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Thread: Your username!

  1. #101

    your username !

    Wow, after read all those, mine sounds REALLY nerdish...

    Kovash is (one of) the name of the General of my Tau army for Warhammer40k

    In Tau, it means - Crusader

    If Kovash is ever taken (and I rally hate it when it is) I go with - El' Kovash - El' is a rank (Kight ) and 'Crusader Knight' sounds cool (technically Knight Crusader, but I have creative perogative [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]).

    Full Name - Shas'o Tash'var Ko'vash Mont'yr Or'es


  2. #102
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    your username !

    wow, this thread is old.. can't believe i've never posted in it...

    anyway, i've started out my nickname at some RPG forum, and i was 'Wolf' for a while, just becuase about everyone i met told me that i've got that 'wolf-ish' feeling, but then i decided it was too 'normal' so i buffed it up with 'death', cuz having death in your nickname is sooo cool when you're 12.
    then i've moved to a forum for the baldurs gate 2 game, so i changed the wolf part into boo (the minature giant space hamster!) and kept it on for about three years, until they've started airing DBZ in my country two years ago, and since everybody was changing thier nicks and avatar into DBZ stuff, i've wanted to show that i'm also into DBZ (even though i already watched it all on the computer) so I added the Z part into the nick.

    since then, it's been pretty annoying to change nicks, so i've been keeping the Death Boo Z name, which is nice as I don't always have to write the full thing.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  3. #103

    your username !

    Well one day a couple of friends and i went out to the local flea market in search of old diecast transformers and robotech and whatever else we could find. i ended up with an old valkyrie, a figure of King Zarkon (woot) and an old grendizer tape. we ended up watching the tape, over and over as it was fucking hilarious, shit like the kid named bobby had a giant 'H' on the front of his shirt, so we re-named him Hbobby (the 'h' is silent). someone noticed that the pilot of grendizers name was aries astronopolis, how greek can you get, right? as it turns out im half greek, so i assumed the role of Astronopolis the Space Greek and the rest is history

  4. #104
    Student Snow*Man's Avatar
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    your username !

    because i'm made of snow

    and i got it when i went through my tagger phase. i'm as white as snow my friends say.

  5. #105

    your username !

    My last name is pak and people started to call me "pakman". I stuck with it ever since

  6. #106
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    your username !

    whoa .... thread resurrection!

    I guess I'll tell my story. It's sorta strange though, and unexpectedly long.

    Back in high school (yeesh, 10 years ago now) I wanted to get in on the whole "email" craze I had heard about. Yahoo mail had just started to get some word of mouth going, and I was like "I need a name". I had recently read some Forgotten Realms novels, several of which made mention of liches. One in particular mentioned archliches -- and presented them as particularly rare, uncommonly powerful, and not evil-aligned (ahh, good-old D&D). I was generally gravitated toward chaotic good, and liked the thought of having lots of power to do good things with (and the presented ability to end your existence as a lich in a sort of "blaze of glory" to do something normally beyond your power to do). So I picked archlich for my online identity.

    Well, that was all well and good, but when I joined the anime community round about spring 2001 (back in the dalnet and etg heydays), I started using irc. And on etg and efnet and a few others I could be archlich, but on dalnet someone else had registered the nick (and not used it in like a year, but dalnet nickserv wasn't expiring nicks back then). I had recently taken up meditation and was in a yoga class that I was somewhat enjoying, and had recently changed majors to computer science, so I stuck them together and got "ComputerizedYoga" (which became my slashdot name (archlich was taken there too), and also the name I used on AIM when I wanted to keep a restricted buddy list (so certain bothersome people wouldn't annoy me). So I thought "well, it'll work" and tried it out for IRC.

    But ALAS! IT WAS NOT MEANT TO BE! Turns out ComputerizedYoga is particularly long. And Dalnet supported 12 character nicks, and efnet (another regular hangout) supported 10. So I became "Computerized" which I decided was lame. And then I shortened it to "CompYoga" which I decided I didn't like either. Whatever was I going to do?

    Well, then I thought "ComputerizedYoga ... archlich" ... "Comp[uterizedYoga .... arch]lich" ... "Complich". And I didn't like it ... because I knew that people would mispronounce and misread it as "complick" and think I was some 16 year old cyberslut.

