Well, as promised, here are some pictures of my room where I lived this summer. I'll be here until the weekend, at which point I'm moving down the street. The nice part about this house was that it's all furnished. Starting next week though I'll need to scrounge my own furniture, so I might be sleeping on a pile of blankets on the floor for a bit until I find a free/cheap bed.
Anyhow, here's my current setup - I've got my dual monitors back! I found these both on craigslist, and they're exactly the same model, so I was pretty pleased about that.
The closet is pretty huge. If I was a kid, I would totally make it my clubhouse.
And here is the landing, with my favourite window.
This is the view out the aforementioned favourite window. That cluster of buildings you can see is downtown Vancouver. On clear days, you can see all the mountains behind the city. I'm going to miss this view.