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Thread: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

  1. #1

    i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    i noticed more than afew mistakes in the last two eps of naruto, i was wondering if this had anything to do with the split?

    but anyway thats not the main reason for this post, i was wondering if you guys have need of somone to check your grammar for you to make sure its all perfect. i realize you probly have someone else to do this for you right now, but it cant help to double check can it? i study (although you probly cant tell from my posts!) eng lit at degree level here in the UK and i got an A in lang for a-level so i do know what iam talking about.

    also i would like to point out that iam not moaning, just offering help. its a bit annoying when i have to re-read the lines to double check what i just read. all in all tho, as always keep up the good work!


  2. #2
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    which group, ANBU or Aone?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #3
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    are you sure there are that bad of grammatical errors? i've never had to reread anything to figure out what it said... maybe it's just... you?

    just wondering cuz i had no problems with it.

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  4. #4

    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    My ANBU vs was fine

  5. #5

    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    iam not saying that the errors are THAT bad, iam just saying hey no errors are better than errors right?

  6. #6

    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    yeah but...these groups do it for free...
    there doin a great job...
    i can understand everything quite well...
    your probably looking so hard at the subs to find errors..?

  7. #7

    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    I understand what youre saying when youre reading its alot easier to see mistakes I do the same thing sometimes the key is to stop thinking so hard ( I know it sounds funny but I'm actually serious) It never really matters untill you get into the work force

  8. #8

    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    As long as it is understandable and it sounds good, I think it should be fine. If the translation has perfect grammar and structure every single time, it might sound too structured and controlled. The effect might not be as good for the reader.

    Also very true that grammar does not mean very much after school is over and you start working, unless you are going to be an English teacher. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    ........................iam going to be an english teacher...........

    and o the comment that it makes it sound too structured, it doesnt. perfect grammar make sit sound like a REAL speach because real people talk using RP grammar99% of the time. again iam not knocking anyones effort, i love naruto and that love extends to the people who sub it too!

  10. #10

    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    hey chambers, want to read my essay >_<

  11. #11

    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    Well first of all it would be nice to know WHAT you see as grammar errors. The releases you see have passed our editing, and multiple quality checking standards. It has all passed my eye without noticing any errors, but then again I am not up to AonE's quality checking standards (fyi I failed the test [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]), but I'm only the encoder so that doesn't matter. If you want to help out as a quality checker, I'd say point your mIRC to and join #aone-recruit, and do the test. But first of all I'd check all the errors in your own post here, before you do anything serious [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].

  12. #12
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    I say quit complaining, we get these episodes for free and very quickly. At the speed we get these, a couple errors from time to time are more than acceptable.

    NOTE: I noticed no grammatical errors either.

  13. #13

    i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?


  14. #14

    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    as mf said...
    your posts have plenty of gramatical (is this even a word) errors...
    so why are you taking out there grammar?
    and i think the subs are pretty well done..
    some shows that are subbed by companies (not fan subs) dont put grammar in...

  15. #15

    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    some of you guys are fuckin idiots, iam merely offering my help thats all iam not bitching or moaning abotu anything. iam just saying that i have noticed a few mistakes wich i never noticed before. i never said my grammar was perfect in my posts either, i dont type essay quality on a msg board.

    and to the guy above what the ehll are you talking about? YOU dont put grammar in yourposts evidently. you also seem to have no clue what it is because you think its not in some subs!!

  16. #16

    i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    i am not good with grammar and i know that...
    thats what happens when you fail english...
    but i can point it out some...

    man and you need to take a chill pill...

    and if you read my post you will know what i am talking about...
    and i dont think i know it isnt in some subs...but you over look that fact..

    iam not bitching or moaning abotu anything
    then why is your post like it is???

    and if you get heated about something like this....dayum imagine when someone flames you; you prob hit the roof!

  17. #17

    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    chambers, if you don't type "essay quality", I assume you can actually type essay quality. I challenge you to write proper posts in here, as what you're doing now doesn't really show your skills. And I still haven't seen examples as to where there were any errors in the last few episodes. I am waiting to see those, so I can forward the notice to the responsible staff.

  18. #18
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    I never had a problem with understanding it

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  19. #19
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    chambers, just ignore people like kai who are just playing the role of lackey
    the best way to prove yourself would be to show the mistakes they made, instead of just arguing with them [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #20

    RE: i was wondering aabout the grammar in the recent eps?

    Originally posted by: chambers
    Some of you guys are fuckin idiots, i'm merely offering my help thats all i'm not bitching or moaning about anything. I'm just saying that I have noticed a few mistakes wich I never noticed before. I never said my grammar was perfect in my posts either, I dont type essay quality on a msg board.

    And to the guy above what the hell are you talking about? YOU dont put grammar in your posts evidently. you also seem to have no clue what it is because you think its not in some subs!!
    They were talking about your grammar natzi attitude on the anime when you are putting forth a very poorly done message to try and relay your issues. Like I always say, if your going to complain about grammar and or spelling in a post your's should be flawless. Also if you pointed out times in the episode so they could check it then you would be giving more validity to your post.

    If you do become part of the staff I'll flip if I see "iam" in their subs just FYI. =P

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