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Thread: Chapter 227

  1. #81
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Chapter 227

    xtort, you hate me. a lot. but i'm glad you're one of the few people who still remember me as dazzz.

    Originally posted by: xtort
    Naruto stood a chance against Kimimaro because of one HUGE reason that gimpocks like Mutata (Dazz, gg) like to forget: While Sasuke with his sharingan could BARELY see Haku whilst in his mirrors of super frigid death on a platter, Naruto was able (given Kyuubi's abilities) not only to see him, but to catch him.
    because you said gg, i'm guessing that you play cs or some hl mod. anyway. gg yourself, sasuke did see haku flying around (barely) but could not catch him like naruto. gee i wonder why? maybe it's cuz sasuke's sharingan was a piece of garbage back then. we know it was crappy because he was beaten by rock lee too. i don't know if rock lee was faster than haku or not but now we know that sasuke can see his moves. ok so, basically what i'm trying to say that is... haku wasn't that fast. he seriously wasn't. i don't know what the hell zabuza was talking about but haku wasn't the speed demon he and everyone else on the forums made it out to be. in conclusion, naruto seeing and catching haku isn't that big of an accomplishment.

    Dazz (a la Mutata) says: "That is possibly the most incorrect statement ever made on this forum." I'll correct you here: The most incorrect statement ever made on this forum was in your sig a while back, something to the effect that you were never wrong. Your whole premise here is pawning your silly opinions as fact (to give you an ego boost), while other people are trying to have fun discussing things. How about this, head to a shrink, get some Effexor and/or Prozac for your social anxiety, and smoke something to pull that rod out of your colon.

    There were three premises that Dazz purported as truths. Here they are:
    1. as you saw in the fight against gaara, kimimaro is practically uneffected by gaara's powerful ninjutsu and
    2. as you saw in the fight against lee, kimimaro impervious to all taijutsu.
    3. that leaves... genjutsu; naruto's prime skill

    1 is moderately correct. I doubt being forced to tear your body apart to beat someone would be called "uneffected". Nor is making a person pull out trump card after trump card to face you. Kimimaro is the same kind of character that Gaara is: the dark person that has way more power than they should. I'm not sure what'd happen if Shukaku stood on top of the forest of razor sharp needles, but I can be sure he wouldn't be happy.
    i don't understand where kimimaro was forced to tear his body apart. kimimaro pulling out his bones and skin getting ripped does absolutely no harm to him.

    2 is definitely INCORRECT, and as a statement stands (probably just beyond my own "ludicrous" statement) as the most incorrect statement on these forums. (Or maybe that's "Itachi is my idol!!!!") Let's see here... the fights in this story keep getting harder. People who previously seemed impervious (Gaara, anyone?) then are found not to be (Hyuga, anyone?). But yet, since it's written that Naruto (when acting like a giant TURD), Lee (just freshly out of the hospital), and Gaara (whom both of the prior two had "beaten" shortly beforehand) cannot beat Kimimaro, he's "impervious to all taijutsu." Maybe you should rethink that statement.
    i have no idea what you're trying to say here. but i'll reply to it anyway. it might not be the correct response but whatever. impervious to all taijutsu is a bit off. but it was more like "an impenetrable skeletonal frame which can resist any type of physical attack." so, yeah.

    Let's put this into simple terms. Lee gets beaten by Gaara. Gaara gets beaten by Naruto. Naruto gets beaten by Kimimaro. THUS *TADA!!!!* Kimimaro is impervious to all Taijutsu. ?!?!

    Now, I'm in agreement that Naruto is a dork, and would NOT be able to beat Kimimaro, given the context of the story and the particulars of the story arc , but your assholish tone and the bullshit you pedal as truth have got to go. Or maybe this post will be moderated. Hell, it's happened before, and I don't really care if it happens now.

    this part is just dumb. i won't bother responding to this.

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    3 cant be correct
    the only genjutsu that naruto EVER uses is henge......and i'd hardly call that his prime skill
    for naruto, it'd have to be taijutsu.....after all, what does he do with 100 clones after he makes them? charge the enemy with lots of fists
    i was being sarcastic on the part where i said naruto's prime skill is genjutsu. =/

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  2. #82

    Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: Hokage-IV
    yes,point to me whereyou wrote that explained Naruto's style is basically useless against kimmaro "step by step"
    you're retarded. i've copy/pasted the exact quote except that i listed it in numerical steps:

    ok, moving on,
    1. as you saw in the fight against gaara, kimimaro is practically uneffected by gaara's powerful ninjutsu and
    2. as you saw in the fight against lee, kimimaro impervious to all taijutsu.
    3. that leaves... genjutsu; naruto's prime skill

    is THAT clear enough for you?

    you asked me and your argument was at that TIME, "if gaara AND lee could not defeat kimimaro, what makes you think that naruto alone will be able to?" and I said... Naruto beat Neji and Gaara. Then you said "thanks for proving my point. Neji's style of fighting is probably best fit for someone like Kimmaro" ....................

