the neji byakugan part was, indeed, pretty cool
it showed that he still has more to learn, and is training harder
the neji byakugan part was, indeed, pretty cool
it showed that he still has more to learn, and is training harder
Yeah I like that, Neji kicks so much ass without being perfect. Perfect characters are no fun! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I thought that was a great ep. The Konohamaru bits weren't bad, but they weren't great either. Shikamaru and his dad talking about women... It seemed like his dad was thinking, "Oh, God. Please don't be gay." for a second there. The Naruto/Sakura/Sasukie hospital scene was nice, I thought. I'm personally a fan of the Hinata/Naruto pairing(and geez, she's a girl. That little Hyuga girl calls her big sister. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]).
The Lee bit was a little sad, but you know he's gonna come back to her and say something like, "I will be a great ninja who only uses taijutsu no matter what! This is my way of the ninja!" So everything'll work out. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I think that Tsunade is able to analyze a patient's condition without even touching him/her. That's why she gave Lee that look. She knew that he had a serious injury. It was the same with Oro. She was able to analyze his condition by just looking at him from a distance.Originally posted by: Danik
I did notice that before Tsunade tried to heal Lee she stared at him and gave him the weird looks, I wonder what was that about, I don't think Lee is done yet.
As for Tsunade's remark about Kakashi, I think she was joking. And Kabuto did NOT kick Tsunade's ass. He took advantage of her phobia. She was at a great disadvantage considering that she hasn't fought in decades and had that blood phobia. I even doubt that she was fighting him with all of her might. Hell, armless Oro is way stronger that Kabuto, yet Tsunade beated the living hell out of him when she fought seriously. Kabuto is cool and is one of my fav. characters, but he's no way better than a SANNIN, at least not yet
As for episode 98 in a whole, it was alright. Konohamaru is one lucky bastard. He got to feel Tsunade's melons.
I guess next episode will be crap.
My my, I worked up quite a crowd.Originally posted by: Tap
Hah, you call MY post worked up? Compared to CUE's its nothing. I don't have a favorite character because i like them all so much i could never decide, each one has some sort of trait i feel relates to me. Its why i think some of the characters are popular (like lee). But yeah i was mad because of CUE's filthy post about a little remark Tsunade said to Kakashi.
Calm the fuck down. I was more or less joking when I posted that. It's a CARTOON kiddy, don't get so exasperated.
except for the fact that it is indeed not very much to get worked up over, your first post (CUE) was BS anyways. The blood prevented her(Tsunade) from actually "performing" in her top-condition.Originally posted by: CUE
My my, I worked up quite a crowd.Originally posted by: Tap
Hah, you call MY post worked up? Compared to CUE's its nothing. I don't have a favorite character because i like them all so much i could never decide, each one has some sort of trait i feel relates to me. Its why i think some of the characters are popular (like lee). But yeah i was mad because of CUE's filthy post about a little remark Tsunade said to Kakashi.
Calm the fuck down. I was more or less joking when I posted that. It's a CARTOON kiddy, don't get so exasperated.
Kakashi is way minor to her and so is Kabuto.
Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.
i hope we get to see itachi more often though, hoping the storyline gets more focused on him [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
i despise itachi and wont rest until i she sasukes chidori through his heart. hes overrated nd the only thing that puts him above other great ninja like kakashi and guy is the mangekyou and possibly that black flame thing. i think without the mangekyou, and without kakashi being worried about the lamer jounins, itachi was on the same level as kakashi. and gai would have faired off very well
on topic: when did hinata get a hobby...shino said something about her all ready finding one, but in this part of the manga she was talking about how she wanted to find one.
my artwork :
It's prob something about her stalking or always thinking of Naruto. It's obvious to everyone she likes him cept Naruto. And yes Neji training was cool.Originally posted by: RasenDori
on topic: when did hinata get a hobby...shino said something about her all ready finding one, but in this part of the manga she was talking about how she wanted to find one.
