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Thread: question about FF7 advent children...

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Guest question about FF7 advent... Wed, 08-18-2004, 07:25 AM
Munsu RE: question about FF7 advent... Wed, 08-18-2004, 07:29 AM
stos289 RE: question about FF7 advent... Wed, 08-18-2004, 12:39 PM
ryan92084 RE: question about FF7 advent... Wed, 08-18-2004, 01:24 PM
Swallow Your Soul RE: question about FF7 advent... Wed, 08-18-2004, 08:49 PM
Knives122 RE: question about FF7 advent... Wed, 08-18-2004, 09:03 PM
Uberbaka RE: question about FF7 advent... Thu, 08-19-2004, 06:32 AM
DraGunZer0 RE: question about FF7 advent... Fri, 08-20-2004, 06:33 AM
zachary_milyardo RE: question about FF7 advent... Fri, 08-20-2004, 09:22 AM
EpoC RE: question about FF7 advent... Fri, 08-20-2004, 04:27 PM
Tachikoma question about FF7 advent... Sat, 08-21-2004, 05:36 AM
DraGunZer0 RE: question about FF7 advent... Sat, 08-21-2004, 07:21 PM
Guest RE: question about FF7 advent... Thu, 09-23-2004, 03:58 AM
Eurasian RE: question about FF7 advent... Thu, 09-23-2004, 08:36 PM
Guest RE: question about FF7 advent... Fri, 09-24-2004, 06:00 AM
DeluxSkillz RE: question about FF7 advent... Fri, 09-24-2004, 06:04 AM
Eurasian RE: question about FF7 advent... Fri, 09-24-2004, 08:10 AM
HaZMaTiK RE: question about FF7 advent... Sat, 09-25-2004, 09:23 AM
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  1. #1

    question about FF7 advent children...

    question about FF7 advent children...

    did it ever come out?


  2. #2

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    Last time i heard it was pushback... till when? probably someone else can help you with that since im clueless

  3. #3

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    This quote is directly from this Advent Childern Site:

    "The movie will run for somewhere between 70 and 80 minutes and will be released on DVD and UMD [for the Sony PSP]. It will feature a total of 20 characters, including the popular Cloud and Sephiroth, and is being developed by Square-Enix in conjunction with Visual Works.

    It is expected to be released in Japan at the end of 2004, with a US release to follow shortly after [first quarter of 2005]. No word on a European or Australian release has been made as yet."

    Hope this helps.

  4. #4

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    : / that bites i've been waiting for that one

  5. #5

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    Damn, same here...I was looking forward to that and was thinking it'd be out this summer/autumn...

  6. #6
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    I feel another Half-life two coming all, this is going to get pushed back forever

    R.I.P Captain America.

  7. #7

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    I feel another Half-life two coming all, this is going to get pushed back forever
    Except if someone steals the "source code" they would need one hell of a computer to render it on =P

    Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P

  8. #8

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    I want more Tifa..

  9. #9

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    Originally posted by: DraGunZer0
    I want more Tifa..
    mmmmm...Tifa. GOOOO Tifa!!!
    I saw the trailer with her in it, too bad she didnt say anything. Or at least I dont think she did, she might have right before what we assume to be Marlene saying she want to go see Cloud.

  10. #10

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    Goddamit!! I hate living in europe!!!
    We never get anything!! and if we get it it would be like 300 years after the rest of the world!!!

  11. #11

    question about FF7 advent children...

    Goddamit!! I hate living in europe!!! We never get anything!! and if we get it it would be like 300 years after the rest of the world!!!
    Damn right. Blighty sucks! Average waiting time for anime is Japan +2 years, if we get it at all, and then it's usually over-priced (a series can set you back <GBP200). The best time yet is coming up - SAC is out over here on Sept 19th, GBP18 for 4 episodes (rip-off!), but we've only had to wait about a year for it.

    Still, even if Advent Children gets pushed back a bit, I think this is one I can wait a bit for. Same goes for Appleseed (although I want to see this one sooner). And Innocence is out in the US in September. Will we see it in Blighty? I'm not placing any bets.

  12. #12

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    Nah she hasn't said anything yet... and so far I've seen pics of all the party characters except Yuffie... Still want more Tifa.... i wud lyke to get teh tif~!

  13. #13

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    There will be a new trailer coming out tmr at TGS 2004. Looking forward to it...

  14. #14
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    May 2004

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    that's a hot sig

    someone said advent children comes out 2/14 (that's how i remember, valentine's day) in america.

    I tried my best...

  15. #15

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    quoted from about the 25 mins screening at TGS 2004 today

    "Word from the ground is that the queues at the Square Enix booth are extremely long, largely due to the fact that visitors are allowed to view the special edition of Advent Children screened at the Venice Film Festival. However, Square Enix is making use of the Olympus Eye-Trek [FMD-700] to present the footage, a headset device that must be worn in order to view the movie. Thus, chances of it making its way online are slim, to say the least. Also, it has been confirmed that Advent Children will be released in Japan some time 2004."

    Hopefully the new 4 mins footage will be publically screened tmr...

  16. #16

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    square know they're gonna make big bucks on this movie i can understand the headset thing

  17. #17
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2004

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    they sure r going gotta their way to make sure nothing from advent children will end up on the internet.

    I tried my best...

  18. #18

    RE: question about FF7 advent children...

    for you europe guys why not import the movie and get a region free dvd player i mean thats what i do i am impatient like a cow in a slaughter house

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