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Thread: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

  1. #41
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    Yes, the recent HxH arc is quite long in addition to the mangaka taking frequent breaks due to poor health.

    About the nen remover, my impression of it was that the bomber's nen was so powerful that he was unable to completely remove it. He could only replace it with that creature he created which he then later eliminated by touching the bomber.

  2. #42
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Well...Just finished watching the entire Hunter x Hunter series. Excellent.
    Probably already been asked.....But is Hunter x Hunter GI Final.....well...the Final Hunter x Hunter Ova?
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  3. #43
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. The story ended, didn't it?

  4. #44
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus
    Well...Just finished watching the entire Hunter x Hunter series. Excellent.
    Probably already been asked.....But is Hunter x Hunter GI Final.....well...the Final Hunter x Hunter Ova?
    Anime-wise, yes. But then some of us turned to the manga since the story does continue since then =P I'm hoping to see animation on the current arc... but what're the odds of that?

  5. #45
    The current manga arc has to finish first doesn't it? I wonder when that will happen... been months since I've read a manga chapter, has the manga-ka continue to release after the break the manga took around april?

  6. #46
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    The current manga arc has to finish first doesn't it? I wonder when that will happen... been months since I've read a manga chapter, has the manga-ka continue to release after the break the manga took around april?
    Yah, 259 was the last chapter I read. Plus my usual mirror has taken down the direct downloads for it thanks to a letter from some publisher in France =(

    But I think there's enough storyline to get the first section of the current arc animated. You know how they broke up the Greed Island arc before?

  7. #47
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    1,949 guys are saying....there might be hope?

    I asked because theres a ton of questions unanswered...and the potential kickazz nen fights were left untapped...
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  8. #48
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    While the story does continue in the manga, I wouldn't be too hopeful in regards to seeing any new OVAs released anytime soon. Due to the author's illness, I don't think he's released a chapter in 4-5 months. The current story arc is the one right after Greed Island. It's pretty long so far, but unfinished.

    Honoko: 260 is the latest chapter scanned by nG. I don't know if it's available for download at any sites, but they definitely have it on one of their bots on IRC.

  9. #49
    umm anyone know if there are any manga following GI final ep 14? also thats the one when they leave the island right?

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by kyubisrage
    umm anyone know if there are any manga following GI final ep 14? also thats the one when they leave the island right?
    Episode 14 of the anime occurs at Chapter 185 of the manga. As of now there are 260 released chapters of the manga, so there is alot of chapters following the final episode.

  11. #51
    is 185 following after Greed island final?

  12. #52
    As Hunter Hunter is one of my favorite anime series (2nd only to Naruto), I also really hope they continue the plot of the anime after the current manga arc finishes. Seems like alot more content for them to cover, if the manga is up to 260 and the anime is only up to 185.

    I had heard the current manga arc is fairly close to completion. Does anyone know approximately how many more chapters it has to be finished? (obviously, even if it's only one or two more chapters it will still be a while before it finishes due to the author's health issues)

  13. #53
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    I have my fingers crossed for a continued anime plot. Simply because of the untapped potential kickazz nen fights.

    And even though Hisoka reminds me of Michael Jackson, I still wanna see him go all out on someone. That would be really tight.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  14. #54

    Lightbulb hhunterxhunter

    someone told me there makin new episodes for hunterxhunter u know afther the greed island final 14episodes there was a real bad and open end ^^ i realy hope there comes some more ^^

  15. #55
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Not likely.. even the manga hasn't finished the arc after GI... so while it's possible they'll cut it into few diffrent OVA series, i can hardly see that happenning.

  16. #56
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Man it's been a while and still no new Ova's since all this time. Does anyone have any idea how far the manga is on its current arc?

  17. #57
    Enough for 20 or 30 episode definietely. That's not to say, 20 or 30 episodes worth of good content, since the current arc sucks.

  18. #58
    Its very unlikely that they'll continue HxH in anime form....they ended at a very suitable place that can be considered a decent 'ending' of the series.

    And the manga is kinda fucked up anyway with the random breaks for undetermined periods of time. So they wont continue it just like that, cuz they have no where to go. If they start up again it'll be very hard to end the series, and pumping it with fillers will just fuck up a very awesome anime. Hell, even the current arc would fuck up the anime, so its better that they never animate it.

  19. #59
    Well, the 4th OVA had gone into production... they stopped it for whatever reason. I don't see any problem with them doing another set of OVA, even a TV Series once the current arc is over. It shouldn't be long now till it finishes, but with these mofos taking breaks all over the place, who knows.

    Once the current arc finishes, I have no doubt that this will become a hot topic and we should get a better idea then. But that at least they had plans to continue the series in anime form should be enough for now.

  20. #60
    I'm not sure how they're going to censor this next arc though....

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