
Title: Greek Goddess

Description: Astraea was the sister of Aphrodite, and was among the Gods, the most beautiful, Aphrodite became jealous of her sister, and deemed herself the Goddess of Love. Astraea, wise beyond her immortal years, cared not for the selfish rivalry of her sister, she deemed herself the Goddess of Justice, where all who would stand before her, would know judgement. Where her essence presides, judgement was swift, and death came upon swift wing to all those who fell before her ill judgement.

Astraea resides in the Hall of Law, above Mount Olympus, where her kingdom was among the clouds. Her father Zeus granted her this domain, for the Gods dared not trifle within her presence. Although she was known as a lesser God, her presence alone left a quake through the ages. Where justice knew only truth, and none would stray from the piercing gaze of her All Seeing Eye.