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Thread: Manga: Hajime no Ippo

  1. #261
    There was one, I think it was a practice spar versus Itagaki. I might be wrong, I haven't read those older volumes in forever.

  2. #262
    I want one in a match, not a spar.

    There was one, but I want another, I'm getting tired of him winning but coming out of the fight with more injuries than his opponent.

  3. #263
    Started out the other day, I am on about episode 38 now and loving the series, I can't wait to watch the next episode every time i finish one. Great, great series.

  4. #264
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Just make sure to pick up the manga after you're done w/ the series ^^v

  5. #265
    up to ch 789 is out now and what an exciting battle it is, can't wait for the next fix and probably the end of this fight

  6. #266
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    is anyone still reading this?

    I took like a year break from the series and recently got caught up, things are getting interesting again.

  7. #267
    I am keeping up as they get released. I wander when Ippo will have world rank fight premier?

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  8. #268
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death13a
    I am keeping up as they get released. I wander when Ippo will have world rank fight premier?
    i love the manga, but at the rate it's going 10 years from now lol

  9. #269
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Did anyone yell in frustration at the latest chapter or was it just me? Grrr...

  10. #270
    Quote Originally Posted by Honoko
    Did anyone yell in frustration at the latest chapter or was it just me? Grrr...
    Lol, yeah... chapter 450 right?

    It was hilarious though, I laughed quite a bit... also in the previous couple of chapters with Takamura's fight. He's insane.

  11. #271
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Ch. 850, actually. And yeah, it was totally hilarious... except the part where I was ripping through all the pages to see what happens.... and then it doesn't! Agh!

  12. #272
    Well, just caught up to chapter 888...

    Who's up to date? Ippo is really getting his ass kicked in this fight, thoroughly being dominated. Hopefully he'll turn it around soon.

  13. #273
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    I'm pretty much disgusted with the latest fight. I felt as if the author wrote himself into the corner couldn't figure a way out.

  14. #274
    This fight has been pretty terrible. Ippo is just pitiful. Absolutely pitiful.

    It looks like he'll try to explain away that Ippo's weak punches were actually doing something, but it's still terrible.

  15. #275
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon View Post
    I'm pretty much disgusted with the latest fight. I felt as if the author wrote himself into the corner couldn't figure a way out.
    Isn't that true for pretty much all fights?

  16. #276
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    There have been plenty of situation in Ippo where i had to suspend my disbelief. I don't think any of them have even been close to being remotely this bad though.

    Unless you meant your comment to be some sort of pun that escaped me.

  17. #277
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon View Post
    There have been plenty of situation in Ippo where i had to suspend my disbelief. I don't think any of them have even been close to being remotely this bad though.

    Unless you meant your comment to be some sort of pun that escaped me.
    Na', just saying that as far as Ippo is concerned, pretty much all his fights are this way...

    Though now I see you may be referring to the opponent's skill-set rather than Ippo getting his ass thoroughly kicked.

  18. #278
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    I thought the whole fight with Malcolm Gedoh was ridiculous and this one is far worse. I don't mind the Ippo losing and coming back from behind thing, it's sorta his trademark as cheesy as that may be. I miss the days when author knew how to create a good fight without resorting to using magicians and monkeys as opponent. Lately Ippo had become a type of villain of the week (6 months?) series.

    Also, i know he wanted to build Woli up to be an amazing fighter. Having him treat Ippo like an amateur, however is not the way to go about it. Ippo is suppose to be this awesome fighter that only loss to a man that went toe to toe with the world champ. This entire fight is Ippo being owned by this kid who is just talented. It pretty much destroy the whole concept of hard work that he's been building. Even if Ippo win this fight, it'll just pretty much be a fluke at this point.
    Last edited by Dark Dragon; Fri, 04-02-2010 at 03:14 AM.

  19. #279
    Well, time for the comeback, here's 889:

  20. #280
    Even lite taps are going to work on a person that avoids all damages.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

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