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Thread: Sakura vs. Hinata

  1. #61

    Sakura vs. Hinata

    during naruto's and neji's match during final tourney, she was in the stands and bleh there goes the blood and he notices walks down and says he'll take care of her so he's not too bad course he was acting trying to keep hidden till supposed to act so who knows

  2. #62

    Sakura vs. Hinata

    Sorry if this was posted, but I'm not scrolling through 4 pages, [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img].

    Anyways, Hinata at the moment owns Sakura in a heartbeat. Sakura has no decent Ninjutsu.

    Sakura tends to be useless. She does things after they happen, and even when she tried to fight, she still lost horribly. She doesn't train, and is to lovesick over Sasuke to do anything. Hinata on the other hand trains to become better, although not the strongest, she would still own Sakura fast.

  3. #63

    Sakura vs. Hinata

    sakura is just talk, the only thing shes really good at! explaining things afterwords

  4. #64

    Sakura vs. Hinata

    sakura is just talk, the only thing shes really good at! explaining things afterwords
    Says Hinata<3.

    On another note, I just got my gmail account. Jeez you guys sure do keep some safety on account stealing, it was a struggle to change my email and get my password to normal again.

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