced a more powerful adversary. Anyone remember the game gear? It was far more powerful then the gameboy, but it was also very large and had a limited battery life. From what I hear playing a graphically intense game like ridge racer will drain the battery in 90 minutes while the DS lasts at least 10 hours. Sony is also infamous for their manufacturing errors. Already I've heard rumors about anaolog sticks falling off and the PSP shooting out game disks like ninja stars. Nintendo always produces a solid product.

    Ultimately it will come down to the software. Both systems desperatly need a killer app to drive sales. Unfortunatly as it is now none of the games for either system are that noteworthy (Metal Gear Acid does not count as a killer app it's simply a bastardized metal gear game). The DS has more potential for innovation but sadly i see no games utilizing the DS in very unique ways. But can you imagine, a strategy game where you control the air units on one screen and the ground units on the other? Or how about a stealth game where you have to manuever your character on one screen and use the other for picking locks and diffusing bombs. The wireless multiplayer is another thing that could potentially be exploited. Nintendo needs to only produce one title and the console and handheld wars would be over. That title would be a Pokemon MMORPG. Can you imagine how addictive that would be? It would be more devestating on our nations children then polio. Kids would be glued for hours battling and trading pokemon with other real people. Something like that would level the playing field.

    As usual nintendo is taking the stupid approach to DS games and most of the software so far looks medioce at best (with the exception of the Metroid game). To early to tell. I'm going to wait and see how the handheld conflict progresses before I settle on one system or another.

  2. #62

    RE: PSP

    You know I hope Nintendo doesn't go bust, traditionally it has produced some awesome, awesome games although they have been very few in number. Sony have produced some awesome games (not word used once here) and there have been more of them. Last time Sony and Nintendo had a battle it was over the PSX and N64... I spent most of that time on the N64 and only came over to PSX as well just a little before the PS2 came out...

  3. #63

    RE: PSP

    Nintendo will not go bust. The principal difference in Nintendo and Sony is development. Sony develops very little things, they're more into the business side of electronics. They find a neat, marketable technology and they buy it; afterwhich they mass produce it and reap the good and bad without doing extensive in-house development. Case in point: development of games for PS2 vs Xbox/GCN. Every developer has serious complaints about the PS2 in regards to scripting them for the system, whereas the same game with the same, if not better, graphics translates much easier to other consoles. This is because both Microsoft and Nintendo did the research to release their system with easy enough scripting to fully take advantage of the system itself. Did you know that the first Playstation was developed by Nintendo? They had the system ready to bring out here in America, and canned the whole project upon completion (as an add-on to the SNES) after the failure that was Sega-CD and the Turbo Grafx expansion that was CD based. Having seen both, Nintendo sold their system off and Sony snapped at it. All that they did was make the system work without the purchase of a SNES. Don't believe me? Put a first generation Playstation controller on top of a SNES controller. Everything is the same, only a little smaller, it has handles and 2 additional shoulder buttons.

    The reason Nintendo avoided a DVD-based system is the same reason as Microsoft made the DVD expansion for Xbox a seperate upgrade: Every DVD player, as well as every DVD, sold worldwide = royalties to Sony. Which means when you buy a DVD kit for your Xbox, Sony makes money on it. Sony could make as much money on gaming and peripherals (sp?) as they do on DVDs, since the PS2 was the first DVD player many people owned. And it's Sony's lack of creative vision that will really hold back the PSP for me, personally. I like the Japanese fighting games (which will unfortunately not make it overseas translated), but not enough to recommend the purchasing of a system. It's funny that the same people accusing Nintendo of recycling games for the DS aren't checking the Sony mirror (Gran Turismo or Metal Gear Solid, anyone?) for the hot stuff that has already been released on other systems. This is also not to say that it won't have bad ass exclusive stuff for it, I simply won't side with Sony on a second try at a portable gaming system, when Nintendo has 20+ years experience at it.

  4. #64

    RE: PSP

    I think it is worth it.

  5. #65
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    RE: PSP

    all of the psp features are pretty cool but with all that and a battery life thats low. not a good mix

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  6. #66

    RE: PSP

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    200 dollar is nothing nowadays thanks to the dollar bieng so week.

    PSP is a most but in mars two of my favorit games is coming then,MGS3 and DMC3.
    the only thing "week" around here is your concept of the english language
    Now what was that for?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]

  7. #67


    i hate to say it cos i like nintendo now as they are the last of the oldschool gaming componys left producing consoles, that isnt a big buisness that makes other stuff like computers and os's (microsoft) and tvs and stuff (sony). I was once a big sega fan, the quality of games they made i thought were supurb, but they made some very fatal errors, namely the sega saturn, and marketing. The game gear (which i owned) was very nice and i think was as powerful as a sega mastersystem or NES (correct me if im wrong) however because of battery life and MARKETING and some other reasons obviously they were slaughtered when it came to popularity.

