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Thread: Anko VS Kabuto

  1. #21
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Anko VS Kabuto

    Definetly Kabuto. If he could actually put up a good fight against a Sannin, then he'd have no problem taking down Anko.
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  2. #22

    RE: Anko VS Kabuto

    Anko would probably win,

  3. #23

    Anko VS Kabuto

    kabuto is the most likely to win , imho

    no need to reason , everything has already been reasoned and said by the others in this thread

  4. #24

    RE: Anko VS Kabuto

    It should be Kabuto vs Kisame
    more fair.

  5. #25
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Anko VS Kabuto

    Hmm. i would think Anko would most likely win. Anko's a combat ninja. Not a Medic ninja like Kabuto. Also, Anko trained under Orochimaru. Being one of the few that managed to survive his seal.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  6. #26
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Anko VS Kabuto

    surviving the seal doestn seem to be an achievement, even sasuke managed. my guess is that kabuto wins.

  7. #27
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Anko VS Kabuto

    Umm. Not surviving the seal that made her strong. I mean, that she can probably use the cursed seals powers as well.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  8. #28

    Anko VS Kabuto

    dont say kakashi is the strongest joining (besides the sannins, kage's and itachi)

    Gai is pretty much at the same lvl as kakashi, im sure of it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    and ppl only pick kabuto, cuz nobody has ever seen Anko's full powers in a heat of a battle..

    so it's mostly likely ppl will vote kabuto..

  9. #29
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Anko VS Kabuto

    Anko holds the position that Kakashi (and Itachi) once held, however, Kakshi is noted as a genious, while ANko isn't.
    Kabuto is (at least) equal to Kakashi, and therefore, most likely, above Anko

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  10. #30

    RE: Anko VS Kabuto

    We cant know who would win cause we dont know how good she is. I think that she is atleast as same level as Kakashi or else why would they call her a speciel jounin.

  11. #31
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: Anko VS Kabuto

    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    We cant know who would win cause we dont know how good she is. I think that she is atleast as same level as Kakashi or else why would they call her a speciel jounin.
    Perhaps it's tongue-in-cheek and she's really a "special" jounin. They just couldn't find a helmet that wouldn't moosh her lovely hair.

  12. #32

    RE: Anko VS Kabuto

    Nice sig.

  13. #33
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    RE: Anko VS Kabuto

    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    We cant know who would win cause we dont know how good she is. I think that she is atleast as same level as Kakashi or else why would they call her a speciel jounin.
    Well, we've seen Kabuto's performance against a fully functional Sannin (Tsunade), which was phenomenal, and we saw Anko's performance against one (Orochimaru), which was pathetic. And, like other people said, he's orochimaru's right hand man instead of anko for a reason. Probably for many reasons. I just don't see anko beating kabuto, not even if she fought him naked.
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

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  14. #34

    RE: Anko VS Kabuto

    Remember The Chuunin Exam ?
    Anko Can kill Kabuto if she use Oro jutsu Double Death of the Snake (or somethin' like that ...) .

    but as Sakura said it earlier " She is like Naruto ... pff "
    She act as stupid as naruto but she don't got Kyuubi Chakra .... but Naruto beat Kabuto without Kyuubi's Chakra and a Fractured leg ....

    Place your bet ...[img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img]

  15. #35
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Anko VS Kabuto

    Well.. all in all's in speculating. But I doubt they'll encounter each other.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

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