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Thread: PSP

  1. #21

    RE: PSP

    Originally posted by: oceen246
    N64 was supposed to have better graphics than the PS, but as everybody can see, nintendo couldn't take advantages of it
    From what I read/heard etc, N64 was too difficult to develop games for the third party games makers because it was too advanced for the market at the time. It apparently took much more time, labour and money for many developers to put a game on the N64, especially if it was a multiplatform game (while it was apparently much easier with the Saturn and the PS1). Hence why most of the only decent games on N64 were made by Nintendo (or Rare etc)..

    I think it'd suck if (as a lot of people have been saying it will for a while) Nintendo died out, as someone else pointed Nintendo come up with some of the best new features which other companies such as Sony then take advantage of (thumbsticks, vibrating pads etc). I like Nintendo but while they have some consistently good games (mostly made by Nintendo themselves...the Karts and Golfs etc) they don't have anything to match the best of the Playstation (at least for games like FF, .hack etc which is a lot of the stuff I play).

  2. #22

    RE: PSP

    what the hell are you talking about you idiot?!

    the PS, like the ps2 didnt have a single good game upon release. the grapchis on the N64 KILLED the ps dead, mario 64 the first game for the system floors EVERYTHING that the psone ever did. sure some games looked dodgy and in the early games there was fog in most, but by the end games like banjo kazooie just pissed all over spyro an other such shit.

    i wont deny that on a whole the ps was a better system due to mroe games higher sales and a TON of RPGS, but the 64 had better graphics by a country mile.

  3. #23


    It will be INCREDIBLY hard for sony to "dominate over" nintendo in the handheld market (please don't think I'm a nintendo fanboy or anything, I own a PS2 after all) simply because nintendo literally owns the handheld market. Remember, back when only the orgingal gameboy was out, it was competing with the Lynx and Sega's Gamegear, both clearly technically better systems. However nintedo kept its crown simply because it knows how to do handhelds. I have read that Sony's PSP will have the ability to play movies, music and psp games. However, i have also read that it will have from 2.5-10 hours of battery life (10 for mp3 playback, 2.5-3 for intense gaming). If the battery only lasts for 2.5-3 hours, that is a serious problem. Also, the DS will be backwards compatible. I think that if developers can figure out how to make great games incorporating the two screens, touchscreen, WiFi, and bluetooth in DS, it will be easily be the better sy stem. At worst, you'll have a system with great new games from nintendo, and the entire GBA library (which everybody knows is great). Also, I think many developers trust more nintendo in the handheld market.

    NOW, as to the N64 argument, the nintendo 64 graphics greatly surpassed those of the PsOne. Think about the great games that came out with the N64: Mario 64, Starfox, Smash Bros.,etc. The main problem with the N64 was that nintendo decided to use carts instead of CDs, which cost less and allow for better sound, and movies (this is why Square and many of the other RPG makers went to the Sony. I really can't see nintendo leaving the console scene anytime soon. In fact, I think their next console is really going to be sometehing special...

    EDIT: oooh 69 posts hahaha

  4. #24


    id rather buy a ds as i cant trust sony in the handheld department yet.

  5. #25


    Originally posted by: chambers
    what the hell are you talking about you idiot?!

    the PS, like the ps2 didnt have a single good game upon release. the grapchis on the N64 KILLED the ps dead, mario 64 the first game for the system floors EVERYTHING that the psone ever did. sure some games looked dodgy and in the early games there was fog in most, but by the end games like banjo kazooie just pissed all over spyro an other such shit.

    i wont deny that on a whole the ps was a better system due to mroe games higher sales and a TON of RPGS, but the 64 had better graphics by a country mile.
    Um...exactly what point that I made are you disputing? I'm assuming you were referring to me. I never said the graphics on the ps were better than the N64, I said myself that N64 was miles more advanced than the rest of the market didn't I?

    Did you actually read my post? The worst I said in the whole post was that the vast majority of Nintendos really good games are made by Nintendo (many of which on the Gamecube are very similar to the ones on the N64).

  6. #26

    RE: PSP


  7. #27
    ANBU Shi_No_Shikaku's Avatar
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    Aug 2004

    RE: PSP

    Yes its that good
    I Don't like to say anything twice

  8. #28
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Bellevue, WA

    RE: PSP

    We all know that when it comes to hand held systems Nintendo rules that land with a mighty fist and rightfully so, but the PSP might shake the up some needed competiton cuz god know the half assed wireless sytem ain't going to do it. The dual screen system is pretty cool and does bring a new kind of dimention to the play of game and I can't wait. But the PSP might surprise us all and be the next big thing in hand held that out preforms nintendo (Short of battery life [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] )

  9. #29

    RE: PSP

    I think that the reason nintendo has dominated the handlet market so far was cause sony wasnt in it.

