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Thread: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

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  1. #1

    NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    well hello again, im gonna ask again opinions in each of you guys! very sorry if i annoy u guys too much, well just hear me out.

    hmmm... i think i would start the question by: is naruto a VERY UNFAIR character?

    note that i do not see naruto as a very unfair character.

    i did this topic coz i have a have friend who have watched naruto after the episode of "naruto vs. neji", well at the first preliminary exams, his fave char was neji its bcoz of his ability to see tenketsu, and by that ability he can see the chakra points right? so, if a person's tenketsu has been sealed, theres no way you can mold chakra, thus resulting that person cannot use ninjutsu for a certain time...and then, kyuubi's chakra to the rescue!!! my friend said, WTF? his normal chakra was sealed and then another chakra came to rescue him??? and an overwhelming one! damn that naruto! neji couldve won if that red chakra didnt help him...his chakra was sealed for cryin out loud! and then after that he didnt watched the episodes after that battle....when we always talk about naruto anime, he always said that "thats non-sense! what's the point in whooping his ass so bad? there's the kyuubi who always come to the rescue!"
    he said that his point was naruto relies in the kyuubi's chakra, so to him naruto's a stupid-non-sense character.

    me and my other friends relate other anime's that is unfair also like kenshin, to us, he is unfair bcoz of the amakakeru ryu no hirameki, i mean shisio (well i didnt know how to put this in english so ill use dodge instead) dodged this move, and then...TADAN!! theres a vortex sucking him up after the attack!!! and he cannot move! it's just like slashing an old tree!! well that's our defense so far, but my stupid friend said "it's kenshins final move!!! amakakeru ryu no hirameki was the final succession move of the hitten mitsurugi ryu, so i think kenshin deserves a credit for, does naruto has a final move? you still dont know if that rasengan or whatsoever that move was is his final move! i mean u said that rasengan is a very powerfull ninjutsu, and he has that stupid kyuubi chakra, and he doesnt have any final move! how unfair is that?!?!!!

    well i hope you guys share some enlighted answers so that my stupid friend can read it!

  2. #2
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    hey guys i need to hear u out bout this..

    yeah naruto is pretty gay.

    i'm waiting for someone to say: "well, naruto using kyubi chakra is same as itachi using sharingan"

    even though comparing kyubi chakra to any technique/ability is completely stupid because of the huge differences in what it does, i'm sure someone will manage to do it.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  3. #3

    hey guys i need to hear u out bout this..

    Well, the Kyuubi chakra is another tool/weapon that other characters don't have. Every character seems to have someone special and unique about them, and this is Naruto's trump card.

    Though Mut@t@ stated that it can't be compared to the Sharingan, I think it can be comparable. Think of it like this: with the Sharingan, Itachi has an advantage over almost everyone else. He can copy and predict their moves, and has his ultimate technique that no one else without a sharingan can do. In a way, he is arguably more powerful than any other character yet because of his sharingan. Without it, he might not be as powerful.

    Same with the Neji's bloodline limit. If he did not have that, he would not be as powerful as he is today. It is because of those extra abilities and tools that make him who he is.

    So with Naruto's case, Kyuubi chakra is an extra tool for him to use to make his character different. All these extra tools between the different characters make them unique and vary their strength.

    Gaara is another example, when he was altered for his ability.

    As for Naruto, he just needs to develop his abilities more, and learn more techniques before he has a final move. He is really you right now, and more skills will be developed along the way.

  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    yeah naruto is pretty gay.

    i'm waiting for someone to say: "well, naruto using kyubi chakra is same as itachi using sharingan"

    even though comparing kyubi chakra to any technique/ability is completely stupid because of the huge differences in what it does, i'm sure someone will manage to do it.
    I'll be one of those idiots this time. Naruto's kyubi chakra as he uses it against neji and gaara isn't really unfair. I don't think Naruto heals damage fast enough for it to matter in a fight as he used it those times. What the chakra did do, was increase his speed, strenght, and reflexes (against neji) and allowed him to summon gamabunta (against gaara). Now, putting the gamabunta thing aside for a second, the power up he gets from the kyubi chakra isn't unfair, until he looses control (or gains superior control over it). For example, if Sasuke activates his sharingan, and fights kyubi naruto, I don't think Naruto'll be able to handle him in a purely taijutsu fight. That sharingan's eye of insight (I think that's what lets you not only copy moves, but see an opponents movements, copy them, predict the movements, etc.) is like the ultimate taijutsu enhancer imo. If you have to speed to keep up with your opponent, you've pretty much got them. The sharingan's power is ridiculous, and a match for the kyubi as naruto used it against neji. The second thing that the kyubi chakra does is give him extra chakra to perform moves that his own chakra is simply not enough for. As of right now, the power that chakra gives him elevates him to the power level of those that have doujutsu, and without it, he's at the power level of those who don't have it. Nothing unfair about that...

    Notice though, that I was careful to say "as used against neji". The kyubi chakra as used against Haku, now THAT is completely unfair, and a major cheeze. His reflexes at that time were so good, he might as well have had a sharingan twice as powerful as Sasuke's, not to mention the extra speed and strenght which seemed even greater than when he fought against neji, and the "you might as well just stand and die cuz none of your attacks matter to me" healing trick. Yep, at this level, grossly unfair, and likely even unfair later. But, I think that as the ninja master their doujutsus, the power of the doujutsus will increase in such a way as to match Naruto's kyubi powers as he learns to control it even better, for a time that is.

    Oh, and the fight against gaara showed that there's a limit to how much chakra Naruto can extract from the kyubi, and summoning gamabunta takes up a big chunk of whatever that limit is (I'm fully aware the episode is called exceeding the limit, but even when he did that, only a little bit, out of desperation came out. If that little bit wasn't enough for him to do something, he would have lost that fight.)

