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Thread: detective conan :)

  1. #1

    detective conan :)

    ive been watching the show, case closesd, on adult swim quite frequently and i think i heard there were over 1000 eps. can someone who watched or read this series tell me/spoil me how the ending or if rachel(U.S. name lol) ever finds out about conan.. and explain to me how conan finds about those guys in black suits?? thank you.. and.. is there newhere i can get more eps or manga?

  2. #2

    RE: detective conan :)

    im watching the subs from anime-conan at the moment... right now watched up to episode 51...

    can you in the topic put a warning of possible spoilers in case someone answers your question....

  3. #3

    RE: detective conan :)

    how can i do that?

  4. #4
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: detective conan :)

    is the series good? it recently got released in manga form in sweden, ive been thinking of buying it but i dont got enough cash to spend it on something that i dont like.

  5. #5

    RE: detective conan :)

    I've been watching it on adult swim too. and it is pretty good. you might not like it a first. but if you pay attention to the story, it pulls you in. it's kinda like scooby-doo only without the retarded stuff that can only be understood by being HIGH.

  6. #6

    RE: detective conan :)

    Originally posted by: ~*AmiDamaRu*~
    how can i do that?
    Edit the first post and it will let you change the tittle of the thread

  7. #7

    RE: detective conan :)

    hah! at present there's .. i think they're up to roughly 360 or so eps in japan. probably less coz i got 350 not too long ago. it's a pretti good series.. but it's kinda like, well obviously it's a really dragged out series coz it's still going... but yah. i noe it's just an anime, but i can't help thinking.... "17?!" wish i were that smart..... -.-

  8. #8

    RE: detective conan :)

    Try about 374 episodes... or so....

  9. #9

    RE: detective conan :)

    i can never get over that they have so many eps...
    btw, to the original question to this thread, amidamaru (if you even bother to read this thread or have figured it out already) conan finds out at the first episode.... so just watch the first episode. then everything makes sense

  10. #10

    RE: detective conan :)

    pretty decent show...very intelligent writers, in my opinion

  11. #11

    RE: detective conan :)

    I haerd they skipped a few seasons in the US release of the DVDs. Can anyone clarify for me which seasons they missed out on the DVD release.

    Power without perception is virtually useless!

  12. #12

    RE: detective conan :)

    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    is the series good? it recently got released in manga form in sweden, ive been thinking of buying it but i dont got enough cash to spend it on something that i dont like.
    it's worth watchin really... but it's pretty hard to catch up on that series... it practically stopped for a yr in my country b4 resuming at lightning speed... i dont know what happened in btw though... the manga is great... detective plot is comparable to kindaichi... the anime is licensed... so im not sure whether you can get hold of those... but dont worry cos vcds and dvds are out... =)

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