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Thread: Inane 229

  1. #81

    RE: Inane 229

    Originally posted by: Doc
    Did anyone else notice the ripples in the water on page 14-15? Looks like someone is there. My bet is Akatsuki member maybe Itachi.

    You can see it here.
    and sasuke just came out of the water..'s gotta be them them -_-.

  2. #82

    RE: Inane 229

    Well, the vague thing is still how much of the sharingan capabilities has Sasuke gained?

    To get the mangekyou you have to kill your best friend. But his death itself won't gant you any power, what unlocks the mangekyou is your state of mind when you go all out with a killing technique against your best friend. As chidori is a killing technique for sure, that has already happened.

    As this gives Sasuke what he needs in Order to fight Itachi and also leaves both major players alive and healthy, it may happen. But to what extend is Sasuke capable of realizing it?
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  3. #83
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Inane 229

    sasuke will never realize it. his mind is too clouded to figure it out. but i think he has to kill naruto to obtain the mangekyou. cause-and-effect. w/o a cause there is no effect.

    I tried my best...

  4. #84

    RE: Inane 229

    Bringing up a point made earlier, what does anyone think about the title of the next chapter. "Anomaly" tends to give a lot of room for speculation. An anomaly in a tech nique, in an ability, or in the person itself? Pehaps it is refering to Kakashi and his sharingan.

  5. #85

    RE: Inane 229

    In the matrix revolution... Neo was the "anomaly" which by their defination means - the result of an imbalence of an equation therefore making it balenced.

  6. #86
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: Inane 229

    hahaha so much for you people who thought sasuke would have 4 commas in his eye. the two that were directly across simply moved

  7. #87
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Inane 229

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Yeah did you see the straw of grass lying on the ground in page 4 of chapter 226? My bet it's the ghost of the third!
    hahahaha niiice.

    best post in a long time.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  8. #88

    RE: Inane 229

    Do you think possibly Itachi wants Sasuke to obtain the Mangekyou to further evolve his own Sharingan? Like to obtain Mangekyou, you have to kill your best friend, maybe for another higher level you must kill someone close that has the Mangekyou? Probably wrong but just a thought.

  9. #89

    RE: Inane 229

    You mean like killing every other human on this earth and then ending up as the strongest person alive? Yes.....

    Apart from that, overcoming the mindblockade to kill your friend in order to gain sth. is cool - once. An infinite "you kill somebody who did the same and then get even more stronger" series is... well... stupid. It's not the act of the other person dying that "levels you up" (no way you could learn math y killing your math teacher...), it is due to the strength of will and the level of determination to take these extreme measurements.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  10. #90

    RE: Inane 229

    Originally posted by: onemoregook

    if you think about it, naruto is being an asshole. it's understandable for konoha to stop sasuke so he doesn't revive orochimaru but the real reason naruto is here fighting is because he doesn't want sasuke to go. how would you feel if you wanted to live out your ambition (example, fighter pilot, author, computer technician, artist, etc etc) and then your "friend" got in your way and threatened to break every bone in your body. i'm sure you'd be pissed off too.

    Originally posted by: onemoregook

    ... you just called me a sasuke... fanboy? ... you're an idiot.
    and newsflash, idiot. naruto takes place in a different world. everyone is a friggin ninja and that's what ninjas do, they kill each other. and hey, ninja's are supposed to kill stealthily, so that in a sense, makes them ALL terrorists.
    in conclusion, the village takes hundreds of missions and just about all those missions can expect at least one fatality. so killing people isn't such a big friggin deal.
    YOU are the idiot here, sir. feel free to break loose and unleash the rest of your godlike argument.

    Hah, great response. All you could say was that i was an idiot. And no shit naruto takes place in its own world thanks for pointing that out, i mean because I'M the idiot here, right? Someone who say's everyone in the "Naruto world" IS a ninja when its obviously been confirmed that this is not true. I mean, you're so smart, everyone is a ninja and they're all terrorists. Hahaha and I'M the idiot? Thats just sad.

    I really couldn't be bothered with you, you're too fucking stupid for me. I mean first you say its a different world then you compare the ninja in Naruto to traditional ninja even calling them all terrorists because of them just being ninja. Okay, i've decided to make little effort here. So heres the newsflash moron, ninja in naruto are a military force and they obviously arent the only. They're more powerful than normal swordsmen we've seen in Naruto, this does not make all of them terrorists. (Little note, i never called sasuke a terrorist, i compared the situation to a situation in our world, just because someone has an ambition or dream doesnt mean they can freely go ahead and execute it without interference like Hitler, do you know what his ambition.. his dream was?)

