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Thread: Direct Trade

  1. #1

    Direct Trade

    Hay I am curious if ppl are interested in direct trading I want do do something like trade whatever I have for like episodes 1-5 or 1-10 of stuff I don't have. I want to have a wide collection and this seems like the place to get stuff I have never heard of.

    Are there any people interested in something like this if so I will post my collection and contact information.

  2. #2

    Direct Trade

    well if you ask my opinion you don't have to trade at all almost anything available can be downloaded somethings you just got to look a little harder for then others but almsot anything can be downloaded for free

  3. #3

    Direct Trade

    I like this idea to get stuff that I don't Have and to share the stuff I have that may be hard to find ( my collection is small at them moment only a few hundred episodes do to a fatal crash ) but I have a few hundred gigs to fill and can think of no better way to share it with ppl.

  4. #4

    Direct Trade

    The method that a majority of us use is Bit Torrent, which automatically makes you upload while you download. If you're looking to do trades, you're better off on IRC or Direct Connect.

  5. #5

    Direct Trade

    I want to direct connect with ppl and do a straight across traid with the and as for IRC I have never used it and don't have a clue ware to go to do any downloading or sharing on it?

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