    And i mention Neji's Taijutsu becasue you said .. "kimimaro impervious to all taijutsu. that leaves only Genjutsu" .............

    Thanks for proving my don't know what your talking about...
    oh WOW... lol, you're trying to imply the rock, paper, scissors theory. it's proven that dumb theory doesn't work, stupid. i will end my response here...

    you sure you know Kyubi is part of Naruto?
    what the hell is this? a trick question? of course i'm sure that kyubi is part of naruto. you said it yourself too.

    diidnt that happened when Naruto fought Kabuto...... eventually kunai pierced thru his hand and was able to hold him and hit with Rasegen... funny is right, how ironic this sounds..
    kabuto and kimimaro are two completely different characters if naruto couldn't hit kimimaro ONCE with all those clones, i doubt that he can hit him with with a slow ass rasengan.

    EDIT: i'm only being an asshole cuz this guy refuses to quote properly and it's annoying.
    Calm down,... dont need to use such harsh words.. just correct me if im wrong..

    Thnx for ur "step by step" explanation.. i assume ur trying to salvage anything you can at this point? cuz it seems ur steps are contradicting your statements..

    [/quote] i explained how naruto's style of fighting is basically useless against kimimaro step by step. should i write it again?[/quote]

    This is "Naruto's Style of fighting is basically useless against kimmaro "step by step" ?

    [/quote]ok, moving on,
    1. as you saw in the fight against gaara, kimimaro is practically uneffected by gaara's powerful ninjutsu and
    2. as you saw in the fight against lee, kimimaro impervious to all taijutsu.
    3. that leaves... genjutsu; naruto's prime skill[/quote]

    Gaara and Lee? , i thought you were going to point out where you wrote Naruto fighting style is basically useless against Kimmaro... it seems your mentiong Gaara and lee's fighting style.. but correct me if im wrong...

    [/quote]oh WOW... lol, you're trying to imply the rock, paper, scissors theory. it's proven that dumb theory doesn't work, stupid. i will end my response here...[/quote]

    Im glad that you ended your respones there... its not looking too good. "Its proven that dumb theory doesnt work , Stupid?" then you go say" thanks for proving my point. Neji's style of fighting is probably best fit for someone like Kimmaro"

    which one is it?........

    [/quote]kabuto and kimimaro are two completely different characters if naruto couldn't hit kimimaro ONCE with all those clones, i doubt that he can hit him with with a slow ass rasengan.[/quote]

    You said Rock , Paper and scissor doesnt work.. stupid... but your right, I doubht that he can hit him with a slow ass rasengan.. but we're not talking about doubt... we're talking about "zero chance"

    [/quote]EDIT: i'm only being an asshole cuz this guy refuses to quote properly and it's annoying. [/quote]

    edit: Im only doing copy and paste.......

    Try to grasp what the argument is about... You said Naruto has "Zero Chance" and my argument is... where do you get that? and I gave you examples to counter that argument.. Do i think Naruto can beat Kimmaro..probably not... but Zero Chance is your opnion and not a fact.. and you try to inforce it as a fact when you go insult ppl "that is possibly the most incorrect statement ever made on this forum. naruto had zero chance against kimimaro and even gaara AND rock lee would've lost if it weren't for kimimaro's illness."

  3. #83
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Chapter 227

    well actually i believe when haku uses the ice mirrors, he's supposed to be able to travel at the same speed as the light that reflects off the mirrors......aka close to the speed of least from what i recall....this is the whole purpose to the ice mirrors to begin let him move so fast that he can shoot needles from every conceivable direction.

    now sure both naruto and sasuke could see haku.....however.......

    1) kyubi naruto couldnt see haku as well as sasuke's sharingan. When haku was teleporting around, Naruto was looking around like a confused beast. He gained the upper hand after he started shattering the mirrors and totally messing haku's jutsu up.

    2) while sasuke could see the movement better, his body was in no condition to move fast enough to do alot....which is the same problem he had against lee. Naruto's kyubi mode gives him much greater speed, which is how he was able to catch him while sasuke couldnt. However I cant see how this helps anybody's argument whatsoever, since isnt the point people are trying to make is that if naruto DIDNT go all kyubi he wouldve stood a better chance? I'd certainly hope so, because we clearly saw that the kyubi form wasnt a match for even kimi's weakest form

    response to Mutata's edit: oh, hehe......guess thats what i get for joinin in the convo a little late [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]

    oh and while im at it.......