    So if killing people wasn't such a big deal why would there be any effort at all to stop them? Why would Kakashi be hastingly chasing them. They're humans thats why and some of their emotions towards dying in the series may seem care free, but really they're just as afraid to die as anyone else when confronted with it as a huge possiblity. They're trained since childhood, so yeah expect them to talk tough about dying but also expect these children to be afraid when they're truely confronted with it, at least for the first time. But it becomes easier and easier as time goes on.

    I'll be sure to make a note that calling someone a Sasuke fanboy is such a big insult over the internet. But your whole "Wouldn't you be pissed if you couldn't carry out your ambition and dream" (despite it leading to deaths of thousands then millions, not to mention eliminating the word freedom) logic is ridiculously flawed. Haha, not to mention you throwing in "being stopped by your "friend" at the end of that flawed logic, excuse me but Sasuke is trying to kill Naruto, and Naruto would be the first of alot of dead people if he succeeds.

    Anyways, thats all i care to say for now, but anyone could see why your reasoning defending sasukes actions is flawed.

  11. #91

    RE: Inane 229

    sasuke has friends? let alone a best friend? everyone befriends sasuke but sasuke hasn;t really befriended anyone, if anything he envys everyone whos stronger or getting stronger than himself...

  12. #92
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Inane 229

    it's heating up to like 1000 degress in here ::fans myself::

    I tried my best...

  13. #93

    Inane 229

    Hmm..I now think Naruto and Sasuke will will end in a draw. And they both pass out or something.
    Then Kakashi shows up. He wishes for Sasuke to come back from the dark side..but he realizes that he won't be able to teach Sasuke back in Konoha because Sasuke can't be trusted anymore.
    So he takes Sasuke and they both become wandering ninjas.
    And the next saga is where the Fifth assigns Naruto, Jirayia and perhaps someone else(I was thinking of Sakura, but that makes me shudder) to go after Kakashi and Sasuke.
    This would be a long saga filled with a bunch of little mini sagas that they overcome in there journey that will take them all over Ninja World. (Throw in a couple encounters with Atasuki as well)

    Still, a timejump isn't a bad thoery either..

  14. #94
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    RE: Inane 229

    I fully agree with Xwing. That is perfect. But I want to see Kakashi be killed instead, protecting naruto from Sasuke's attack when he goes Lv.2 seal and then leaves to join orochi or somthing. I don't think Kakashi would become a missing nin just to set Sasuke straight. He might beat the living crap out sasuke to prove a point but not leave the village forever to keep him in check.

  15. #95

    RE: Inane 229

    Sasuke and Naruto finally admit it: they are gay lovers. Their lifelong ambition is not, contrary to popular belief, to be ninjas, but in reality to be jugglers in a wandering circus troupe. After many days spent caressing each other near the waterfall, Sakura comes and completes the menage a trois, and they all leave to form the Konoha Super Trouper Circus Esprit De Corps, which specializes in a) becoming a HUGE FUCKING FROG, b) spitting very large fireballs out of various orifices, and c) yelling "SASUKE!!!" and making the entire audience cringe.

    Their success is huge in all the countries of Naruto-world.

    Well, at least, that's how I think things will pan out.


  16. #96

    RE: Inane 229

    Originally posted by: Hatake Kakashi
    Another excellent chapter.

    I'm not sure what's up with Sasuke getting his third sharingan pupil, but I guess what he did to Naruto would have killed him, had Naruto been normal. I guess that's what brought it out. Or could he be the anomaly that the next chapter is titled for?

    Oh and just in my opinion, the scenes where Naruto talks about what it would be like to have a father and brother, were the most emotional moments we've had since the Wave Country arc with Inari.

    Kishimoto is getting back on track, all that damn running through the woods for a year was worth it!

    Yeah the emotional momment in this chapter made up for the latest chapter which has not been all that great.

    Now i want a good finishing of this fight, it would lame if Kakashi stopped the fight after all this.

  17. #97

    RE: Inane 229

    Nah, i hope kakashi stops the fight.

  18. #98

    RE: Inane 229

    Oh dear I just wouldn't know what to do if my boys died, golly gee.

  19. #99

    RE: Inane 229

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Yeah did you see the straw of grass lying on the ground in page 4 of chapter 226? My bet it's the ghost of the third!
    Best post ever.

    Sasuke put Naruto in the Genjutsu state. Naruto is fucked.

  20. #100
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: Inane 229

    Kakashi shows up and gets iced by some dick move off Sasuke. With his close friend and mentor dead Sasuke gains the mangekyo sharingan... only to be destroyed by full-on berzerk Naruto.

    Jump back to Konohagakure... Sakura finds Sasuke's head in her bedsheets, Godfather style. Feel the love.

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