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Thread: How Do I watch Naruto?

  1. #1

    How Do I watch Naruto?

    How can I watch the Naurto 1-10 When it finish I used Window Media player 8 , DivX, Real One and it still won't let me. Can someone help?

  2. #2

    How Do I watch Naruto?

    First of all, definitly the wrong place to ask this question. This should be in Anime Support. Second, you probably have codec problems. If you download all the codecs that you see in my post at this thread, you should be fine. If you would like, you can also download VLC too (the link is there). Hope I could help.

  3. #3

    RE: How Do I watch Naruto?

    Thank you . I new here so I don't know much thak you again.

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