    Mutata: paper, rock, scissors theory DOES work. Where was it proven that it doesnt work?

    Hokage IV: Mutata pointed out a while ago that saying zero chance was an exaggeration. I dont know why you're harping on that detail
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #84
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 227

    Check out the other posts, at some point, he changed it from zero chance to very unlikely (paraphrased...I think). Also, it should be pretty clear that whatever anyone posts here is an opinion, unless otherwise stated. If something is a debatable statement, it is an opinion, and there should be no need to explicitly say so. Mut@t@'s not trying to shove anything down anyone's throat. And also, check out the posts he made afterwards, plenty of support for his statements, and plenty of clarification if it was unclear. The only acceptable problem you can have with him is that you don't like his attitude "this guy rubs me the wrong way". And, he's not that bad. I'm sure the guy can speak for himself and doesn't need me to jump to his defense in anyway, but he just doesn't deserve it.
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

    - Inquisitor Czevak

  5. #85
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Chapter 227

    you just get stupider as you post.

    what am i trying to salvage? i've proven you wrong basically everytime you tried to say something remotely intelligent. stop trying to ignore what i said and force yourself to believe your own lies.

    Gaara and Lee? , i thought you were going to point out where you wrote Naruto fighting style is basically useless against Kimmaro... it seems your mentiong Gaara and lee's fighting style.. but correct me if im wrong...
    jesus christ. you really are dull. i guess i need to stoop down to 3rd grader writing level for you to understand. i purposely skipped explaining a simple 'connection' in order to minimize my typing but it seems that you can't understand anything. i mentioned gaara's ninjutsus and said that they were practically useless to suggest that if those powerful ninjutsus did not work, what makes you think naruto's ninjutsus are gonna work? yes, rasengan is powerful, but what are the chances of hitting kimimaro? next to nothing considering his 1000000000000000000 clones couldn't land a single hit. now, as for when i talked about lee's taijutsu. i applied the same type of argument/support in #2. as you know, rock lee is superior in taijutsu amongst the genins. what makes you think naruto's weak ass taijutsu can beat kimimaro if a taijutsu specialist got the crap beat out of him? ok, do you understand where i was going with it now?

    Im glad that you ended your respones there... its not looking too good. "Its proven that dumb theory doesnt work , Stupid?" then you go say" thanks for proving my point. Neji's style of fighting is probably best fit for someone like Kimmaro"

    which one is it?........
    what do you mean which one is it? i never said neji could beat kimimaro. in fact, i think kimimaro could wipe the floor with him. just cuz i said neji's fighting style is best for kimimaro that doesn't mean neji himself can beat him. don't ignore what i wrote and say that i said some random crap.

    Try to grasp what the argument is about... You said Naruto has "Zero Chance" and my argument is... where do you get that? and I gave you examples to counter that argument.. Do i think Naruto can beat Kimmaro..probably not... but Zero Chance is your opnion and not a fact.. and you try to inforce it as a fact when you go insult ppl "that is possibly the most incorrect statement ever made on this forum. naruto had zero chance against kimimaro and even gaara AND rock lee would've lost if it weren't for kimimaro's illness."
    for the zero chance thing. let me clear this up. i explained what i meant by zero chance earlier in one of the posts. don't reply back until you've figured out what i meant.

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Mutata: paper, rock, scissors theory DOES work. Where was it proven that it doesnt work?
    i remember a thread from a while ago where we were matching people up for fights. it works sometimes but not always. i don't think a 'theory' should be claimed as a real theory until it can be applied to all scenarios, fabricated or not.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  6. #86

    Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    you just get stupider as you post.
    what am i trying to salvage? i've proven you wrong basically everytime you tried to say something remotely intelligent. stop trying to ignore what i said and force yourself to believe your own lies.[/quote]

    You proven me wrong everytime because you replied with stupider and retarded ? k.... did you force yourself to believe your own lies?

