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Thread: Manga: Berserk

  1. #721
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Griffith is evil only to the eyes of Gatts. If not he's a perfect saint, the saviour of the world/midland.

    Poor Gatts.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  2. #722
    285 Preview

  3. #723

  4. #724
    Berserk translated at . Search and you shall find it. and god what torment, not another chap until 22:nd of june, that's just way too harsh.

  5. #725
    Well, the Pontiff has now given his consent to the marriage, and it shall proceed.

    Yeah, real harsh considering that he said he should get back on pace after the big battle, 1000+ people chapters.

  6. #726
    !_! Kai you just made my day. I hope the scanlation comes out soon....

  7. #727

  8. #728
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    very interesting chapter. I liked the nobles' discussion, that blonde one is pretty sharp.
    And what was also very interesting, which has been alluded to before, is on pg. 4 when one noble quietly remarks to an ally, “each country [involved in the effort against the Kushan] had already made a secret pact as to the post-war division of lands and controlled territories...” So they're all pissed because now Griffith (thru Charlotte) will try to maintain the Midland government and they'll all be empty handed after getting whooped by the Kushan.

    Hadn't seen Firenze's dad for awhile (he's Lord Vandemion, right?), he was pretty tart with Griffith too. Guts may yet find some allies in this so-called Holy Alliance to go against Griffith... Surely not everyone will buy into that senile old pontiff's “divine revelation” and simply follow Griffith. They might be of some use to Guts, if they're smart enough to survive that long.

    The pope is such a zombie. I jcstm'd upon seeing him and then really serious lol'd at the two page spread of him just falling face flat in front of Griffith.

    Everyone having that same, super vague dream is such the crap that the common rabble would latch on to though... Griffith just shined his shoes in the tears of the unborn children this chapter.

    jcstm = just chuckled softly to myself, much more accurate than lulz

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  9. #729
    These past few chapters have kind of bored me. I'm all for character interaction and development, which Berserk does very well, but the fact that so few chapters are released throughout the year makes some of the chapters very boring, such as this one.

    My only comment for this particular chapter is that I wish our pope looked like Berserk's.

  10. #730
    agree with ya 100%. been thinking about ditching berserk for a year or so, but what would there be left :P

  11. #731
    I'm currently on episode 15 on the anime beserk. Is there a forum here just for the anime? And are there only 25 episodes in the anime?

  12. #732
    No, there is no forum section especially for the Anime. And hopefully you haven't read too much in this section either since it contains spoilers beyond everything.

    So, you've made it to Berserk, happy days. Sorry, no more than 25 episodes. It will have to do since the maker of the manga has been saying that there won't be more seasons in the anime... at least not until the manga is finished. And even when it's finished it's pretty unlikely.

    But finish those and then take a look at the manga, it will save your year :P

  13. #733
    thanks for the insight, unfortunately, I've been googling beserk and heard of some interesting spoilers. I heard about Griffith and how Guts got his arm and missing right eye. Guess I'll have to see if it makes sense in the anime. O well. I'll be back.

  14. #734
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilphatboi88
    thanks for the insight, unfortunately, I've been googling beserk and heard of some interesting spoilers. I heard about Griffith and how Guts got his arm and missing right eye. Guess I'll have to see if it makes sense in the anime. O well. I'll be back.

    If you have been googling berserk and only got those spoilers then you were lucky then.
    image fail!

  15. #735
    these spoilers do kind of stick in your head. I read that Guts beats Griffith in a battle and leaves the band of the hawk. Then griffith loses his composure and does something with the princess and is sent to jail. He is then beaten to the point where he is crippled. And he sacrifices his band and gets reincarnated as a type of god. And somewhere along the lines, Guts rapes Caska.

    I've never enjoyed reading manga because it seems so cut dry, but beserk really seems like a good story to follow.

  16. #736
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Some of your facts are a little mixed around. Stop spoiling yourself or you'll miss out on one of the best manga series (at least until some of the recent chapters).

    Or catch up as fast as you can. Some of the best material is after the anime material.

  17. #737
    Not to spoil by unspoiling for you, but Guts NEVER ever rapes Caska....

  18. #738
    Not consciously, he goes kinda berserk with rage and bites one of her tits leaving marks, making her scared of him permanently (or atleast she is still in recent chapters). I forget what caused him to be so angry in the first place.

  19. #739
    lilphatboi88, for gods sake, do NOT read any of the threads posted here. including my thread here.

    He was fighting the demon inside himself. The big ugly dog who wants him to a be a savage. The one he still fights whenever he uses his armor. He was having a period, she was about to be raped by some men and she had a flash of what happened to her at the birth of femto. So she killed them, and well, Guts kinda snapped when he saw her naked.

    Edit: Btw, does anyone know where I can find the Wallpaper of Guts when he is sitting down with his cape and his sword and on the left of him there is a huge formation of people making up the brand... It's all in red. Anyone know of it?
    Last edited by Shinji Ikari; Tue, 05-29-2007 at 04:03 PM.

  20. #740
    Reluctantly jumping onto the irate fan-bandwagon, the story seriously needs to shift focus. I truly miss having Guts as the dominant driving force of the story, hence the Retribution arc being my favorite.

    That being said, when do you all predict the Millenium Falcon arc will end, if it's not the final act?


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