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[21:41] <Kraco> Yes, it was actually quite good. Kind of reminded me of the good old days.
[21:41] <Archie> Told yah
[21:41] <Archie> Wasn't the simbolism great?
[21:41] <Archie> How Krona simplified the act of killing in her mind
[21:41] <Kraco> It was a bit predictable. But yes, it worked.
[21:42] <Archie> Also Eibon, out of nowhere
[21:42] <Archie> Medusa dying again
[21:44] <Kraco> I personally feel Medusa shouldn't have acted so much. If Crona was nearly complete, she should have attacked nevertheless.
[21:44] <Archie> That was the point though
[21:45] <Archie> Crona doesn't evolve on her own
[21:45] <Archie> She doesn't want to, change scares her
[21:45] <Archie> Everything does
[21:45] <Archie> Medusa has to be the one to move her in the right direction
[21:45] <Archie> And this was the final stroke
[21:47] <Kraco> Hmm... That doesn't seem very complete. But I guess you do have a point. If she was only an incubator for the black blood to begin with, never more.
[21:48] <Archie> I'm curious as to how she'll develop now
[21:48] <Archie> Id she doesn't depend on anyone anymore she'll act on her own will
[21:48] <Archie> What that will is, i have no effing idea
[21:48] <Archie> There's also the possibility of Medusa being faking this whole thing again and keep manipulating her from the shadows
[21:49] <Archie> That would be boring though
[21:49] <Archie> Predictable
[21:49] <Kraco> She will either follow the madness or do nothing. People don't change so suddenly.
[21:49] <Archie> That's the thing, it's not a change
[21:49] <Archie> She did what she was told
[21:49] <Archie> Always
[21:49] <Archie> And now there's nobody left to tell her what to do
[21:50] <Archie> So what we see from now on should be the real Crona
[21:50] <Kraco> Medusa's death could go either way, but I'm disinclined to think she would off herself for good.
[21:50] <Archie> I wouldn't know
[21:50] <Archie> Her motives were neer properly disclosed
[21:50] <Archie> For all i know this was her objective all along
[21:51] <Kraco> Crona has no desires of her own, so what would she do? Perhaps go after Maka?
[21:51] <Archie> Who knows
[21:52] <Archie> Maybe she'll find herself missing Maka and will move to off her for good
[21:52] <Kraco> It's not like becoming "complete" would suddenly spawn grand plans and ambitions in her mind.
[21:52] <Archie> Well not at first
[21:52] <Archie> But she's basically back in that dark room all over again
[21:52] <Archie> In her own mind
[21:52] <Kraco> Maka is something she knows, so attempting to kill her would be plausible indeed.