    [/quote]jesus christ. you really are dull. i guess i need to stoop down to 3rd grader writing level for you to understand. i purposely skipped explaining a simple 'connection' in order to minimize my typing but it seems that you can't understand anything. i mentioned gaara's ninjutsus and said that they were practically useless to suggest that if those powerful ninjutsus did not work, what makes you think naruto's ninjutsus are gonna work? yes, rasengan is powerful, but what are the chances of hitting kimimaro? next to nothing considering his 1000000000000000000 clones couldn't land a single hit. now, as for when i talked about lee's taijutsu. i applied the same type of argument/support in #2. as you know, rock lee is superior in taijutsu amongst the genins. what makes you think naruto's weak ass taijutsu can beat kimimaro if a taijutsu specialist got the crap beat out of him? ok, do you understand where i was going with it now?[/quote]

    You pusposely skipped explaining a simple
    Yes it would be wise to explain the "simple connection" cuz it seems you like to jump one point to another when its less favor to you.. or caught yourselve in a contradictory. Your explanation about Gaara's ninjutsu, ( sand) is fast enuff to catch Kimmaro but Naruto's rasge has next to nothing chance to hit? Granted it was a suprise attac , coming from the ground. But Naruto shown time and time again he can come with a clever tactic what ever the jutsu he is trying to catch him with ..whether it be. Kage bunshin or Rasengan , he has done it.against kabuto,Neji, akamaru,. his chance is next to nothing? how can you back that up?

    When you said Rock , Paper, and scissor is proven it doesnt work. How do you conclude Naruto's Taijutsu is weak ass... comparing to rock lee... isnt Neji's taijutsu is superior to Rock lee?.... and didnt Naruto beat Neji with his Taijutsu... oh .. hey remember now.. you said your were sure you knew that Kyubi is part of Naruto... remember?

    Im glad that you ended your respones there... its not looking too good. "Its proven that dumb theory doesnt work , Stupid?" then you go say" thanks for proving my point. Neji's style of fighting is probably best fit for someone like Kimmaro"

    which one is it?........
    what do you mean which one is it? i never said neji could beat kimimaro. in fact, i think kimimaro could wipe the floor with him. just cuz i said neji's fighting style is best for kimimaro that doesn't mean neji himself can beat him. don't ignore what i wrote and say that i said some random crap.[/quote]

    lol...You said Rock paper and scissor doesnt you said its "proven" it doesnt work... what difference does it make what type of taijutsu it is.. if rock lee couldnt ,why would Neji's taijutsu be any difference against Kimmaro ... or.. let me say it this way.... what does " Neji's style of fighting probably best fit for someone like kimmaro" mean?

    Try to grasp what the argument is about... You said Naruto has "Zero Chance" and my argument is... where do you get that? and I gave you examples to counter that argument.. Do i think Naruto can beat Kimmaro..probably not... but Zero Chance is your opnion and not a fact.. and you try to inforce it as a fact when you go insult ppl "that is possibly the most incorrect statement ever made on this forum. naruto had zero chance against kimimaro and even gaara AND rock lee would've lost if it weren't for kimimaro's illness."
    for the zero chance thing. let me clear this up. i explained what i meant by zero chance earlier in one of the posts. don't reply back until you've figured out what i meant.[/quote]

    Yes its clear... you force it as a fact by insulting .. then when some one points at ur stupidity you like to change the words around...

  7. #87
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 227

    Longest posts in a Naruto fighting discussion EVER.

  8. #88
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    LA, Cali

    Chapter 227

    dude, you're just dumb. i seriously don't understand what is wrong with you... when you say something as an counter argument you should think of what the next counter argument from me will be. you just don't do that and run your mouth. i'm getting tired of proving you wrong over and over again. not only that you forget everything that was said by me before.

    anyway, here we go...

    Your explanation about Gaara's ninjutsu, ( sand) is fast enuff to catch Kimmaro but Naruto's rasge has next to nothing chance to hit? Granted it was a suprise attac , coming from the ground. But Naruto shown time and time again he can come with a clever tactic what ever the jutsu he is trying to catch him with ..whether it be. Kage bunshin or Rasengan , he has done it.against kabuto,Neji, akamaru,. his chance is next to nothing? how can you back that up?
    i specifically said, naruto can't think and fight cleverly while in full kyubi mode. you either completely ignored it or just refused to understand it. naruto is most powerful, in terms of strength, when in full kyubi mode because of the dramatic strength and chakra increase. however, when he fights in subdued kyubi mode, his strength and chakra capacity alone will not be able to defeat such opponent. there, i backed it up. next time think a step ahead before acting like you know what you're talking about. next...

