knows nothing about Assassin and made things up.
knows nothing about Assassin and made things up.
lives in a spaceship.
Likes pizza!!
is always helping others out by translating japanese
reads Bleach manga
Always has weird sigs and the same avatar
Just changed his sig
has one sexy avatar
has no first or last name in their profile
and wow this thread has been going on for quite some time.
needs to make a few more posts before i can remember him/her in my dreams
doesn't know i'm a him
is a brand new got wooter, enjoy yourself here its all good
is a free baser.
edit: too bad he cant tell the difference between cocaine and weed.
i dun get it, are u calling me a pot head? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
made something up and confused me very much
edit: yay i just realised im a chuunin
Hadn't realized he's a chuunin, even though he's almost 20 posts over it.
Didn't have a very happy christmas or new years.
Hope you're feeling better soon, WD!
Is named after my favorite snack.
His username starts with X just like mines ^^
Thinks the letter "X" is cool or something
whose first and last name spells out one of my favorite movies