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Thread: Naruto 99 Discussion.

  1. #21

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    As a kid he can be upset... as a character in Naruto he should juse be removed.

    Sakura can never be forgiven for showing the cold shoulder to Naruto... she should die.

    Lee should get the op, and be the same as before again.

    Actually to be honest someone should have just blasted the door away from the start, saved the trouble.

    If the animators want to do fillers then they should do good ones... I don't mean they should be fights, but you know, with interesting characters for a change.... like Kakashi, Sasuke, Manda, Gamabunta, Jiraiya and so on... and lets not forget Oro and Itachi....

  2. #22

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    I agree, this episode kinda sucked, is like there is no progress at all.
    And the worst is that from now on we have to get used to see more and more fillers, most series get ruined when the animators start making up stuff, people just lose interest on them and I hope Naruto is the exception.

    What I did like tho, was the look on the pig (Ton-Ton) when he saw Tsunade studying, that was F***ing hilarius.

  3. #23

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    I also thought tsunade going through the barricade was funny...

    But it kinda sucked overall. I know konohomarou was in the manga and all, but he should just die. He's about as annoying as Jar Jar binks.

  4. #24
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 99 Discussion.

    Few anime get ruined due to fillers. Anime gets ruined when animators have no more manga to follow and go berserk with the made-up stuff, and that is why fillers exist today; to save those titles from that fate.

  5. #25

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    Udon is the annoying one -_-
    blow your fucking nose..

  6. #26

    Naruto 99 Discussion.

    Renbo said that you were hinting, so im editing. - KRB

  7. #27

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    I liked the ep, the whole relaxed 'no ongoing war/fight' 'no rush' feeling is back from the first episodes; and its nice to see character developement (other then Naruto...)

    Oh and Lobster.. don't say the M word and especially dont hint things from it like you just did...

  8. #28

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    they should just STOP making naruto based eps for a while, and lets some some of the other gennins training, iam sure they could do like 5 eps each on a mission for each team and that would be enought top put the manga WELLLLL ahead again!

  9. #29

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    i woudln't mind seeing some flashbacks about lee's team and their missions. that would be kinda kool.

    overall the ep wasn't bad.....a little slow and sentimental for my taste, but still not too bad. im surprised konohamaru was able to setup all those traps. pretty amazing for a kid his age.

    heres a few thigns i noticed....1) shizune is now the new iruka 2) those 2 chuunins are teh official lackey's for everythign and anything that happens.....exams, clearing out junk, dealing with brats. they dont seem to have any otehr job at all.

    the best part of the ep was when tsunade clears the room just to get a book.

    can't wait for next week....wonder if the kakashi/gai scene is just a flash back, or if thier actually training/fighting.

  10. #30

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    I'm hoping that they are actually training.

  11. #31

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    I want something intresting to happen soon. After the Sannin special it's been pretty boring. Next epiosde looks promising with Kakashi and Gai.

  12. #32

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    I guess people can't relate to this sentimental stuff because they have nothing like that happening in their own lives. I like it because it's more real. How do u expect someone that young to act when someone close to them dies and they feel like the person is being forgotten

  13. #33

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    I wonder if Gai ever needed to open the gates to defeat Kakashi.

  14. #34
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    HELL NO!! Gai can take kakashi down w/ that first kick of his dynamic entry! (i really don't know, but i don't think he'll go that serious w/ kakashi)

    I tried my best...

  15. #35

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    yeha i like it a lot, showing there more personal sides, like i liked in DBZ when gohan started seeing videl, and i liked FMP FUMOFFU(sp!?).

    we dont even know gai can open gates yet, it hasent been disclosed one way or the other has it? just because rock can do it i wouldnt assume gai can.

  16. #36

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    I would.

  17. #37

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    yeah judging from the way gai wanted lee to win in the exam i think he would go almost all out.

  18. #38

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    whine whine whine [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] the kids don't get enough action again >_>

    Funny to see Naruto fell twice for the same trap @ the chamber Konohomaru was in [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] .. the so called great ninja.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    hope the next episode shows some more action so we dont get another thread of kids whining about fillers ^_^

  19. #39

    Naruto 99 Discussion.

    we dont even know gai can open gates yet, it hasent been disclosed one way or the other has it? just because rock can do it i wouldnt assume gai can.
    Wasn't Gai the one who taught him the gates thing? You can't teach someone something you don't know. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] I don't think the majickal jutsu faerie flew into Lee's window at night and made him learn it... XD

  20. #40

    RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.

    It was a nice episode. I liked it. As for those who did not think it progressed the storylyine, well, I am an Anime only Naruto fan, and it definitely moved the story along. I felt progress was made by many of the characters in this episode.

    For one, I hate to admit this, but Sakura actually cared for someone else besides Sasuke to actually bring him flowers. That's definitely an improvement. Tsunade is studying and actually trying to be a good Hokage (helping Lee). She is becoming more and more likeable everyday. Konohamaru (though he should be removed from the story) actually got over his sadness of losing his grandfather.

    Those that are complaining about this being a dumb filler have probably read the "M" and expecting too much or probably just wanting action scenes. Naruto, in many respects, is built on storyline and character development, and I definitely saw some character development in this episode. I would not have known that this episode was a filler until everyone kept on reminding me.

    Back to the episode, yeah, Tsunade was just awesome blasting through those doors to get a book. It just goes to show how powerful she is, and proved her point that Konohamaru is just a kid who she can easily deal with. Shizune is still so hilarious to watch, and so is Ton Ton.

    Tsunade said that she will do the surgery, so I am sure Lee will get better soon... maybe with some hiccups on the way, but he will back to being a ninja soon.

    Is Sakura leering a bit? Cheating on Sasuke with her little rendezvous with Lee? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Oh yeah, I wonder what that records book that Tsunade was reading would have said about Naruto's team, since that was the only team she didn't look at.

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