    When you said Rock , Paper, and scissor is proven it doesnt work. How do you conclude Naruto's Taijutsu is weak ass... comparing to rock lee... isnt Neji's taijutsu is superior to Rock lee?.... and didnt Naruto beat Neji beat with his Taijutsu... oh .. hey remember now.. you said your were sure you knew that Kyubi is part of Naruto... remember?
    the hell are you trying to say here? i understand everything until you brought up "you said you were sure you knew the kyubi is part of naruto." what does that have anything to do with it. are you trying to say that naruto beat neji without the help of kyubi? please say no. if not, explain more plz. next...

    lol...You said Rock paper and scissor doesnt you said its "proven" it doesnt work... what difference does it make what type of taijutsu it is.. if rock lee couldnt ,why would "Neji's style of fighting is probably best fit for someone like kimmaro" or.. let me say it this way.... what does " Neji's style of fighting probably best fit for someone like kimmaro" mean?
    what do you mean what difference does it make what type of taijutsu it is. why are you asking rhetorical questions? neji's taijutsu is best suited for fighting kimimaro because it doesn't cause external damage, it causes internal damage, something kimimaro can't protect. next...

    Yes its clear... you force it as a fact by insulting .. then when some one points at ur stupidity you like to change the words around...
    i didn't change anything around... you just can't accept your own stupidity and try to pin pointless things against me. it's clear that you don't even put two seconds of thought into your so-called 'counter-arguments.' how do i know this? cuz it takes me ZERO time to think up a response. just don't speak anymore, you're just seriously making yourself look foolish.

    EDIT: mods... plz don't lock the thread because of the 'flaming.' i'm sorry but i gotta put people in their places.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  9. #89

    Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    dude, you're just dumb. i seriously don't understand what is wrong with you... when you say something as an counter argument you should think of what the next counter argument from me will be. you just don't do that and run your mouth. i'm getting tired of proving you wrong over and over again. not only that you forget everything that was said by me before.

    anyway, here we go...[quote]

    Your explanation about Gaara's ninjutsu, ( sand) is fast enuff to catch Kimmaro but Naruto's rasge has next to nothing chance to hit? Granted it was a suprise attac , coming from the ground. But Naruto shown time and time again he can come with a clever tactic what ever the jutsu he is trying to catch him with ..whether it be. Kage bunshin or Rasengan , he has done it.against kabuto,Neji, akamaru,. his chance is next to nothing? how can you back that up?
    i specifically said, naruto can't think and fight cleverly while in full kyubi mode. you either completely ignored it or just refused to understand it. naruto is most powerful, in terms of strength, when in full kyubi mode because of the dramatic strength and chakra increase. however, when he fights in subdued kyubi mode, his strength and chakra capacity alone will not be able to defeat such opponent. there, i backed it up. next time think a step ahead before acting like you know what you're talking about. next...[quote]

    huh...what ?... where do you get full kyubi mode? its talking about catching him with the rasengan.. with clever tactics.. you bring up full kyubi mode? your running out stuff to avoid your stupidity?

    When you said Rock , Paper, and scissor is proven it doesnt work. How do you conclude Naruto's Taijutsu is weak ass... comparing to rock lee... isnt Neji's taijutsu is superior to Rock lee?.... and didnt Naruto beat Neji beat with his Taijutsu... oh .. hey remember now.. you said your were sure you knew that Kyubi is part of Naruto... remember?
    the hell are you trying to say here? i understand everything until you brought up "you said you were sure you knew the kyubi is part of naruto." what does that have anything to do with it. are you trying to say that naruto beat neji without the help of kyubi? please say no. if not, explain more plz. next...[quote]

    so your agreeing or should i say acknowledged that Naruto beat Neji with his taijutsu?.. good to hear.. but you still didnt answer how do you conclude that Naruto's Taijutsu is weak ass when you compared to rock lee... but its all good..

    lol...You said Rock paper and scissor doesnt you said its "proven" it doesnt work... what difference does it make what type of taijutsu it is.. if rock lee couldnt ,why would "Neji's style of fighting is probably best fit for someone like kimmaro" or.. let me say it this way.... what does " Neji's style of fighting probably best fit for someone like kimmaro" mean?
    what do you mean what difference does it make what type of taijutsu it is. why are you asking rhetorical questions? neji's taijutsu is best suited for fighting kimimaro because it doesn't cause external damage, it causes internal damage, something kimimaro can't protect. next...

    "kimimaro impervious to all taijutsu" did you say that or not? .....doink

    Yes its clear... you force it as a fact by insulting .. then when some one points at ur stupidity you like to change the words around...
    i didn't change anything around... you just can't accept your own stupidity and try to pin pointless things against me. it's clear that you don't even put two seconds of thought into your so-called 'counter-arguments.' how do i know this? cuz it takes me ZERO time to think up a response. just don't speak anymore, you're just seriously making yourself look foolish.

    well it was fun...

