how can i take screen caps when the animie eps are running on my pc when i press print screen it gets all screwy
how can i take screen caps when the animie eps are running on my pc when i press print screen it gets all screwy
use ctrl + I when you play it in windows media player.
if you wanna try an alterative to wmp you can try bsplayer. while watching vids you can easily take screenshots by pressing the "P" key and the caps are auto saved to the bsplayer folder
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
yeh i use bsplayer too, its good and you can take multiple screenshots faster.
While this topic is here, anyone know if VLC has any way to take screenshots?
i did a search on google and came up with this from a VLC faq page,Originally posted by: PossiblE
While this topic is here, anyone know if VLC has any way to take screenshots?good luckTo take normal screen capture of the video displayed by VLC:
Under XFree, add the -V x11 option to the command line. You'll have to find a X11 screenshot utility somewhere.
Under Windows, add the --nooverlay option to the command line and use Prt Sc button to put a screenshot on your pasteboard. You can then paste this picture in a picture editor or a Word document or something.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
Thanks for the help and all, but that quote sounds like another language. I'm usually good with this stuff but that just sounds completely foreign
thanks guys