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Thread: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

  1. #21

    RE: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    of course.... the ova just continues the story from the tv series.... you shouldnt have watched the ova without watching the tv series....

    You should watch the TV series 62 episodes

    Then OVA 1 8 episodes
    Then OVA 2 Greed Island 8 episodes
    Then OVA 3 Greed Island Final 14

    You shouldnt skip any since it is all sequential....

    You are missing out on a lot of content if you havent watched the TV or previous ova's

  2. #22

    Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    Ok i am a little confused now...

    There is the TV series which is 62 eps then insnt there episodes of OVA greed island 8 and OVA green island which is 14 eps. There were 8 eps in btwn tv series and Greed Island OVA?

    Yeah the TV Series just got better and better after every episode.

  3. #23

    RE: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    yeah first 62 TV eps then 8 eps are the 1st OVA then Greed Island OVA 2 starts which is 8 eps and the OVA 3 is GI Final which is 14 eps

  4. #24

    RE: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    I so wish I knew that, damn I feel dumb now.

  5. #25

    Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    Originally posted by: r79s
    Ok i am a little confused now...

    There is the TV series which is 62 eps then insnt there episodes of OVA greed island 8 and OVA green island which is 14 eps. There were 8 eps in btwn tv series and Greed Island OVA?

    Yeah the TV Series just got better and better after every episode.
    Yeah... there is an 8 episode OVA right before the second 8 episode OVA (Greed Island)

    The first 8 episode OVA deals specifically with the Ryodan Spiders... which i think concludes in the second OVA (not sure)

  6. #26

    RE: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    lol yeah you just dropped into the story after watching this you'll most likely be dissapointed by hxh tv and the first ova

  7. #27

    RE: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    Yeah but still they need to be seen... the TV series has some parts that drag... but it is very good still... and the first OVA was pretty good... although i think i enjoyed the second ova the most

  8. #28

    RE: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    yeah the whole greed island arc is one of the best parts of hxh also when they first learn about ren in the tower that was cool and te whole spider arc the hunter exam dragged too much

  9. #29

    RE: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    can anyone tell me whom had the best encoder and subtitle for hunter x hunter? i check the animesuki and they have quite a fews fansubs that sub this anime.

  10. #30

    RE: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    you really dont have a choice if you want the whole series...

    go with the animekissaten and the aku fansubs ones since they are the ones that will get you up to the end of the tv series...

    Those are the ones i got since when i got them those were the only ones around

    I havent tried the a-flux or lunar ones... they might be better encode wise since their source is dvd... but they wont take you up to the end of the series...

    So i guess you should go with anime kissaten and akufansubs

  11. #31

    RE: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    Suprised you guys didn't like the Hunter Exam Arc, because for me that arc along with Spider Arc are my favourite part of the series. I liked the Greed Island Arc but for me thats lowest part of the whole series.

    Power without perception is virtually useless!

  12. #32

    RE: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    Well i did like the Hunter exam... but it did have some parts that dragged...

    Like the tower was pretty boring in my opinion.. and when they were deserted in the boat it was pretty boring also...

    The best part was when they had to hunt each other...

    And the first couple of episodes i found them boring also... Like before they got on the boat towards the Hunter exam....

    Other than that... i foung everything else excellent

  13. #33
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    man, i justs started watching the GI ova (i had some space issues, so i decided to wait till everything is out rather than watch it when it comes out), and it seems that they've left out quite much of the side parts, and the pacing is awefull as well, couldn't tell that time has even passed....

    anyway, things that were left out:
    -the connection between the timer and heart beats with the bombs.
    -the part when killua talks with the guy from the auction, and the part that they guy talks afterwards.
    -the speed of the ryu fighting.
    -the reason those guys joined together.
    -the part when the guy talks to bomber about how they wanted to use the archangel card.
    -the 'but i've taken a shower' comment from Killua.
    and more...

    could you believe that all that's only from the first two eps? what's up with that?

    oh, and sorry for bringing this thread back from page 2.

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    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  14. #34

    RE: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    aone released episodes 13 and 14

  15. #35

    RE: Hunter x Hunter GI Final

    hey in regard to the GI ova, I don't understand why it was necessary for the jyoken user (the guy who can conjure up the forest spirits to eat up the nen condition with the bomber) to touch the bomber and say the phrase to deactivate the bomb anyways

  16. #36
    Humm, now that you mention it, I don't remember why he needed to do it...

    I think that it had something to do with the nen being very powerful and he couldn't completely remove it... Or maybe he was doing it so that no one suspects him of being a nen remover... I really would have to recheck it and see.

  17. #37
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Washington, US
    Well he was carrying around that forest spirit/creature with him - until he 'caught the bomber'.

    So assuming something to do with unable to destroy nen, but simply remove the nen from some[one|thing], at the cost of having to carry the forest spirit for X time?

  18. #38
    I think that makes sense, I'm willing to accept that reason.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by seanos
    Well he was carrying around that forest spirit/creature with him - until he 'caught the bomber'.

    So assuming something to do with unable to destroy nen, but simply remove the nen from some[one|thing], at the cost of having to carry the forest spirit for X time?

    i would think something similar.... but from the anime, kurapica's judgement chain doesn't really have a condition for one to fulfill (ie. the equivalent of touching bomber and say, "I've caught bomber") so I don't know...

    anyways, does anyone know if the manga has finished the next arc yet? I hope they continue the anime!

  20. #40
    No, they haven't finished it... It's a huge ass arc though. But I think it'll finish soon, the awaited encounters are just about to begin.

    If ever animated, I suspect they can do a TV series out of it, or maybe a set of OVA's like they did with Greed Island.

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