  10. #90
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    i remember a thread from a while ago where we were matching people up for fights. it works sometimes but not always. i don't think a 'theory' should be claimed as a real theory until it can be applied to all scenarios, fabricated or not.
    i agree.....and ive mentioned it before as well that you cant theoricize anything in guy1 vs guy2 scenarios.....
    although this applies to far more than just rock paper scissors.......
    rock paper scissors HELPS as a factor in determining the ODDS of an outcome, but anything can happen in a battle of ninjas.

    uh oh, looks like hokage-IV is bustin out his big ol' bag of lols [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    edit: ok sorry if im being anal about it, but upon second thought and looking up "theory"....the definition of the word that best suits this scenario would be, the "Abstract reasoning; speculation" meaning of the word. If you're interpreting it from the standpoint of "theorems", where its a series of facts to prove something, then yeah you're right. But I think in the way the word is used, its more like speculation about the most favorable outcomes based on what we know so far.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #91
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    LA, Cali

    Chapter 227

    OH MY GOD... lol... i can't be the only one who realizes how thick headed and slow hokage-iv is. if i may ask, how old are you, hokage-iv?

    ok... anyway...

    huh...what ?... where do you get full kyubi mode? its talking about catching him with the rasengan.. with clever tactics.. you bring up full kyubi mode? your running out stuff to avoid your stupidity?
    i brought up kyubi mode refering to my answer to the question about haku asked xtort several posts back, stupid. ok, so let's say naruto somehow miraculously catches kimimaro and hits him with a rasengan, well what do you know, kimimaro is hurt but obviously not enough. not only does kimimaro have armor like plating underneath his skin, he also has some kind of regeneration ability (we saw this after kimimaro was crushed by gaara's desert funeral or coffine, whatever). in that time if kabuto could hit naruto with a fatal attack, i'm sure kimimaro could've put ten holes in naruto head before kimimaro is pushed back.

    so your agreeing or should i say acknowledged that Naruto beat Neji with his taijutsu?.. good to hear.. but you still didnt answer how do you conclude that Naruto's Taijutsu is weak ass when you compared to rock lee... but its all good..
    no shit naruto beat neji with a taijutsu. naruto punched neji in the jaw. and do you know how naruto was able to hit him...? it's cuz naruto had tons of kyubi chakra left. nartuo did beat neji but that doesn't make naruto's taijutsu better than neji's. neji has far greater knowledge and skill in taijutsu. naruto was only able to win cuz he had the kyubi chakra and neji ran out of chakra. anyway, i didn't bother answering why naruto's taijutsu is weaker than rock lee's because i thought it was an obvious answer but i guess you're just dumb. rock lee is a taijutsu specialist. there, question answered. you could've asked a monkey and it would've given you the same answer.

    EDIT: it's 2:40am here... i'ma get some sleep, i'll respond back to whatever you guys post later. g'night everyone.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  12. #92

    Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@

    It seems your always starting with an are you that threatened?

    huh...what ?... where do you get full kyubi mode? its talking about catching him with the rasengan.. with clever tactics.. you bring up full kyubi mode? your running out stuff to avoid your stupidity?
    i brought up kyubi mode refering to my answer to the question about haku asked xtort several posts back, stupid. ok, so let's say naruto somehow miraculously catches kimimaro and hits him with a rasengan, well what do you know, kimimaro is hurt but obviously not enough. not only does kimimaro have armor like plating underneath his skin, he also has some kind of regeneration ability (we saw this after kimimaro was crushed by gaara's desert funeral or coffine, whatever). in that time if kabuto could hit naruto with a fatal attack, i'm sure kimimaro could've put ten holes in naruto head before kimimaro is pushed back.
    answering to the question about haku asked xtort serveral post back? "i'm sure kimimaro could've put ten holes in naruto head before kimimaro is pushed back." thats a decent assumption.(not fact). but we're not talking about that are we? .... we are talking about naruto hitting kimmaro with rasengan , his chances are next to nothing.. remember..

