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Thread: Chapter 227

  1. #41
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Chapter 227

    PLEASE!!! no more red vs blue chakra fights!

  2. #42
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 227

    if you're talking about what i think you're talking about.......then that sounds like you're only referring to the naruto vs neji which case.......that was only one fight!

    if you're not talking about that.......then you must mean EVERY SINGLE time naruto goes into kyubi which case.......naruto has kyubi inside DEAL WITH IT!
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #43
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Super Kyuubi Naruto mode = GHEY. Anybody that finds this remotely interesting is also GHEY.

    It's boring, unoriginal, and stupidly cheap. Same could be said about lvl 2 seal, so if this turns into a "Seal VS Seal" fight, it's gonna be fucking GHEY with no real depth into the fight except..
    Agreed, unless Naruto's kyubi mode includes mercelessly killing sasuke and dinning on his corpse, i don't want to see anything like that happening...

    cool things that can happen are:
    A. Sasuke dying, at any way and\or form.
    B. good tactics, fights that don't involve throwing the chidori around.
    C. Naruto using his ability to do as many rasengans as he want to scare Sasuke to the point that the little fag wets his pants...

    and about the kunai.... it probably has some meanning, it was diffrenet than 'the swan which starts the battle' things, the best thing for it to be is a shadow clone of naruto, who is now stabbing sasuke's hands...
    This isnt Zombie Naruto, but I cant see this fight ending without one or both of them getting impaled by something, maybe that kunai might have something to do with the conclusion of this battle(but I dont think so) guess well just have to wait until next week.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  4. #44

    RE: Chapter 227

    Deal with the Kyuubi cheese. It's never going away. I think it's alot cooler to watch fights that don't involve healing abilities too.

  5. #45
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 227

    this chapter was alot better when you could read what they said. just cant understnad why naruto wanted to be like sasuke that pisses me off a little [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  6. #46

    RE: Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    this chapter was alot better when you could read what they said. just cant understnad why naruto wanted to be like sasuke that pisses me off a little [img][/img]

    Totally agree with you there.. Who really wants to become like sasuke in any way? hate that guy.. in EVERY way! somone mentioned naruto taking sasukes sharingan out... GO NARUTO! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  7. #47
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Chapter 227

    I think he meant he wanted to be the center of attention perfect example: when sasuke was doing what ever, and you saw everyone in the back cheering him on, the coverup for Naruto was saying that Sasuke was anything special, but that what Naruto was lying about, he wanted to be just as good as Sasuke was in being a ninja. This chapter, explained that Naruto had finally realized that in truth he wasnt a very good ninja "back then", and that sasuske was in fact better than him(even though everyone said so, he just brushed it aside and didnt pay attention to it) Thats what made this chapter so good, and itll be even better when its animated

    R.I.P Captain America.

  8. #48

    Chapter 227

    nice Chapter..

    Older Naruto indication of time jump?

  9. #49

    Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: Hokage-IV
    nice Chapter..

    Older Naruto indication of time jump?
    "older naruto"? what are you talking about? was this mentioned somewhere in the chapter....i remeber the preview of the next chapter mentioning the chidori...i dont think they are jumping yet

  10. #50
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Chapter 227

    Give it like four or five chapters at the earliest. Kishimoto has a few more lose threads to tie up befor a jump. I think around chapter 235-236 the jump might happen.

  11. #51

    Chapter 227

    For the ending of the chapter. I seriously hope with all my heart, that it's not another interruption from Kakashi or any other character. We must all see this fight through to prove that Naruto can keep his word. He's the only survivor of the five (I don't want Shika, Neji, Kiba & Akamaru, or Chouji dead).

  12. #52
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 227

    well obviously shika isnt dead
    kiba most likely wont die either
    neji and chouji on the other hand............
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #53
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 227

    There's a lot of people complaining about the kyubi powers Naruto has, but I really don't see the problem. This story's been good in keeping the usage kyubi powers to a minimum, and it's been defeated twice, once by the shark looking guy, and once by kimimaro. Considering how infrequently you see the powers, that's a good indication that it doesn't make Naruto undefeatable. It simply gives him the edge he needs to deal with the bloodline limits (expect for the time he used it against haku, which, I agree was ridiculous, but I enjoyed it just the same). Plus, you can't possibly believe that the way Naruto's using the kyubi chakra now is as "bad" as it's going to get. He's going to learn to control it even better. There's no indication from how the story's developing That Naruto's going to be a cheeze of a character. Other characters are going to mature with him, and it's almost a certainty that there will at least a couple of people that can deal with Naruto's powers...Sasuke being one of them. Stop complaining, cuz you're doing for no good reason.
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

    - Inquisitor Czevak

  14. #54

    Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
    There's a lot of people complaining about the kyubi powers Naruto has, but I really don't see the problem. This story's been good in keeping the usage kyubi powers to a minimum, and it's been defeated twice, once by the shark looking guy, and once by kimimaro. Considering how infrequently you see the powers, that's a good indication that it doesn't make Naruto undefeatable. It simply gives him the edge he needs to deal with the bloodline limits (expect for the time he used it against haku, which, I agree was ridiculous, but I enjoyed it just the same). Plus, you can't possibly believe that the way Naruto's using the kyubi chakra now is as "bad" as it's going to get. He's going to learn to control it even better. There's no indication from how the story's developing That Naruto's going to be a cheeze of a character. Other characters are going to mature with him, and it's almost a certainty that there will at least a couple of people that can deal with Naruto's powers...Sasuke being one of them. Stop complaining, cuz you're doing for no good reason.
    Uh, no. There's a good reason why the way Naruto uses Kyuubi is stupid and boring. Basically, all he does is use it as a chakra battery. When he runs out, there's that extra jolt of energy he needs to do to continue. And what does he do with it? Make more kagebunshins. If bland bunshin rushdown is to your liking, than that's ok. The rest of us want to see Naruto doing something "cool" with all that extra power. Something creative, I guess you can say. Another way he uses it is just for the sake of "SSJ-like" power up, which I know people can't stand. Also, the way people here are putting Kyuubi's power is simply ridiculous. Each time a new challenge or new power comes up, it's always "NARUTO CAN HEAL INSTANTLY!" As you should know, that's never the case. But people here exagerrate that shit way out of proportion.

