xtort, you hate me. a lot. but i'm glad you're one of the few people who still remember me as dazzz.

Originally posted by: xtort
Naruto stood a chance against Kimimaro because of one HUGE reason that gimpocks like Mutata (Dazz, gg) like to forget: While Sasuke with his sharingan could BARELY see Haku whilst in his mirrors of super frigid death on a platter, Naruto was able (given Kyuubi's abilities) not only to see him, but to catch him.
because you said gg, i'm guessing that you play cs or some hl mod. anyway. gg yourself, sasuke did see haku flying around (barely) but could not catch him like naruto. gee i wonder why? maybe it's cuz sasuke's sharingan was a piece of garbage back then. we know it was crappy because he was beaten by rock lee too. i don't know if rock lee was faster than haku or not but now we know that sasuke can see his moves. ok so, basically what i'm trying to say that is... haku wasn't that fast. he seriously wasn't. i don't know what the hell zabuza was talking about but haku wasn't the speed demon he and everyone else on the forums made it out to be. in conclusion, naruto seeing and catching haku isn't that big of an accomplishment.

Dazz (a la Mutata) says: "That is possibly the most incorrect statement ever made on this forum." I'll correct you here: The most incorrect statement ever made on this forum was in your sig a while back, something to the effect that you were never wrong. Your whole premise here is pawning your silly opinions as fact (to give you an ego boost), while other people are trying to have fun discussing things. How about this, head to a shrink, get some Effexor and/or Prozac for your social anxiety, and smoke something to pull that rod out of your colon.

There were three premises that Dazz purported as truths. Here they are:
1. as you saw in the fight against gaara, kimimaro is practically uneffected by gaara's powerful ninjutsu and
2. as you saw in the fight against lee, kimimaro impervious to all taijutsu.
3. that leaves... genjutsu; naruto's prime skill

1 is moderately correct. I doubt being forced to tear your body apart to beat someone would be called "uneffected". Nor is making a person pull out trump card after trump card to face you. Kimimaro is the same kind of character that Gaara is: the dark person that has way more power than they should. I'm not sure what'd happen if Shukaku stood on top of the forest of razor sharp needles, but I can be sure he wouldn't be happy.
i don't understand where kimimaro was forced to tear his body apart. kimimaro pulling out his bones and skin getting ripped does absolutely no harm to him.

2 is definitely INCORRECT, and as a statement stands (probably just beyond my own "ludicrous" statement) as the most incorrect statement on these forums. (Or maybe that's "Itachi is my idol!!!!") Let's see here... the fights in this story keep getting harder. People who previously seemed impervious (Gaara, anyone?) then are found not to be (Hyuga, anyone?). But yet, since it's written that Naruto (when acting like a giant TURD), Lee (just freshly out of the hospital), and Gaara (whom both of the prior two had "beaten" shortly beforehand) cannot beat Kimimaro, he's "impervious to all taijutsu." Maybe you should rethink that statement.
i have no idea what you're trying to say here. but i'll reply to it anyway. it might not be the correct response but whatever. impervious to all taijutsu is a bit off. but it was more like "an impenetrable skeletonal frame which can resist any type of physical attack." so, yeah.

Let's put this into simple terms. Lee gets beaten by Gaara. Gaara gets beaten by Naruto. Naruto gets beaten by Kimimaro. THUS *TADA!!!!* Kimimaro is impervious to all Taijutsu. ?!?!

Now, I'm in agreement that Naruto is a dork, and would NOT be able to beat Kimimaro, given the context of the story and the particulars of the story arc , but your assholish tone and the bullshit you pedal as truth have got to go. Or maybe this post will be moderated. Hell, it's happened before, and I don't really care if it happens now.

this part is just dumb. i won't bother responding to this.

Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
3 cant be correct
the only genjutsu that naruto EVER uses is henge......and i'd hardly call that his prime skill
for naruto, it'd have to be taijutsu.....after all, what does he do with 100 clones after he makes them? charge the enemy with lots of fists
i was being sarcastic on the part where i said naruto's prime skill is genjutsu. =/