    My conclusion: Naruto's current control over the kyubi powers makes him a match for those with sharingan and byakugan, and the powers of each are comparable. However, Naruto's kyubi potential likely far outweights the power potential of either doujutsu. So the kyubi is unfair in a fight, just not when fighting against someone with a bloodline limit, not yet that is.

    Personally, I have absolutely no problem with this. Life isn't fair, the bloodline limits aren't fair (you can't decide to be born with one or train for it), the kyubi is even less fair (it's power exceeds that of bloodline limits, probably) and so on. Naruto is an anime that reflects the fact that life isn't fair, and that some people are born shafted, while others get everything. The point is, that in most cases, wherever you begin from, you can make it furthur than your birthright indicates. I'm looking foward to the developments. In this sense, it's almost too bad that Naruto isn't truly coming from behind.

    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

    - Inquisitor Czevak

  5. #5
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: hey guys i need to hear u out bout this..

    naruto using kyubi chakra is the same as itachi using sharingan [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    ok now im serious. naruto depends on the kyubi chakra when he himself is too weak to defeat his opponent i think this is okay since he is the main character but sucks so he needs something to make up for his own sucky-ness besides it would be even more stupid to know that he had the kyubi chakra there to help him but didnt use it.

  6. #6

    RE: hey guys i need to hear u out bout this..

    Well, the kyubi is a little unfiar in the sense that it is the power of the kyubi and not Naruto's own genetic advantage. However, Naruto does not always use the kyubi and he couldn't if he wanted to. The kyubi in all its great power proboly has great wisdom too. Hence why the kyubi did not react when OROCHIMARU of all people attacked Naruto. Nor has the kyubi helped Naruto with his Ransengan. So to get to the point Kyubi(with some precognitive power of his apperently [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]) wont allow Naruto to use his chakra (with the exeption for when Naruto's wounds heal, thats a result of the Kyubi's and Naruto's chakra combining).

  7. #7

    RE: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    I don't think its unfair, because he sucks....... he isn't God or anything, kimimaro owned him to hell. Very fair.

  8. #8
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    It's called plot device. The main character always wins those fights he HAS to win.
    Regrettably, there would be no story progression otherwise.

  9. #9
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    terra always nails it.

  10. #10

    RE: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    yeah i just think it is another tool/ability he has up his sleeve...a trump card
    as thundrakkon said with the sharingan and the byakugan, and kimimaro with his bones and such...if they didnt have these techniques they wouldnt be as good as they are...kyubi and narutos chakra is merging, making that power his...he has lived with kyubi since his birth, kyubi is his ability his tool, if you had this power and were going to lose you would use it so that you would win...

    and its basically what 'naruto' is about there ninjas with different powers and abilities, and narutos just happens to be the power of the demon kyubi...what luck, huh?

  11. #11

    RE: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    You guys are forgetting that true power comes from protecting someone. What have you people learned from all these hundreds of chapters, forshame.

    Just kidding ppl. that sounded corny.

  12. #12

    RE: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    Uchiha Barles: Doujutsu means 'Eye techniques'... sure you used them in the correct context? because not that many ninjas in naruto have doujutsu...

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    RE: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    Yeah, I meant the byakugan and the sharingan by that. There's no where near as much info available on any other bloodline limit, so I limited the comparison of naruto's powers to those techniques.
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

    - Inquisitor Czevak

  14. #14

    RE: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    Many characters in Naruto have techniques that are somehow cheap like Itachi's sharingan, Tsunade's instant healing seal, ..etc, but all of these techniques have bad side effects (sharingan consuming too much chakra, Tsunade's seal shortens her life..etc). The same cannot be said with Naruto. Kyubi's chakra is unfair since it has no negative side effects what so ever.

  15. #15

    RE: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    Originally posted by: Evil Eyes
    Many characters in Naruto have techniques that are somehow cheap like Itachi's sharingan, Tsunade's instant healing seal, ..etc, but all of these techniques have bad side effects (sharingan consuming too much chakra, Tsunade's seal shortens her life..etc). The same cannot be said with Naruto. Kyubi's chakra is unfair since it has no negative side effects what so ever.
    Uh what are you talking about, try "everybody in the village hates Naruto" if thats not negative enough you are just heartless.

  16. #16

    RE: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    Originally posted by: jing
    Originally posted by: Evil Eyes
    Many characters in Naruto have techniques that are somehow cheap like Itachi's sharingan, Tsunade's instant healing seal, ..etc, but all of these techniques have bad side effects (sharingan consuming too much chakra, Tsunade's seal shortens her life..etc). The same cannot be said with Naruto. Kyubi's chakra is unfair since it has no negative side effects what so ever.
    Uh what are you talking about, try "everybody in the village hates Naruto" if thats not negative enough you are just heartless.
    I meant negative side effects on the body. The village's hatred won't kill him.

  17. #17
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    if you dont count that if naruto releases to much chakra kyuubi would be released and squash him.

  18. #18

    RE: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    hehehe!!! that would be cool but i think it will be the end of the anime if naruto dies...

  19. #19

    RE: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    I agree with Hotsuma.
    Cuz look at it this way.
    Sharingan- Side effects, it drains chakra.
    Kyubi- Side Effects= there are no fucking side effects! cept u will be hated by stupid villagers.

  20. #20

    RE: NARUTO: unfair anime character or not?

    Being liked/hated by the villages won't win your battles for you.

    And it seems that at this point in the story, many people more or less don't really care much about it anymore. It's not like they're pointing fingers at Naruto behind his back.

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