Saiyaman's raw is here: download
Saiyaman's raw is here: download
link doesn't work goddamnit some people said they got it but i can't seem to get it everytime i try to click a link or download the torrent it file it won't allow me and i get the page you usually get when a page is offline
It works fine. Try going here
vvv Maybe it's your firewall or something
nope i don't know why but it doesn't work for me
it works for me.
I tried my best...
There will most likely be a subbed version out in a matter of hours, why bother?
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
I wonder if anythign special will happen when we hit Naruto 100 ...=/
"You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow
i'll sit it out and wait for a subbed version. and btw DeathscytheVII
, that's a cool sig but it's over the size limit of 400x80
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
anybody wonder why speed subbers don't just make .sub files instead of releasing the whole video
if they only release the .sub file, we can get the raw and then just download a <1mb file when they finish subbing
oh man.. the character faces are so messed up this episode. lee is supposed to have a sharp defined face, but in most parts its all curvy like a 5 year olds wtf :\
uh yeah.. its called facial expresions?
looked fine for me.....despite being a lame filler
next week will have the convo between gai and lee that took place in the manga
hopefully they'll finally announce the chuunin thing too, so we can finally get on with this saga
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
does anyone know why they have been adding random fillers lately? really, not some lame ass post, but has there been an article or an announcement or something? i want to get to the next arc the sound 4 battles are going to look amazing (or at least I hope)
it's part of the storyline! it will get better next ep hopefully.Originally posted by: primalspas
does anyone know why they have been adding random fillers lately? really, not some lame ass post, but has there been an article or an announcement or something? i want to get to the next arc the sound 4 battles are going to look amazing (or at least I hope)