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Thread: How to make quality better.

  1. #1

    How to make quality better.

    Anyways some of you might know that the group who was translating the manga Slam Dunk! got their last volume of manga stolen and they cannot scan it (thats what i heard). Since its the last volume and I know alot of people had waited for months for it to be released. I happen to have a good friend scan them up for me. (he already has it scanned out). so im going to translate it, but im not good with photoshop, or whatever these groups use.

    my current problems are:
    -what's a good method of making the grey pages become white pages

  2. #2
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Bellevue, WA

    How to make quality better.

    If you could send me the pic or at least post the pic so people can see. Best hope is the level tool or birghtness and contrast. Use the level tool located in the image menu under adjustments. There are thee droper looking things to the right side the menu that will pop up. Use the white droper on an area that you know to be white and click. It will do a white balance on the pic. If that does the trick then press ok, but if not then use the black droper and greay droper as needed. But if those done work. I sugest to do all the work by hand. If you look at the graph looking thing, there are three triangles there. Adjust all of them till it looks good. Hope this helps buit you are still having problems PM me and I'll see what I can do.

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