    Just look at the consol market who is smartet sony or nintendo? Gamecube died just after it realese PSone sells more than it for god sake. I think sony will dominate over nintendo with PSP cause all the ps2 owners will buy it since there favorit games will also come to PSP and we all know how many people that have ps2[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  10. #30

    RE: PSP

    Originally posted by: oceen246
    you shouldn't underestimate sony. They proved it to us before with the first playstation. The video games market used to belong to sega and nintendo before, and then sony came and overtook everything. Sega doesn't make anymore console, neither is nintendo. The only thing nintendo is making is the GBA, and now the DS. I saw some of the games they got for the PSP and I was really surprised, I'm talking about a portable system that can play games with graphics almost as good as the PS2.
    then what the hell is the gamecube?

  11. #31
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    RE: PSP

    I read that the PSP will have an internal wireless sytem so you can play with other PSP players in the area. weather or not it can acess the inter net is still to be determend.

  12. #32

    RE: PSP

    Originally posted by: KaneInferno
    Originally posted by: oceen246
    you shouldn't underestimate sony. They proved it to us before with the first playstation. The video games market used to belong to sega and nintendo before, and then sony came and overtook everything. Sega doesn't make anymore console, neither is nintendo. The only thing nintendo is making is the GBA, and now the DS. I saw some of the games they got for the PSP and I was really surprised, I'm talking about a portable system that can play games with graphics almost as good as the PS2.
    then what the hell is the gamecube?
    if you read my earlier post, you will see I mentioned that the GC is supposed to be nintendo last console. I might be wrong and they might be working on something incredible right now, but so far, nothing except the DS. Sony is coming out with the PSP and the PS3, and microsoft is coming out with the Xbox-2.

  13. #33

    RE: PSP

    The Gamecube isn't nintendo's last console, and the DS isn't the successor of the GBA. It will be a new franchise.

    This link proves my statements are correct.

  14. #34

    RE: PSP

    i dont think nintendo will ever go away...too large of a fanbase, too many good franchises, and it completely owns the handheld market...true the psp isnt out yet, but nintendo is a company that most third party developers trust to get their games done well for a handheld system.

  15. #35

    RE: PSP

    Originally posted by: Elite Hentai
    The Gamecube isn't nintendo's last console, and the DS isn't the successor of the GBA. It will be a new franchise.

    This link proves my statements are correct.
    they don't talk about the GC not being the last console for nintendo, all they say is they got a successor for the GBA. But I still don't see your point, unless you were just making a statement.

  16. #36
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: PSP

    man, console arguments can last forever.......

    i dont give a shit who the target audience for nintendo is, i play a game for its fun factor, not for the amount of red pixels and jiggling polygons it has.
    I also dont care which console has more games than the other. More = bad, because more = spending more money
    If i had one good mario game, then i'd be happier than having 10 playstation games

    and frankly, nearly every game released by nintendo is a hit in my book.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  17. #37

    RE: PSP

    the second screen is kinda pointless, dont you think?

    i mean on the mario kart game, the second screen is used for the map....

  18. #38

    RE: PSP

    I wouldn't recommend you buying PSP as soon as it comes out, wait for a little while until the price goes down. Trust me, there are always patterns like these when it comes with buying a system. Playstation is only 100 bucks, it used to be so expensive when it was first out.

  19. #39

    RE: PSP

    Originally posted by: jing
    I wouldn't recommend you buying PSP as soon as it comes out, wait for a little while until the price goes down. Trust me, there are always patterns like these when it comes with buying a system. Playstation is only 100 bucks, it used to be so expensive when it was first out.
    so....your saying wait 5-7 years to buy a PSP? cause PS is hella old there buddy.

  20. #40

    RE: PSP

    Originally posted by: chambers
    what the hell are you talking about you idiot?!

    the PS, like the ps2 didnt have a single good game upon release. the grapchis on the N64 KILLED the ps dead, mario 64 the first game for the system floors EVERYTHING that the psone ever did. sure some games looked dodgy and in the early games there was fog in most, but by the end games like banjo kazooie just pissed all over spyro an other such shit.

    i wont deny that on a whole the ps was a better system due to mroe games higher sales and a TON of RPGS, but the 64 had better graphics by a country mile.

    you clown, hence the name 64!!!!! cause its 64-BIT. PS WAS ONLY 32-BIT. Obviously N64 had better graphics, AND it was released before PS.

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