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Thread: wondering about legality

  1. #1

    wondering about legality

    there is this website i visited and got some neat scans off of. they are excelent. very high quality naruto scans. truly some of the best ive seen. i do see one problem with them. they claim ownership of them.

    i thought that naruto was open license and it was ok to distribute it freely as long as no changes to the form of the work was made without concent of the creator.

    i dont even begin to say that im an expert on licencing so i thought i'd let you guys know about it to see if you could give me a better understanding of it.

    the website i got it from was not entirely possitive about that web address i found it through a yahoo search "naruto captures" they were the third one down using that search. i would hate to see them go away bc of a logistics issue. their scans are truly well selected and quite comprehensive for the episodes they did. i want more of them in fact hehe.

    so if someone could let me know about it i think their great and would love to feel confident that they are legal and all since it sucks to be the artist that created something and have someone tell you that you in fact did not:/

    later on
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2

    RE: wondering about legality

    You should ask this in Naruto Manga section. But the answer, I don't know myself.

  3. #3
    ANBU Shi_No_Shikaku's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    RE: wondering about legality

    I think this was talked about somewhere and they said it was ok or something like that but don't quote me on that beause i don't know shit.
    I Don't like to say anything twice

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