    so your agreeing or should i say acknowledged that Naruto beat Neji with his taijutsu?.. good to hear.. but you still didnt answer how do you conclude that Naruto's Taijutsu is weak ass when you compared to rock lee... but its all good..
    no shit naruto beat neji with a taijutsu. naruto punched neji in the jaw. and do you know how naruto was able to hit him...? it's cuz naruto had tons of kyubi chakra left. nartuo did beat neji but that doesn't make naruto's taijutsu better than neji's. neji has far greater knowledge and skill in taijutsu. naruto was only able to win cuz he had the kyubi chakra and neji ran out of chakra. anyway, i didn't bother answering why naruto's taijutsu is weaker than rock lee's because i thought it was an obvious answer but i guess you're just dumb. rock lee is a taijutsu specialist. there, question answered. you could've asked a monkey and it would've given you the same answer.
    You say one thing and do the other thing... thats why i asked are you sure you know kyubi is part of Naruto... you said yes sir... but why do you need to keep explaining only reason naruto won because of Kyubi's chakra.. we already know naruto used kyubi's chakra against neji and I also know Kyubi is part of Naruto.. you dont go around saying, only reason kakasi won against zabuza because of his best friends sharingan .. do you?
    EDIT: it's 2:40am here... i'ma get some sleep, i'll respond back to whatever you guys post later. g'night everyone.[/quote]

    Im sorry for replying... its too tempting, your making me look good....

    but gnite..

  13. #93

    RE: Chapter 227

    Mutata: I havent read youre argument cause the posts was too long for my taste but i can tell you one thing that you can also be thickheaded....

  14. #94

    Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: xtort
    Uchiha Barles, thanks for a concise reply. It's rare that any post on these forums doesn't include the words "gay" or its silly 'net substitute for kids: "ghey". I really don't like it when Kishimoto makes Naruto do dumb things, and I think there are separations between how Naruto acts in a fight which make him either a smart fighter or a dumb one. Typically, he has only those two modes, and whichever mode Kishimoto chooses will decide the fight generally.

    In the Haku fight, for example, he was acting stupid. He runs into the fight, and both he and Sasuke get their asses handed back to them because of it. Once he gets smart, and uses the power he had lying latent, his character and fighting demeanor changed entirely. Another example was the Kimimaro fight. He had all his power harnessed, but what did he do with it? Rush in like a newbie. It was obvious from the get-go of the fight, when we saw Naruto rushing in like a tool, how the fight was going to end. Is that because Kimimaro is stronger? Nope. It's simply because Kishimoto made Naruto do stupid stuff.

    I think what I don't like about Naruto's characters and his abilities are how Kishimoto uses them. Often, he'll craft something so funny or intelligent that I'm amazed. I think "great story!" and keep waiting for more. Then I'm surprised by a silly use of Naruto's character which is not consistent at all with the character we've been shown. Given what we know about Naruto, the Kimimaro fight should have been impossible, but we needed to have how strong Kimimaro was, and Gaara was, and thus Naruto was made to act stupid. I think there are a LOT of better ways that it could have been handled, and most likely, a Kyuubi-ized Naruto could have had a perfect fight with Kimimaro one-on-one, or possibly with a Gaara linkup.

    Regardless, when Naruto does the stupid thing and relies on his power without thought or skilled use of the power, he loses. Bitch about it all you want, it's like Kimimaro's power, or Gaara's power. Are you going to say "awww, that lame whore. Can't he just NOT use the sand for ONE fight?!" Silly.


    I also dont like how Kishimoto using Naruto,how everyfight he first brings kage bunshin and runs straight agianst his oppnent. The real cool Naruto is the one who comes up with great strategys,we want more of that from Naruto.

    The Kimi fight is a good example cause he could atleast has made Naruto to use more than his bunshins!

    I wanna see one fight he just kicks ass without using bunshin and running straight in the fight.

    EDIT: Sorry for the double post,what a rookie misstake...

  15. #95
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Melbourne, Australia

    RE: Chapter 227

    LMAO @ Mut@t@/dazzz owning Hokage-IV over and over again, so funny.

    Damn, I joined this convo late. I would have liked to be a part of it. But anyway, everything I would have said has been covered by dazzz so it doesn't matter...

    I also agree about the rock/scissors/paper thing, it does sometimes work but it's not solid enough to be used as a concrete theory.

    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  16. #96

    Chapter 227

    Im lil disappointed to say the least...for mod to be so incompetent.....grudge i assume?
    for making him look like a child not too long ago...

    I assume you havent read anything.. cuz you were so vague, all you said and had to say that he covered everything youhad to say lol... to inform, this argument is not about right or wrong.(unless you have keen understanding between fact and onpinion , which you don't).cuz hes on the side with the obvious answers or answers that is generally easier to understand.ex... Itachi is the strongest as a fact cuz oro said so... but ignore the fact what itachi said about Jirairya.. this is about him inforcing his onpinions into fact by insulting ppl..

    you can still join.... but wont make any difference... you will say is what he had to say?.. which case i would... how you say it? "own" you lol....