    Making it quick:

    Bad guy is beating down Naruto.
    Naruto uses Kyuubi, a seemingly "invincible" power source, and wins.

    Don't get me wrong, I love Naruto. He's one of my favorite characters. I like his fighting style of being cunning and crafty. Not to win by sheer brute force. Question is, how much are we going to see Naruto using his own power, before completely relying on Kyuubi's power itself? How much longer before Naruto realizes his trump card?

  15. #55

    Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
    There's a lot of people complaining about the kyubi powers Naruto has, but I really don't see the problem. This story's been good in keeping the usage kyubi powers to a minimum, and it's been defeated twice, once by the shark looking guy, and once by kimimaro. Considering how infrequently you see the powers, that's a good indication that it doesn't make Naruto undefeatable. It simply gives him the edge he needs to deal with the bloodline limits (expect for the time he used it against haku, which, I agree was ridiculous, but I enjoyed it just the same). Plus, you can't possibly believe that the way Naruto's using the kyubi chakra now is as "bad" as it's going to get. He's going to learn to control it even better. There's no indication from how the story's developing That Naruto's going to be a cheeze of a character. Other characters are going to mature with him, and it's almost a certainty that there will at least a couple of people that can deal with Naruto's powers...Sasuke being one of them. Stop complaining, cuz you're doing for no good reason.
    Uh, no. There's a good reason why the way Naruto uses Kyuubi is stupid and boring. Basically, all he does is use it as a chakra battery. When he runs out, there's that extra jolt of energy he needs to do to continue. And what does he do with it? Make more kagebunshins. If bland bunshin rushdown is to your liking, than that's ok. The rest of us want to see Naruto doing something "cool" with all that extra power. Something creative, I guess you can say. Another way he uses it is just for the sake of "SSJ-like" power up, which I know people can't stand. Also, the way people here are putting Kyuubi's power is simply ridiculous. Each time a new challenge or new power comes up, it's always "NARUTO CAN HEAL INSTANTLY!" As you should know, that's never the case. But people here exagerrate that shit way out of proportion.

    Making it quick:

    Bad guy is beating down Naruto.
    Naruto uses Kyuubi, a seemingly "invincible" power source, and wins.

    Don't get me wrong, I love Naruto. He's one of my favorite characters. I like his fighting style of being cunning and crafty. Not to win by sheer brute force. Question is, how much are we going to see Naruto using his own power, before completely relying on Kyuubi's power itself? How much longer before Naruto realizes his trump card?

    kyubi is part of Naruto... kakashi relies on his best friends sharingan... Sasuke relies on his sharingan.. and his curse seal..... Gaara relies on his demon.... so forth...

  16. #56

    Chapter 227

    Originally posted by: RasenDori
    Originally posted by: Hokage-IV
    nice Chapter..

    Older Naruto indication of time jump?
    "older naruto"? what are you talking about? was this mentioned somewhere in the chapter....i remeber the preview of the next chapter mentioning the chidori...i dont think they are jumping yet
    there is a colored pic of Naruto couple yrs older in the beginning of the chapter... it was surprising to me... cuz it was the first time they drew older Naruto..

    when can Oro exchange his body again?

  17. #57
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 227

    How many kyubi powered bunshin rundowns did you see so far? Me, one (not counting that godawful special). It was beaten. Using the kyubi chakra as a "chakra battery" is as valid a technique as any other. If the anime was like dbz in the sense that the "chakra battery" is all he ever did, then I'd understand the complaints. But Naruto is not like that. They use that sparingly, and only once did it win him a fight (Haku). Against Neiji, all it did was give him a shot at the victory. His trickiness and carelessness cause Naruto to win that fight. Against the shark guy that travels with itachi, it did nothing. Against Kimimaro, it did next to nothing, AND he combined it with the kage bunshin that time (only time in the story that I can think of as well). As of right now, his kyubi chakra is more of technique than it is an almighty cheeze, especially considering the trouble he had to go through to be able to use it at will (almost cost him his life, remember?)

    Kage bunshins...until Naruto learned the rasengan, he really didn't have any other viable techniques for a fight of the magnitude he's fighting right now. I don't think he can summon any of the smaller frogs (I could be wrong). Maybe he needs more training to call upon the summon of his choosing. As a result of this, kagebunshin rundown is what you're going to get. But again, Naruto's always been able to make it interesting. So, I don't see any complaints there either.

    About how long is Naruto going to rely on his own power before using relying on kyubi chakra entirely? No one knows. But, I have complete faith in the story (as I've said many times in as many different ways) that Naruto will NEVER completely rely on the kyubi chakra. The story is simply not taking that direction. They're putting too much emphasis on qualities like cunningness, perserverance, and talent, to go and fuck it up by making the main character a DBZ character. Naruto learning the rasengan, a technique which emphasized extreme control combined with extreme power, convinces me of that. Kyubi had nothing to do with it.
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

    - Inquisitor Czevak

  18. #58

    RE: Chapter 227

    Damn right.

  19. #59
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 227

    whatever, naruto is gay.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  20. #60

    RE: Chapter 227

    Who cares about Naruto or Sasuke? I want Shikamaru!!!! Shikamaru RULEZ!!

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