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
Originally posted by: ?igma
except for the fact that it is indeed not very much to get worked up over, your first post (CUE) was BS anyways. The blood prevented her(Tsunade) from actually "performing" in her top-condition.Originally posted by: CUE
My my, I worked up quite a crowd.Originally posted by: Tap
Hah, you call MY post worked up? Compared to CUE's its nothing. I don't have a favorite character because i like them all so much i could never decide, each one has some sort of trait i feel relates to me. Its why i think some of the characters are popular (like lee). But yeah i was mad because of CUE's filthy post about a little remark Tsunade said to Kakashi.
Calm the fuck down. I was more or less joking when I posted that. It's a CARTOON kiddy, don't get so exasperated.
Kakashi is way minor to her and so is Kabuto.
...It's a cartoon. See, these aren't real people. Tsunade doesn't exist. Neither does kabuto.
I don't even care if my first post was BS. I could say "Lee sucks Kakashi's fat cock" and you kids would get exasperated over it.
I liked this image...
I think the best part was when konohamaru ran into tsunade. "Smells so good". Then the camera angle turns and u see him in tsunades breasts, that cracked me up!
this was a good episode. It felt good to see all the characters again in such a relaxed environment. Well Lee is definately going to play a part some time, I doubt they'll just get rid of him. It would be awesome if he saves the day unexpectedly, I know I would get goosebumps and say "Oh...shit~!" with a big grin on my face.
Anyways, just throwing this out there. How is exploiting her weakness not beating her? I don't think it matters how he wins, but I don't think he would win if she went into that pissed off mode like with Oro
hahahaOriginally posted by: Danik
Sakura should definetly die, its very obvious that Sasuke doesn't want her at all, yet the bitch keeps bothering him like a stupid dog
"Sakura should definetly die, its very obvious that Sasuke doesn't want her at all, yet the bitch keeps bothering him like a stupid dog"
So true.
And CUE, stop calling people kids. Makes you look like the real kid... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Whats wrong with Konohamaru?? He's so cute!! You gotta love him.
Atleast he displays more than one emotion unlike so many of the other characters..
*Cough* Neji *Cough*
Look at me, I'm a genius. I'm so serious. Its my fate to suck balls.
(ok maybe not the last one so much but you get my point)
oh wow, your name cracks me up.
anyway, rock lee = useless ninja!
I read the manga so I was like Ehhhh?! NO Jiraya!?!
All in all good ep, I like the part when Sakura forgets completely about Naruto when Sasuke wakes up, even though Naruto ALMOST got killed to bring Tsunade back.
It sucks to be the lonesome loser...sniff.
i dont know man, the sweater could be hiding more than can be seen with your eyes! (BIG BOOBIES!!)..jkjkjk [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]Originally posted by: Mut@t@
blah! you deleted my post! =( you're so much nicer on irc.
anyway, that episode gave me evidence that hinata is actually a lame boy. i can see curves in all the girls (even if they are like 12/13) but hinata = none. and don't blame her eskimo jacket. it's her fault for wearing it in the summer.
anyways i'd just like to point out that i hate these kinds of episodes. i guess reading the manga really ruins it for ya. i know that they can sometimes include very valuable information about how the series is progressing but all we really want to watch are the cool fight scenes and naruto kicking someones ass cuz they were talking smack about his skills. however one thing would actually make it worth watching if the animation itself were better because i for one believe its quality has gone down each episode like some stupid dbz ep....
since she is "rid of her weakness" I'd say that is anough to "not " have won afterwards. If she still had it ok, but you can now reconsider her a potential nr1Originally posted by: itsgalf
this was a good episode. It felt good to see all the characters again in such a relaxed environment. Well Lee is definately going to play a part some time, I doubt they'll just get rid of him. It would be awesome if he saves the day unexpectedly, I know I would get goosebumps and say "Oh...shit~!" with a big grin on my face.
Anyways, just throwing this out there. How is exploiting her weakness not beating her? I don't think it matters how he wins, but I don't think he would win if she went into that pissed off mode like with Oro
Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.