  17. #97

    RE: Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    I also dont like how Kishimoto using Naruto,how everyfight he first brings kage bunshin and runs straight agianst his oppnent. The real cool Naruto is the one who comes up with great strategys,we want more of that from Naruto.

    The Kimi fight is a good example cause he could atleast has made Naruto to use more than his bunshins!

    I wanna see one fight he just kicks ass without using bunshin and running straight in the fight.

    EDIT: Sorry for the double post,what a rookie misstake...
    this is naruto's way for testing his opponent (and only way he knows how to start a fight) he runs in fists flying and when he gets knocked back he finds a flaw in there defense!
    but i also agree that we need to see a fight that he doesnt rely to heavily on the kage bunshin...the real cool stategies you see from naruto come after he has ran at his opponent with his kage bunshins and knows there abilites and such

  18. #98
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Melbourne, Australia

    Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: Hokage-IV
    Im lil disappointed to say the least...for mod to be so incompetent.....grudge i assume?
    for making him look like a child not too long ago...

    I assume you havent read anything.. cuz you were so vague, all you said and had to say that he covered everything youhad to say lol... to inform, this argument is not about right or wrong.(unless you have keen understanding between fact and onpinion , which you don't).cuz hes on the side with the obvious answers or answers that is generally easier to understand.ex... Itachi is the strongest as a fact cuz oro said so... but ignore the fact what itachi said about Jirairya.. this is about him inforcing his onpinions into fact by insulting ppl..

    you can still join.... but wont make any difference... you will say is what he had to say?.. which case i would... how you say it? "own" you lol....
    Haha, you're funny man. Incompetent am I? How so? So I'm a mod, does that mean I can't have fun on the forums by saying what I think or laughing occasionally? And a grudge? You'll have to remind me about what, because I have no idea. A child? Please, refresh my memory.
    I just made an impartial comment from the point of view of an observer of a discussion, that's all. Do you really think that makes me an incompetent mod? That's funny. Why take it so personally?

    I'm just of the opinion that dazzz presented his arguement more effectively... and I was commenting so. And I'll reiterate, there's no reason for me to join in on the conversation because I would only be repeating what dazzz said. Is that so hard to understand? I wasn't making any personal attacks like you seem to think I was, I was simply stating the opinion of an impartial observer. And the term 'owned' is part of net culture, but I'm sure you know that anyway.

    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  19. #99

    Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
    Originally posted by: Hokage-IV
    Im lil disappointed to say the least...for mod to be so incompetent.....grudge i assume?
    for making him look like a child not too long ago...

    I assume you havent read anything.. cuz you were so vague, all you said and had to say that he covered everything youhad to say lol... to inform, this argument is not about right or wrong.(unless you have keen understanding between fact and onpinion , which you don't).cuz hes on the side with the obvious answers or answers that is generally easier to understand.ex... Itachi is the strongest as a fact cuz oro said so... but ignore the fact what itachi said about Jirairya.. this is about him inforcing his onpinions into fact by insulting ppl..

    you can still join.... but wont make any difference... you will say is what he had to say?.. which case i would... how you say it? "own" you lol....
    Haha, you're funny man. Incompetent am I? How so? So I'm a mod, does that mean I can't have fun on the forums by saying what I think or laughing occasionally? And a grudge? You'll have to remind me about what, because I have no idea. A child? Please, refresh my memory.
    I just made an impartial comment from the point of view of an observer of a discussion, that's all. Do you really think that makes me an incompetent mod? That's funny. Why take it so personally?

    I'm just of the opinion that dazzz presented his arguement more effectively... and I was commenting so. And I'll reiterate, there's no reason for me to join in on the conversation because I would only be repeating what dazzz said. Is that so hard to understand? I wasn't making any personal attacks like you seem to think I was, I was simply stating the opinion of an impartial observer. And the term 'owned' is part of net culture, but I'm sure you know that anyway.

    haha ..what are you talking about?who said you can't fun? is saying getting owned way to have fun? im sure there is lot of way to have fun other than that. oh how about i liked his Argument better oh no you wouldnt think can competent mod like you would think that?. sorry for putting higher standard on a MOD.. but its my mistake.. and your reasoning is you can't have fun? ...your funny..

    your telling me you have no grudge? puhlease.....

    Im glad your not joining this argument.. cuz i would "own" you.. but " I wasn't making any personal attacks" ok ? lol

    thnx "owned".....

  20. #100

    Chapter 227

    hokage IV please just leave this forum it's just sad you haven't made any point at all and everything you've said about anything was ignorant and untrue the reason cmdr_raven said you were owned is because you were, learn your place if you can't back up your arguments with concrete evdence don't even start,

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