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Thread: Sasuke vs. Naruto

  1. #21

    RE: Sasuke vs. Naruto

    Kakashi knows over 1000 Jutsus = closer than Naruto to become Hokage.

    i cant believe there are some that believe Naruto surpassed kakashi, thats ridiculous.

    Kabuto was surprised that Naruto grabbed him, im sure. If it was kakashi, Naruto would have done a rasengan on a piece of wood.

  2. #22

    RE: Sasuke vs. Naruto

    Someone should close this topic, its jus plain dumb.

  3. #23

    RE: Sasuke vs. Naruto

    Maybe it took Kabuto 15 seconds to tell his left hand to attack Naruto. He was affected by Tsunade's limb inhibitor (sp?) also, I don't know if this goes for everyone else, but me being right handed, it takes me a little bit longer to figure out how to do something with my left hand (writing left handed, trying to throw left handed and looking like an idiot). But maybe that's just me...

  4. #24

    RE: Sasuke vs. Naruto

    it takes you longer to think of throwing a punch...
    it should be automatic...some one grab your right arm use a knee or your left hand...or headbutt...

    naruto cannot be beaten by the likes of a jounin and kage level ninja he is just to far superior...

    Sexy No Jutsu > Sandaime, Jiraiya
    Harem No Jutsu > Ebisu
    Chalkboard eraser > Kakashi
    Rasengan > Kabuto

    jhahahaha all hail the mightiest foe naruto

  5. #25

    RE: Sasuke vs. Naruto

    Perhaps due to Kabuto not taking Naruto seriously from the start of the fight, he paused when the kunai penetrated. Surprised with Naruto 1) actually having the balls to pull such a suicide move, and 2) actually doing him damage. This coming from a supposedly unskilled and undisciplined genin. I'm thinking Kabuto purposefully waited for Naruto's follow-up out of curiosity. Remember, he was first introduced as an intelligence gatherer, so this character trait is well established and would have an influence on his actions. He simply wanted to see what the loud blond kid could do, all the while believing that either he could avoid the danger or that there would be none.

    So, Naruto gave Kabuto that pounding as a result of Kabuto's misjudgement. He underestimated Naruto and paid for it. Much like most of Naruto's other fights.

    Now, Naruto at or even near the same level as Kabuto/Kakashi? No way. At any point Kabuto could have landed a simple nerve strike, knock Naruto out, fight over.
    Skill and the wisdom to use it properly are more important than raw power, which is Naruto's meal ticket.

  6. #26

    Sasuke vs. Naruto

    hmmm.. i think kabuto dun think he break free tat fast from naruto n he was doing his regenaration (right spelling?) technique so tat he can heal fast... so maybe it explains the 15-20s ... moreover naruto has weird will power to never let go... so even Kabuto was to kick Naruto away.. i dun think Naruto will be flying away like he was.. moreover kabuto was still effected by the Tsunade's nerve attack.. so it will take him longer to figure out which to part of his body to move..

    hmmmm i think kakashi will be able to learn Rasengan if someone train him to... Naruto was trained to use Rasengan.. and Rasengan and Chadori are using the same basic... concentrating the chakura on the hand.. anyway i feel.. Rasengan is like the more advance version of Chadori..

    And i dun believe Kakashi n Naruto is of the same level... Experience plays a huge part too.. moreover Naruto is too NOISY... i think if Kakashi and Naruto is to really get into a battle.. Naruto will be killed before he can do anything... (cause of his noise level)

  7. #27

    RE: Sasuke vs. Naruto

    it wouldnt be because of noise level...

  8. #28

    RE: Sasuke vs. Naruto

    i think naruto would win because he aint a bitch like sasuke most of the time and wen things get serious, hes up for the challenge where as sasuke questions wether hes gonna die or not like everytime the meet a strong foe.

    naruto, although rash in his actions and rushes things most of the time, is the number ninja at surprising ppl after all. some of the things he thinks of are pretty clever especially for an idiot like himself lol

    sasuke cant fuk wit the nine tails chakra, naruto would rape him a new asshole

    my opinion..

  9. #29
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Sasuke vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: I Sasuke I
    i think naruto would win because he aint a bitch like sasuke most of the time and wen things get serious, hes up for the challenge where as sasuke questions wether hes gonna die or not like everytime the meet a strong foe.
    sasuke is smart. naruto isn't.

    EDIT: look at what happened to naruto against orochimaru. orochimaru could've killed him in ten ways before naruto hit the ground. ok?

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  10. #30

    RE: Sasuke vs. Naruto

    if naruto was smart also they wouldnt be living now would they cuz gaara woulda raped both of their asses

  11. #31

    Sasuke vs. Naruto

    It's an attribute for Naruto to be dumb... And he sure is that... Because of that he can hold up to his ideals of how a Ninja should be, act and also how morals work for Ninjas. Because Naruto is stupid, he can keep on fighting for others knowing he might die. With Intellect, a person becomes corrupt and egoistic, keeps thinking of Nr. 1.