    In short sega made amazingly fun games which makes it a shame that their last 2 consoles failed, for me its about loyalties which is the prime reason i want nintendo to succeed and i really really want sony to drop out of consoles, just some bad memeries with the original playstation ::shudders:: , i feel in consoles there is really only enough room for 2 competitors while there are 3 out at the moment. but in handheld there is only room for one, think of all the handhelds that have been made, off the top of my head are the various gameboys, the gamegear and that lynx thing which was simialar to a game gear. even though the gameboy was far worse technologically speaking, it killed all of its competitors.

    there is only room for one

  8. #68


    Sony's strength has never laid within their software. Sony has little to no first party development companies. Sony's stregth has always laid within their third party support. Nintendo brought about it's own damnnation with the 64. They used cartridges instead of CDs which pissed off alot of publishers and developers because of the increased manufacturing cost and royalties. Nintendo lost a tremendous amount of it's support with the greatest loss being that of square. With so many developers working on the same system, little by little the playstation began to accumulate more and more classic titles. I honestly believe Nintendo would have been finished off with the 64 if it weren't for the fact that they produced some of the greatest games of all time. Unfortunatly everything else that wasn't produced by nintendo sucked horribly.

    If Nintendo can woe away the third party developers from sony then they will fall. Sony has had no successful titles that have been produced from their first party development studios. Should they lose the strong support they will fall. Same holds true for microsoft. As sad as it is the MasterChief has taken the burden of holding up all of Microsoft's console empire. None of the other first party titles have been resounding succescces. Anyone looking forward to the next installments of Crimson Skyes, Blinx, or Brute Force? I didn't think so.

    It all comes down to the games and if the PSP dosen't sell or the DS has just one breakout title then the PSP will fall. Nintendo has been very smart with the DS so far. Like including the pictochat and the metroid prime hunters demo with each system. I'm really hoping that they don't do anything to stupid like the whole idea of connectivity.


    On a side note has anyone here ever played the game boy color metal gear game?

    If not go and pick it up right now, it's the best handheld game of all time in my honest opinion. If you haven't played it go and find it now. You won't be disappointed.

  9. #69


    are u kidding, what about mario tennis also on gameboy colour, man that game rocks [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  10. #70

    RE: PSP

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    200 dollar is nothing nowadays thanks to the dollar bieng so week.

    PSP is a most but in mars two of my favorit games is coming then,MGS3 and DMC3.
    the only thing "week" around here is your concept of the english language

    And what is it to you,let my english be bad.....

  11. #71
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Jul 2003


    Originally posted by: basey_69
    are u kidding, what about mario tennis also on gameboy colour, man that game rocks [img][/img]
    wasnt there one for gba too? maybe im thinking of mario golf

    but in any case, mario tennis for gcn pwns [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #72


    My friend has it, cost him about $700 CAD, which is roughly $400ish US. It's graphics are better than the original Playstation, and it's handheld. If I had that much money to spend I'd rather upgrade my computer though. I'd rather buy some new clothes or something, as I don't play much handheld games, Computer/Console all the way!

    Edit: I think Sony > Nintendo > Microsoft's XBox. XBox is by far the worst of the three, it's selection of games is only sports/HALO1/2. All of these can be found on either computer or other consoles with the exception of Halo 2, which isn't out for PC yet. Nintendo on the other hand holds some of the best classic titles like Zelda, Ocarina of Time was one of my favourite games of all time. Playstation has Square, with my absolute favourite series EVER! Final Fantasy, in my opinion one of the best series out there, I'd have to admit FFX-2 was really dissapointing though. FFX-2 SUCKED period. If you want a XBox, go get a computer like you should. PS2 has the best selection of games, and Nintendo GC has Zelda/Mario games. Japanese games(console) > American games(console), since most american games can be found on computer anyways.

  13. #73


    Just to let you guys know... DS can also play videos and mp3s
    when Nintendo officially realease their media adapter for GBA SP and DS

    PSP's movie/mp3 playing ability just got killed

  14. #74


    If nintendo can successfully wrestle away square and the rest of the japanese developers then they can regain a foothold on the industry. It's kind of funny but all of the Japanese games that have been developed for the Xbox exclusively have either failed miserably or did not sell as well as anticipated. I can't wait to see microsoft try and rely on it's first party developers. I just know your all dieing for sequels to Kung-Fu chaos, Azurik, Brute Force, Crimson Skies, Mech Assualt. If Microsoft didn't have Halo the Xbox would have flopped long ago. I think it's pretty funny that one single game has created the foundation for an entire gaming empire. Microsoft should just bite the bullet and make the Master Chief the Xbox's official mascot.

    He's big he's green what more could you ask for?


    Did anyone out there play metroid prime 2. The poor game was buried in the hype for halo 2. It's so sad the game deserved to sell much better then it did. Damn you nintendo, damn you and your infierior marketing!!

  15. #75
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: PSP

    yes, and metroid prime 2 rocks

    however, since i played metroid prime like, 5 times, this second one didnt have as unique of a feel as i had hoped.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #76

    RE: PSP

    Heh i understand your feeling perfectly. Still a great game though.

  17. #77
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    RE: PSP

    March 24th, 250 price tag. This thread became a FF Spirits within spit fest.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  18. #78

    RE: PSP

    i heard the battery for the psp will last about 6 hours of straight plays.

  19. #79

    RE: PSP

    I heard that it only lasts 90 minutes for more complex games like Rigid Racer

  20. #80


    Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
    I heard that it only lasts 90 minutes for more complex games like Rigid Racer
    It's true that some games required a lot of battery, but i don't think is would be 90 minute, but possibly 3 hours.

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