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Thread: Anime Conventions

  1. #21
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Anime Conventions

    baltimore...far from where i live. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

    u've met her before? how interesting.

    I tried my best...

  2. #22

    Anime Conventions

    yea its a couple hours away from me(jersey) but the road trip was worth it

  3. #23

    Anime Conventions

    I am in Houston and in October I plan to go to Oni-con. From what I have heard there is also aggie-con sponsored by Texas A&M.

  4. #24

    Anime Conventions

    Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
    Anyone else here go? I was the one walking around with the naruto plushie in my shirt [img][/img]
    I went this year, only saturday. The line for l'arc en ciel was too damn long by the time I got back from hooters and friends i was with didn't want to go. I didn't really have as much time as I wanted but it was still pretty interesting for my first con.

  5. #25

    Anime Conventions

    Damn, the line moved VERY fast as soon as it started moving. We were literally running through the streets as fast as we could. It was fun to watch the "larger" people try to run damn I was laughing so hard. But the concert was just amazing.

  6. #26
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Anime Conventions

    GOD!! i'm so jealous of u kagemane....

    I tried my best...

  7. #27
    This thread is quite old...curious to see if any else has gone?

  8. #28
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    I live here.
    Man, If there's ever one nearby my place, I'd probably attend just to see what it's like. And maybe, just maybe meet a girl cosplaying who can fulfill my fantasies.

  9. #29
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    i really wanted to go to at least 1 last summer, and I had a few in mind. but there was always a schedule conflict which prevented me from going.

    but this up-coming summer i definitely want to go to some.

    user posted image

  10. #30
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I doubt I will ever attend one again unless one comes to this very city I'm living in. I have been to a couple of them, and both times I felt totally and completely out of place in the middle of hordes of 12-13 years old girls. Especially with some of them sporting far too embarrassing cosplay gear...

    Can't deny some of the panels wouldn't have been really interesting, though. And you normally get manga and stuff with nice discounts or at least without postage.

  11. #31
    I started working medical at Anime Weekend Atlanta this past year, it's good times.

  12. #32
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Thank god that someone thought and made anime conventions in Poland 15+, so no 13 years old fanboys and fangirls.
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
    Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?
    TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE

  13. #33
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Been there, done that.
    Clearly I don't like crowded places, and it was crowded.
    Plus I brought my wife and she accepted although she isn't into the thing.

    Gosh, HighSchool's hard for a 30+

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  14. #34
    Went to Otakon last year, had a lot of fun. There certainly is a lot of people, but it's kind of cool being around some many people who like anime.

  15. #35
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    There's a videogame/movie/anime convention/expo that comes by my city biannually, so earlier this April, I treated me and my brother to our first anime convention.

    (Even though it's in our city, getting there still took a while, >1hr for bus, train, then walking combined.)

    It was actually raining the whole week, so luckily (or perhaps not so), it stopped during the time that we were out. During the final stretch of walking, a new rule came to mind:

    "If you're ever lost on your way to an Anime Con (not that I was lost), follow the cosplayers."

    Caught a glimpes of Zero as we lined up

    There were DVD-stores, then there were 5-dollar DVD stores. It's hard to get through the crowd though, wiffing in smelly people as it was hot while you tried. So in the end, the store I spent the most time at were the anime figure stores. There were also video-game stores and varous activites (pizza, war-game, VIP talks, art poster places etc).

    Wouldn't be an anime convention without figurines now would it?

    No doubt the most anticipated event that day was the Madman Cosplay Competition, and it was pretty fun to watch. (Madman is an Australian anime distributor). I'll aplogise for the quality of photos beforehand. Next time I'll either get a quality camera, fight for a better seat, or both.

    Caught Sailor Moon before the comp started

    Meilin (C.C. Sakura)

    Belldandy (AMG)

    Them, girl from Valkyrie Chronicles and someone I don't know

    Guess who? (Ans:Kamina and Viral fight. Too bad fast action + low lighing = motion blur.

    Don't ask.....

    Finding the fabled One Piece scored a few laughs

    The Arbiter from Halo was pretty well done. Killed the host and tea-bagged him multiple times. I'm kicking myself for not having the camera ready

    Guilford was uptight. About right.

    Dancing TenTen

    Arachne and Blair from Soul Eater

    CCaptor Sakura.

    It's a bird, It's a plane, It's......

    It's A TRAP!

    More Blaire

    Dynasty Warriors

    lol Snape

    Howl from Howl's Moving Castle

    Persona 4

    Kurogane, Fye and Sakura from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. You wouldn't believe the fangirls who cheered when Fye hugged Kurogane (not shown)

    Kid (Soul Eater)

    Macross Frontier

    Tsubaki (Soul Eater). I actually saw her upclose earlier in the day. The costume was pretty damn good, and she was hot.

    Guy I saw earlier...

    You know, Kakashi reminds me of the fat Loki clone from Strongest Disciple Kenichi

    Group pics

    Of course, I couldn't just come back with photos, so I tried my luck with 2 trading figures and a plushie:

    The FSN figures came random out of the box. Really, if I had to pick two, the Tohsaka Sisters would have been the best matching pair. I didn't have the cash nor the mentality to bust through all the figures without guarantee, so I felt quite lucky and contempt with this.

    Still, it always feels like someone is missing. Being the greedy fan I am, I asked my friend eBay....

    There we go, no more regrets. (this particular collection also includes Archer, Rider and Illya, but I wasn't urging for them)

    So for now, my desk looks like the following. Sakura and Rin look fine on the table, but Saber looks down too far, so I had to elevate her on a makeshift shelf.

    Small start, but one step closer to this:

    All in all, it was quite a fun experience. I won't be going to another one that's in May, but I might just turn out for the September show. .
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 04-28-2009 at 07:03 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #36
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    That's indeed a very nice looking Tsubaki. I wish you had had the guts to take a better photo when you encountered her earlier.

    Jolly good luck with the random figures, I've to say.

  17. #37
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Paris & Versailles, France
    Tsubaki and Arachne are really fine

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  18. #38
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    the States
    oh nice! man, this really gets me anticipating/wanting to go to an anime convention.. I haven't been to an anime specific one, only a few small all-forms-of-gaming-in-general cons.

    daaaang, look at that tsubaki D:

    there are (i'm pretty sure) a few anime cons within like.. 2-4 hours of me.. it's just a matter of figuring out dates and getting there..

    user posted image

  19. #39
    Oh, nice pictures you have there Bill! Some of the cosplays are actually pretty fine and the figures you photographed are pretty cool, too.
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  20. #40
    I'm going to Otakon again this year. If you haven't gone to a convention you really should. Especially the big ones like Otakon, it's a blast.

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