Anyone else notice Sakura is the ONLY ninja without a special technique? Even Ino and Chouji have their own secret moves. I don't get it 'cause it's the only reason she's so weak. What do you guys think?
PS no spoilers please!
Anyone else notice Sakura is the ONLY ninja without a special technique? Even Ino and Chouji have their own secret moves. I don't get it 'cause it's the only reason she's so weak. What do you guys think?
PS no spoilers please!
yeah we all noticed that's why there aren't many sakura fans
She can give handjobs better than any little genin slut in Konoha.
It's step one in the konoha elders' plan to keep her weak. Step two is to fatten her up. Step 3 is to eat her.
she has a special jutsu, it's called,"SASUKE-KUUUNN no jutsu." God I wish that bitch would just shut her mouth, or step in the way of a chidori
nah, i bet w/ her big mouth she could probably suck it down w/ the best of emOriginally posted by: theblakeman
She can give handjobs better than any little genin slut in Konoha.
When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills
well she does kinda have special ability in that her mind is strong, iam sure it will be elaborated on at some point somwhere, they cant leave her weak forever.................or can they?
^I agree with the above post.
Hopefully she gains some skill and becomes less annoying in the future.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
DeluxSkillz: Well, she's my favorite character (/me quickly hides behind chambers and animemaster; flaming commences)
She *did* promise to train harder and get strong like 50 episodes back, although it seems they've dropped that thread entirely. At this point though, she's so far behind that I think someone would have to step in and straight up teach her a technique. Any guesses as to when/if that'll happen?
Lol, I think Souryusen on to something though.
If you really look at it, Sakura don't have a mentor to teach him a special move.
Sasuke has Kakashi
Naruto has Jiraya
I find it strange that Kakashi did not appoint someone to teach Sakura. Like when Kakashi appointed the closet pervert to mentor Naruto.
actually, Kakashi didn't appoint Jiraiya to Naruto. They just happened 2 bump into each other and then stuff happens =)
thats cos he didnt say jira, the closet pervert is ebisu NOT jira.
Another Sakura and no jutsu thread.....
answer: Because she's lazy and has no real determination or desire to become strong/train (and yah some of you will say she said that she wanted to get strong to protect the 2 but whatever that's not determination/desire, because if it was she would have been training)
Actually when you look at it she really dosen't have interest in being a ninja/kunoichi all she really is concerned about is Sasuke, which is the only reason she is a genin probably just to be close to Sasuke.
Sakura's a waste of space character, and really is no ninja at all, what kind of idiot who is supposedly a ninja says "why do they train/try so hard" (about Lee and Sasuke) Duh! Any one that wants to at least a decent strength ninja has to train and it's been obvious both of those people have reasons why they want to. -_-;
yep thats exactly why [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img], but I wouldnt pass that hand/suck job thing by herOriginally posted by: ShinobiNeko
Another Sakura and no jutsu thread.....
answer: Because she's lazy and has no real determination or desire to become strong/train (and yah some of you will say she said that she wanted to get strong to protect the 2 but whatever that's not determination/desire, because if it was she would have been training)
Actually when you look at it she really dosen't have interest in being a ninja/kunoichi all she really is concerned about is Sasuke, which is the only reason she is a genin probably just to be close to Sasuke.
Sakura's a waste of space character, and really is no ninja at all, what kind of idiot who is supposedly a ninja says "why do they train/try so hard" (about Lee and Sasuke) Duh! Any one that wants to at least a decent strength ninja has to train and it's been obvious both of those people have reasons why they want to. -_-;
R.I.P Captain America.
Probably no one know that Sakura has a inner self
People probably think that she is just an average girl because she don't have a special gift like Naruto and Sasuki have.
Sasuki have the sharingan
Naruto have Kyubi
If someone know that Sakura has a inner self, they may give an interest to mentor him.
Probably they can teach Sakura to harness the power of her inner self. Like what Kakashi and Jiraya doing to Naruto and Sasuki.
Kakashi is teaching Sasuki to harness the power of sharingan.
Jiraya is teaching Naruto to use the power of Kyubi
My guess is that she will eventually learn something from someone who actually cares to teach her. We don't see her training, but who knows, maybe behind the scenes she might actually do some training, after doing her deliveries to Sasuke, visiting Sasuke, and thinking about Sasuke.
She does remind me of the type of girl back in High School who is so boy crazed, she'll do anything the jerk of a guy she likes says, who disrespects her, uses her, and she'll end up pregnant as a single, teenage mom.
Sakura's inner self is just there for comic relief.. seriously doubt it's useful as in you could train it... -.-
thign is a severe injury to sasuke SHOULD have been the catalyst to her strength, i mean its alsways said that when a person protects what they love they there true strength shows through. they could have had someone try an kill sasuke (or somthing equally evil) as he lay in bed and as sakura watches over him that could have spured hir on to train extra hard, to protect sasuke as she did in the forest.
AN didnt her innerself actuall have a posative effect in the battle wiht i-no