whoa....i just noticed......3 double posts on one page? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
whoa....i just noticed......3 double posts on one page? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I don't know if anyone else said anything about this, but i just recently watched the Lee-Gaara fight and while Lee is opening the 4th gate or so, you hear kakashi say "This isn't something someone could do with hardwork alone....is he a genius after all?" just thought I'd put that in there.
oh jees.....not THAT again [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
dont be thinking he's a genius now because kakashi said that
it just means that its his specialty to work hard.....so he's still considered just a hard worker
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Rock Lee and Jiraiya are the most funny characters in the series. When I saw Lee's appearance at first I thought he sucked, but after some episodes I can't live without geji mayu anymore.
Rock is one of my favorite characters. I always gravitate towards goofy types, or fast types, and Rock fits both. (Probably the reason why I think Jiraiya (goofy) and Vash the Stampede (goofy, fast) are great anime characters, too.) I really like most all of the Naruto characters, though.
yah, i didn't like him at first either cuz he was ugly. after that fight w/ gaara, i have respect for him.Originally posted by: NL|MegaMika
Rock Lee and Jiraiya are the most funny characters in the series. When I saw Lee's appearance at first I thought he sucked, but after some episodes I can't live without geji mayu anymore.
I tried my best...
yes the fight with gaara changed the way i thought of him
the thing about lee, he has a bad haircut, bad sense of clothing and definitely not the coo or layback guy. despite all that, he works hard as a hell and has tremendous guts despite his lack of talent. i definitely have respect for the kid.
when he handed sasuke his ass...i liked him..
Even though Rock Lee is pretty darn cool, I just can't take him seriously. No matter how hard I try. He has these weird eyes that are not suited to anyone who aspires to be a ninja that wants to prove his skill and superiority. In fact, they look like the eyes on my character in 'Animal Crossing'.
rock lee is a good character to have around.
i think rock lee is an excelent charector he is a great fighter well in hand to hand anyways and hes pretty damn funny.... i also tend to like the faster chars more and yes he would be more badass if he got a change of clothes and a new haircut.... despite that hes very good at what he does AND better at hand to hand then sasuke (in my opinion) due to his higher stamina and the ability to use the secondary and primary lotus although sasuke would kick his ass anyways due to sharingan and his ability to use jutsus the staple of most ninjas fighting prowess
rock lee's cool. though he can't use chakra for ninjutsu he excels at taijutsu and is unique because of this.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
Naruto is one of those animes where u like or love to hate the characters. I don't think I despise anyone in the anime. Lee is a top person in my books tho but I like Neji and gaara as fighters more. But my faves are Konohamaru and Shikamaru.
I don't care who I have to fight!
If he rips my arms off, I'll kick him to death!
If he rips my legs off, I'll bite him to death!
If he rips my head off, I'll stare him to death!
And if he gouges out my eyes, I'll curse him from beyond the grave!
Rock Lee is the #1 pimp in Konoha! (expect you know he doesnt have any hoes...or pimp clothes....or lots of money....) What makes him so sweet is that all of his fights are sick to the max hardcore extreme! cyber-awesome! Anyway, Rock Lee is my favorite character in the show
Haha that was pretty funny, by the way. Even though I'm a Lee fan, I cant help but laugh at the way you spelled out the whole word "faggot." I mean, these days most kids run around saying "fag" or "homo" but thats full-blown thereOriginally posted by: Mut@t@
rock lee is a faggot.
Good initiative Mut@t@. You're goin places man
EDIT: Oh sorry i didnt know what the fuck double posting was thanks (not being sarcastic). And i seriously did laugh when i read that (wasnt being sarcastic). Jesus i didn't know everybody was a defensive bastard around here...!
EDIT again: Dammit why do I have to think I'm special to bring up some shit that I found funny if I just saw it. Jesus Christ
you must think you're special or something... good job bringing it back up after that issue has been dead for 3 pages, though. and don't double post, try the edit button.
DAMMIT that wouldnt have been double posting would it? Gah, outsmarted again..[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Don't take it too personally from Mut@t@. It's the formerly known as "Resident Gimp" but now known as "Survivor: Gotwoot, Winner's" special way of welcoming members. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Originally posted by: Sanjuro
Haha that was pretty funny, by the way. Even though I'm a Lee fan, I cant help but laugh at the way you spelled out the whole word "faggot." I mean, these days most kids run around saying "fag" or "homo" but thats full-blown thereOriginally posted by: Mut@t@
rock lee is a faggot.
Good initiative Mut@t@. You're goin places man
EDIT: Oh sorry i didnt know what the fuck double posting was thanks (not being sarcastic). And i seriously did laugh when i read that (wasnt being sarcastic). Jesus i didn't know everybody was a defensive bastard around here...!
EDIT again: Dammit why do I have to think I'm special to bring up some shit that I found funny if I just saw it. Jesus Christ
EDIT: Sorry, I thought I was in a different thread. Back on topic, Lee looks like he is on his way to recovery. Maybe he'll have a chance to hook up with Sakura now, since she actually thought about someone else (Lee) for a change, and brought him flowers.
i'd like to take a quick break from the discussion to pat konohamaru on the back for actually following the rules in regards to setting up his sig (*cough* even though it IS a sig of an annoying little kid)
welcome to GW! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
10/4/04 - 8/20/07