    Edit: That is the reason you say that the higher IQ one has, the lower EQ he or she has.

  12. #32

    Sasuke vs. Naruto

    this is just stupid NARUTO WINS BECAUSE OF KYUBI, SKILL WISE SASUKE WINS how is naruto gonna lose when every time he is out of chakra he gets an infinite amount back plus he's the MAIN character so there is no way sasuke will ever beat him just close this thread, naruto hitting kabuto with his rasengan has already been discussed to death

  13. #33
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Sasuke vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
    this is just stupid NARUTO WINS BECAUSE OF KYUBI, SKILL WISE SASUKE WINS how is naruto gonna lose when every time he is out of chakra he gets an infinite amount back plus he's the MAIN character so there is no way sasuke will ever beat him just close this thread, naruto hitting kabuto with his rasengan has already been discussed to death
    So what your saying is just because Naruto has the Kyubi AND because he's the main character, he can kick literally ANYBODY's ass in the entire anime. Yeah ok. So what your then saying is that Naruto can beat the crap out of Orochimaru. But do you even remember what happened when Naruto fought him? Orochimaru beat him up and added another seal to the one the 4th gave him which knocked him out for a long time. And Naruto fought him as Kyubi Naruto (he had some control over the Kyubi but still). And so what if Sasuke is excellent skill wise? Naruto may not be a genius ninja like Sasuke but we've seen countless times Naruto using his techniques at the right time. I'm not trying to sound mean or anything but saying Naruto is the strongest just because he's the main character and has Kyubi isn't evidence enough that he can fight equally with Sasuke.
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  14. #34

    Sasuke vs. Naruto

    not read the second page so this may have allready been aswered but kabuto stood still as he was gathering chakra to heal himself as he knew that hed be hit, he saw the imperfected attack before and logically assumed if he gathered charka to heal himself before he wouldnt be harmed at all, that changed when he realised and what he did to counteract the attack was to tear up narutos heart muscles with that iron hand technique thing

  15. #35

    Sasuke vs. Naruto

    But however you put it, Naruto will pwn Sasuke anytime [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] , like, bend over Sasuke.

    Rasengan is much more Chakra effective and can be used far more times (or at least by Naruto) then Chidori. Ofc , winning doesnt involve technique versus technique only, but is also about strategic positioning.
    And however dumb Naruto may seem, he wins most of his fights by making a strategic move. Which alot of you apparently missed. Sasuke never used any trickery, only head on offense. Even during the "get my bell match" that introduced them to Kakashi. Even there, Naruto came up with a plan, maybe not as brilliant as Shikemaru, but instinctively alot better then Sasuke could ever invent. Sasuke is into being strong, not into being smart. (although he was supposed to be the smartest of his class..wonder how he got that position ....)

    besides ..his attitude is gay, so no winning for him ~~
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  16. #36

    Sasuke vs. Naruto

    sasuke would win this fight.
    Naruto is to bad with he's basic combat moves
    and it dosent matter that naruto has rasengan because he will never
    get the chance to punch him with it.

  17. #37

    RE: Sasuke vs. Naruto

    He used to be bad with his basic combat moves yeah..I doubt that still counts ..
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  18. #38

    Sasuke vs. Naruto

    c'mon are all of you morons!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????? WTF isn't it obvious naruto would win he should've lost against neji who was way more powerful and what happens he gets powered up by the kyubi so what does that tell you??? it tells you as long as naruto is the main character of the show he's not gonna die or lose in a REAL battle, SASUKE is superior in everyway but against kyubi chakra he's just a little bitch nothing to do about it because believe it or not Sasuke is just a secondary character they can dispose of whenever they want, now i'm not gonna argue any longer just wait till the anime catches up to where the manga is right now and you'll find out, NARUTO will beat sasuke in a fight purely because he has the kyubi's chakra, they can be hokages or whatever against the full power of the kyubi not even a kage can win, Sasuke couldn't even win against Gaara what makes you think he'll win against naruto, sasuke was winning when gaara wasn't using his demon powers but when he started to transform sasuke got owned same happens when naruto starts using kyubi chakra he'll kick sasuke's ass so ba dit won't even be funny

  19. #39

    Sasuke vs. Naruto

    I ..think..thats spoiling ..

    we are just being hypothetical my friend, where you get your facts is up to you, but do not spoil it for others.
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  20. #40
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    Sasuke vs. Naruto

    Naruto would obviously win since no matter how the fight went he would just either use Kyubi's chakra or fart and claim victory in the end.

    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

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