Heh, my first post here. Hi people.
That's my desktop.
Heh, my first post here. Hi people.
That's my desktop.
Thread necromancy.
EDITed to change hosting.
Ah, that Rikku desktop used to be mine a LONG time ago.
Anyways, I constantly change mine these days, but these are some of my favorites.
this is a couple days old, and i can't be bothered uploading my new one.
I normally keep the same wallpaper till i am not lazy and change it. So for those who know me, i dont change my desktop much.
"Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."
alright mut's been buggin me to post mine, so here it is.....it isnt a pretty sight, just so you know
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Whoa, damn AssertnFailiure, those are a LOT of icons on your desktop, hehe.
Nice and tidy with the sickest wallpaper
There's my current one.
You're the first guy I've ever seen that puts his taskbar at the top. You think you're a rebel?
nice desktop Board of Command. =D
EDIT: my desktop. nothing special.
I tried my best...
Current Desktop:
Previous Wallpaper:
I feel ashamed for having the ATI driver icon in my system tray. >.<
self made wallies
Eurasian i just notice something. u play FFXI?? cos you've got the Plaonline icon
nvidia makes better video cards from a programming aspect. ati's equivilent to nvidia's features are either just as good or worse, they have very few features i could honestly say are superior to nvidia. nvidia's features are well documented, with many examples and it shows in the games. many games now have a specific nvidia introduction when they start while i dont believe ive ever seen such a thing for ati. unfortunatly i'm stuck with an ati radeon 9200se because my previous video card's ram went bad. i want a geforce 6800 ultra. ^^ 32gb/s bandwidth~
edit: correction, half life 2 prefers ati. although half life 2's engine focuses on object manipulation while doom (prefering nvidia) focuses on light/shadow which takes more rendering power~
Well it's only until recently when Nvidia released the 6000 series. Prior to that ATI dominated.
Here's my desktop. Nothing special except for the most beautiful girl on earth. No, you can't have her. Don't even ask. http://upl.silentwhisper.net/uplfold...6/desktop2.jpg
Barumonk, you are the only person I've ever seen who uses Firefox, but doesn't use tabs. Personally, I prefer the full-featured version of Mozilla. Whoa. Deja-Vu'. I feel like I've said that exact same thing before to someone else.
"Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco
stay on god damn topic.
the next person to go off topic into anything besides desktops will never been seen again.
I don't use tabs either. And samson, you're the first guy I've seen in a long time that uses 800x600