and another...
Chapter 54
and another...
Chapter 54
Does anyone know how often the raws for Soul Eater come out? Monthly, Quarterly? Sorry, its an annoying question, but this way I can figure out when to expect a release and don't have to randomly remind myself to check for it. Shinigami has to figure out some way to get involved now right? How long will they actually go without a main character? Damn the fact that this is monthly.
I love the anime and I wanna buy the manga. Has it been licensed yet? I went to the comic store here and they said they don't have it in stock (or something). And there's over 10 volumes released in Japan already...
Guess I have to download then. But I'll definitely be buying it.
Soul Eater 59 on One Manga.
Could it really be the end of Arachne?
Oh God, Maka in a black Nightgown holding a demon hunter
*Fap fap fap*
Finally caught up and i hate to say it but the manga makes the anime look like crap, especially since the filler started
Where's a good place to pick this up? I'm reading on from the anime, so I won't mind a bit of rehash from where things start to get different.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
That chapter was freakin awesome. I would love to get some kind of FMA reboot like they're doing now just to see the attack on baba yaga castle arc animated.
Glad to have you on boardOriginally Posted by Buffalobiian
This has been discussed before but like i said it's note much more that fool's hope since it's highly unlikely.Originally Posted by xtallography
Soul eater did get some nice ratings, but FMA got monstrous ones and that's the only reason it's getting this remake
Last edited by Archangel; Sat, 04-11-2009 at 06:44 AM.
Man, why didn't nobody tell me the girls in the manga are so damn HOT? Shower scenes, Maid-Liz, Formal-dress Maka, sheet-draped Crona, every Tsubaki scene........
I need a tissue.
Anyway, I didn't expect things to turn out this differently. I'm guessing Arachne never actualy captured the Kishin neither. Ox was also a LOT cooler than what they made him out to be in the show. He still gives off the nerdy vibes, but rather than a conceited elitist confidence, it's just pure dedication to his loved one, which is totally cool.
Black Star's fights were sort of confusing to read, but it made enough sense so I'm not too bogged down on that.
This is a monthly release too? Bummer.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Caught up over the weekend, starting from volume 7, where the anime diverged.
Various comments:
- The dirty and dark humor is greatly increased in the manga. It's a nice touch, even if a lot of them are old man jokes.
- Black*Star's fights were pretty awesome, I loved the ink brush streaks they used (so it's like SF4, but it was more usefully stylized here).
- Maka's Black Blood dress was super sexy, despite her lack of figure.
- I really liked the side story about Kim and Ox. It gives a little bit of hope for Angela now that Mifune is reduced to so many petals. If her powers are mostly shitty invisibility going with her chameleon theme, she's no more destructive than Kim is, and would probably fit in better at Shibusen than with the other witches.
- But I am most worried about Patty and Liz. I loved the way they dealt with Giriko, "doing something they used to do quite often." Now that Kidd is captured, I wonder what they will possibly do now. Tied with Tsubaki, Patty and Liz have usually been my favorite characters.