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Thread: aone Naruto 99

  1. #21

    RE: aone Naruto 99

    Originally posted by: NL|MegaMika
    What's that strange noise in the episode? From beginning till end the sound isn't that well. Too bad, they had some sound problems in episode 95 too (part where Naruto uses Rasengan). I hope AonE takes more time to fix this, since the translation and video quality are the best.
    There is a fixed set of raws (captures) available for fansubbers to use (though these are not made with fansubbers in mind, they're simply japanese warez).
    Visually, there is one with extremely thinned lines and little background detail (I don't think any group uses that one at the moment, but I could be mistaken), one with strangely warped lines and other impurities (ANBU uses this one, as well as other groups afaik), one or two with simply overall subpar quality, and a rather pure version, which maintains visual appearance as close to the original broadcast as possible, which AonE uses.
    Now all of these raws have visual defects, and my job is to find the lesser of evils. I have come to the conclusion that the one AonE uses now is the overall best one, as visual quality is acceptable (especially after enhancing the sharpness), and audio quality is also doable. Now the problem is, that some kind of noise reduction has been applied, which is audible when you have some sense of sound, even more so when you have hi-fi speakers and/or turn up the volume for watching.
    This cannot simply be fixed. The only possibility is to take higher quality audio from one of the other raws, and attempt to synchronize it with the cut and splice points of the original raw. This process is not perfect, painstaking, and would delay release time at least a day. So I hope it's not too bad, please bear with it.
    I will also use this moment to voice the need of a dedicated capturer located in or near Tokyo (in other areas Naruto airs later, I've heard), which would take away these issues and raise overall release quality another notch or three. So if you know someone, I'll be waiting.

    Thanks, and keep enjoying our releases!

  2. #22

    RE: aone Naruto 99

    Originally posted by: mf
    Originally posted by: NL|MegaMika
    The only possibility is to take higher quality audio from one of the other raws, and attempt to synchronize it with the cut and splice points of the original raw. This process is not perfect, painstaking, and would delay release time at least a day. So I hope it's not too bad, please bear with it.
    I will also use this moment to voice the need of a dedicated capturer located in or near Tokyo (in other areas Naruto airs later, I've heard), which would take away these issues and raise overall release quality another notch or three. So if you know someone, I'll be waiting.

    Thanks, and keep enjoying our releases!
    I understand. Personally, I don't care if the episode is delayed another day, even two or three. By the time I download the AonE I've already seen it RAW and subbed by AH. AonE is the version I download for backup since those are the best. It's just that the sound was irritating in 99 since the noise starts from the beginning and lasts till the end. Let's just hope the next RAW will be better ^_^

  3. #23

    RE: aone Naruto 99

    the rasengan isnt a jutsu....therefore it doesnt use hand signs

    and if you werent referring to the rasengan when you said "i dont think they even make those hand signs"
    then you're just blind

    im just saying that the fighting isnt as cool as the earlier ones. its stupid how tsunade just punches everything and they explode. and it was stupid that kabuto just has to touch them to hurt them. i thought the first reason naruto was cool to begin with was the unique fighting style, but now its just some really bad show.

  4. #24
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    aone Naruto 99

    Originally posted by: g0at
    and it was stupid that kabuto just has to touch them to hurt them.
    kabuto is a medic nin. he only needed to touch to hurt his opponent cuz his were turned into a chakra scapel. i think you should rewatch a lot of the stuff before you start complaining. there is pretty much a solid reason behind why everything has happened for all the stuff you whined about.

    EDIT: you talk about UNIQUE fighting styles. that's a pretty unique fighting style that we haven't seen before. stop contradicting yourself.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  5. #25

    RE: aone Naruto 99

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: g0at
    and it was stupid that kabuto just has to touch them to hurt them.
    kabuto is a medic nin. he only needed to touch to hurt his opponent cuz his were turned into a chakra scapel. i think you should rewatch a lot of the stuff before you start complaining. there is pretty much a solid reason behind why everything has happened for all the stuff you whined about.
    i know all the info about whats going on. the fact that he just has to touch them is stupid and makes the fighting really boring.

  6. #26
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: aone Naruto 99

    just relax....
    not every saga of a popular series has to be a goldmine, geez...

    imo, the tsunade saga was my least favorite as well, but this upcoming one is my favorite one thus far!

    that is....if they ever get to it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #27
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    aone Naruto 99

    Awesome. Much appreciated.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  8. #28
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    aone Naruto 99

    I'm dancin' like a monkey!

  9. #29
    ANBU Shi_No_Shikaku's Avatar
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    RE: aone Naruto 99

    Me to.... Me to
    I Don't like to say anything twice

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