    Just then, a random bit of inspiration hit. And by random bit, I mean random music track in winamp, which reminded me of the group Altern8 (a rave group from the 90's that I didn't hear about until a few months before all of this, when I was first getting into rave/dance music). And I was like "altern8. hmm .... complich8, that's an idea".

    It stuck. Now I'm complich8. Around mid-2002, I decided to re-center on the complich8 name as a unique online identity. Now, I'm the singular central point behind any and all searches for "complich8", and interestingly still the number one hit for the search "archlich" on google. None of this "Oh, it's a character I like, so I stuck a number on it and used it as a nick".

  7. #107

    your username !

    Well if anyone cares here is the secret origin of my screen name.

    Watch this flash animation and all will be made clear, never underestimate the power of a lobster when combined with it's magnet.

  8. #108

    RE: your username !

    Originally posted by: Psyke
    Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
    whow a decade that is pritty long.
    damn dude i hope there is entertainment for me 2 when i'm as old as you.
    Hey I'm ONLY 25........... [img][/img]
    But I still see myself doing the things I like now when I'm really old. When I was in Japan last month my tour bus driver was constantly reading his manga during his breaks and after meals. And he was in his 50s.......
    hihi i didn't mean you were old but you are older than the average gwooter.

  9. #109
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    your username !

    To tell the truth... I don't know what my username means or where it comes from. I was given this name several years ago to use on "Everquest" (because I'm not good at making up names). I eventually dropped "Everquest" and so therefore dropped the name for awhile. It was only when I registered on my very first forum that I remembered it. I thought (what could I use as a user name?" I eventually decided to revive "Alhuin"; and that's the way it has been ever since. On the WWW, I am officially known as Alhuin. Only select individuals discover my true-self.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  10. #110
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    your username !

    dark shadow, lol i think it explains it self [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  11. #111

    your username !

    Originally posted by: pakman
    My last name is pak and people started to call me "pakman". I stuck with it ever since
    One of my friends uses pakman for everything, but because he's Paki.

  12. #112

    your username !

    my student id for my high school

  13. #113

    your username !

    greek for spirit or inner self

  14. #114

    your username !

    Just made up a random name to play first-person shooters. Used Roko, and I've been usin it ever since on forums and such. I woulda used roko in my email address, but for the fact that it was already taken, so I decided to add a "bo". But alas, I no longer use "roko" except on forums and such, since I have found another username for games, which is "Born to Die", which I guess I shall explain also. So I was playin as Roko on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory one day, and it just him me, since I kept dying and respawning. This soldier is being respawned/born just to die again, so why not use "Born to Die"? there's my story, although i have absolutely no idea why i explained my gaming username...
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  15. #115
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    your username !

    This is my nickname ever since I was 7, My real name is Paul, so one of my friends started calling me Paulyboy. So throughout the years, I got stuck with it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
    -Mazer Rackham

  16. #116

    your username !

    My names Sam, 98034 is my area code. Sam98034 is never taken as a user name so I use it. I don't want to waiste my time trying to get "sam" which never works, "samuel" doesn't either, then I have to try Sam1, Sam12...etc. Waiste of time so I just use 98034 which will not be taken, and also wont mean anything to anyone other than random numbers. I'm pretty sure everyone cares....really.

  17. #117

    your username !

    Itachi is the best, and y2k5 means year 2005

  18. #118

    your username !

    I got my name from...uh... looking at the sky?

  19. #119
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    In my own little world

    your username !

    just found this thread.

    XanBcoo is "mock ghetto" for my real nickname: Xan (from Alexander)
    I wanted something narcissistic, like, "Xan is God" or "Xan is cool", and because me and my friends used to make fun of ghetto-slang a lot, I chose Xan be coo' and shortened it to:
    XanBcoo' <-- when I joined GotWoot I forgot to capitalize the X and B and dropped the apostrophe.

    EDIT: And have since had the X and B capitalized. But still no apostrophe.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  20. #120
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    England, UK

    your username !

    Well I go by two nicks; AngelEyez and my gaming name Syrinx.

    AngelEyez -- I've had ever since high school. I took the name from after seeing a film called Angel Eyes with Jennifer Lopez in. Its not that I like the film, I just thought the name was nice. Plus, Angel is a nickname for my real life name.

    Syrinx -- I got that from reading Peter Hamilton's: The Reality Dysfunction. Good book. Would recommend it to anyone.
    Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows.

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