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Thread: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

  1. #61

    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    who cares, it would kill the series to have the whole party being super strong.

    it all started with naruto been the drop out loser with no skillz. sakura been book smart and sasuke been the best in his year.

    now sakura is book smart
    naruto is really strong and getting smarter and learning new shit
    and sasuke is getting stronger having envy build inside him and not been such a cocky lil bastard anymore.

    it would suck if sakura all of a sudden got these super powers and was as strong as naruto and sasuke... it would turn out like dragon ball z. with goku vageta and gohan... all been too powerful. plus shes a girl, girls are weak in general.

  2. #62

    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    I think Sakura Will learn Healing from Tsunade and then she will be useful to the group.

  3. #63

    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    i hope she doesnt go to tsunade...shes the hokage...hokage dont have time for students...if nething i think shizune or kurenai (sp?) and either learn medic or genjutsu...

  4. #64
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    thats not true......the 3rd most likely trained the sannin while he was hokage

    besides, usually the hokage choose the next heir among the students THEY train
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #65
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    besides, usually the hokage choose the next heir among the students THEY train
    i hope that's not implying that sakura is going to be trained by tsunade and become hokage. i hope u r saying that it could be shizune or something.

    i thought the village elders pick who is going to be the next hokage.

    I tried my best...

  6. #66

    Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    That's why Tsuande is going to choose Naruto. Even though he wasn't taught by her.

  7. #67
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    well it doesnt have to just go in a straight line......
    after all the 4th become hokage even though his sensei jiraiya didnt, and chances are, naruto will become hokage even though kakashi prolly wont
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #68

    Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    if he trained the sannin when he [sandaime] was hokage, how did they do missions out of the village..? i doubt the hokage would go for a mission such as a escort to another village..
    i know he was a VERY strong ninja, but he still has his hokage duties and being away for a week or two...i dunno, i could be wrong..

    besides, usually the hokage choose the next heir among the students THEY train
    isnt it funny the only one who wasnt offered the Hokage title was the one who wanted it..

  9. #69

    Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    Originally posted by: kAi
    isnt it funny the only one who wasnt offered the Hokage title was the one who wanted it..
    Actually, he was going to be offered it, but he did all those evil experiments, so they didn't give the title to him. They gave it to the Fourth. That's why he left, if I remember correctly.

    Back on topic, Sakura will have to eventually learn something. One day, she'll realize that she is useless to Sasuke, and maybe then, she'll try to improve.

  10. #70

    Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    i thought that it was the yondaime who got offered it and orochimaru got pissed off!

    EDIT: just found this...
    this is during the time when the sound attack just started...
    chapter 116, anime ep not to sure..
    Konoha Ninja: "Why did he [orochimaru] become a missing-nin?"
    Ibiki: "a long time ago when the fourth hokage was chosen...orochimaru felt he was the worthy choice, but he wasnt selected."

  11. #71

    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    i wonder what would have happened if orochimaru challenged the 4th for the title of hokage...Iruka said in one of the episodes that sarutobi was the strongest of all hokages, so under that logic, the 4th woulda gotten whooped...but who knows?...

  12. #72

    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    hmmmm i tot i recall they say something about having 1 medical specalist in a term.. i think sakura will be fit for tat role.. then she will enjoy herself touching sasuke everytime he has a tiny cut... opz.. :x

  13. #73
    ANBU Shi_No_Shikaku's Avatar
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    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    She is really smart... and weak
    I Don't like to say anything twice

  14. #74

    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    She's got that huge forehead. She'll learn the best block ability in the world!

  15. #75

    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    Sakura is too much of a loser for anything. She spends too much time on sasuke's nuts to learn anything, although i agree, she'll probably learn some type of medical jutsu (or maybe a really cool genjutsu? she supposed to be good @ that). She seems more like a desk-nin than anything though (like Iruka)

  16. #76

    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    isn't it she'll have to improve and get sumfin, if she stays a genin forever well hell just let her, nm on my thoughts,

    and personally i think she looked better after her 5 minute beating

    but anywho my idea is if sasuke comes back naruto and sasuke will keep growing and is sakura stays where she is she'll deffently lose, sasuke cause different lvl ninja's carry out different missions,

    but there is one thing i never hope happens, thats sakura and sasuke getting together, <.<; it would be the true end of sasukes clan

    but yeah sakura is supposed to be good at gen jitsu but isn't, and kakashi said she grew a lot which i haven't seen yet, other then she might have more respect for people thats about it

  17. #77

    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    The team is a little unballanced if you ask me.
    Naruto is the "Tank" who soaks up all the damage 99.9% of the time.
    Sasuke is the speed and attack ability expert.
    Sakura is the brains of the outfit who has knowledge on her side of just about everything.

    Take the team into factor with "Fuzzy eyebrows" outfit.
    The ultimate in physical strength and speed.
    The ultimate in shutting down your opponents ninja techniques and the ability to spot anything.
    The ultimate in ranged combat precision.

    Naruto's team is best for general mission settings where the danger is unknown.
    Lee's set is better off with attack or defense missions as they are a combat based group.

    Is this all there is? HECK NO! When the danger hits that extreme point Naruto pulls off his little red chakra manuvers, Sasuke brings in the sharigan, while Sakura has NOT YET found her special ability.

    Lee just drops the weights and suddenly he's a one man army. Moreso when he starts to break open those gates. In the meantime ranged weapons get their nice little attached line for perfect ranged attacks while we get that Hyuuga ultimate defensive manuver.

    Overall when you look at it Sakura is the weakest one there at this time... however she does have one thing for her that can not be argued about. Tactics.

    Remember her defense of naruto and sasuke... well ok of just sasuke in the forest? Replacement technique 1: ok where are you now? Replacement technique 2: stupid girl, that won't work and I'm onto you. No more wasting my accuracy or weapons on killing those replacements anymore, and here comes number 3... NOT! At which point everybody who hates her got mildly entertained as she got her head smashed for a few minutes straight. After all her goal was not survival but to delay long enough for sasuke to wake up and kick ALL their arses. It worked and she didnt' sustain much overall damage because all strikes were to the top of her skull (the strongest part of the human skeletal structure and possibly more defensive for her if you catch my drift... uh... I think it's time for me to use the replacement technique myself and run for the hills before she beats me senseless) *poof*

  18. #78
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    shes probably going to be iruka's replacement someday

  19. #79

    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    Maybe ....
    1-Sakura and Ino will be trained by a flower lover (Sunflower Samurai, Sc?) they will learn how to fight with a weapon because she don't want to be a burden for anyone.

    2-She will die because she is too kind ... and help her team from the world of the deads (Doc.Daniel Jackson done it before "Stargate Sg-1").

    3-Ino will train with Sakura and learn Psy abilities to keep up with the group level ... (Miracles do happen [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    4-She will turn berserk and revel herself with "Mind Clones" ...(Miracles do Happen, however she is still Sakura so ...)

    5-She will stay at home waiting for Naruto and Sasuke to come back from their missions against Oro ...

    I hope i don't spoil anything [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  20. #80

    RE: Why doesn't Sakura have a special jitsu?

    She doesn't need a special justu....she's got INNER SAKURA!

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