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Thread: proxy server

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  1. #1

    proxy server

    i just need a little help
    i'm behined a proxy server and the speed is too slow
    and the little ciricle on the top is allways yellow and they
    said i have a nat proplem and i dont know how to
    fix it while am behined a proxy server
    can any body help me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
    ( am not behined any firewalls or routers )

  2. #2

    proxy server

    Well, putting yourself behind a firewall effectively puts you behind a pseudofirewall (barring NAT, if you've got that running)

    If you have NAT running, you shouldn't have a problem.

    As for BitTorrent (I'm guessing that's what you're asking about) and proxies, take a gander at this:

  3. #3

    proxy server

    thanx but how can i get NAT running ??? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    proxy server

    Are you the network admin?

    It's a matter of putting NAT software on your server. Not having a router makes things slightly inconvenient, but hey, I've got a setup that does NAT using a server.

    You'll need to provide us more details about your network for us to help on this part.

  5. #5

    proxy server

    well am conicting throu a satelite - dsl the speed is 512
    and am behined a proxy server called Sock 4
    and the speed in azureus is 2 kb/s << why is that ??
    and thats it
    can u help me ???

  6. #6

    proxy server

    Why are you behind a SOCKS 4 proxy server? Is it run by your ISP?

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