Wait a second? Isn't Griffith still femto? Just because he's been reincarnated back on earth dosen't mean that he isn't one of the godhands. My guess is that should griffith defeat the kushans, (or al queda as I like to call them) that he will then instituite his own reign of power and terror like none before bringing about the apocolypse. Don't they keep on referring to the prophecy about the the hawk bringing about the world's end and a new age of darkness like none before.

Oh is it just me or does it seem like the manga's been signifigantly toned down ever since gatts got his merry band of companions to roam around the countryside with. Not nearly as much rape and pillaging as there was before. Completely different tone then the other arcs. Although I do admist seeing something positive happen is a nice change of pace from the norm. Also seems as if gatt's is calming down in his old age (white spot in hair) and becomming more docile as opposed to his more brutal savage self. Oh also I'm just wondering wanted to throw out my theory of the armor and see what you guys think.

Armor serves as a very unique visual literary device. I quite literally serves as a point of manifestation for gatt's unquealchable rage. Throughout the entire series we've seen bits and pieces of gatts rage which makes him almost a greater monster then the one's he's foced to fight. His sheer rage is something that threatens to consume him in battle. I guess that's why I really like the armor.

Oh one last question. Just wondering do the first three volumes serve as events that occured during the two year time lapse between Gatt's first encounter with the eclipse and the part in the manga where it takes place two years after with him hunting fighting the evil fairy girl and being tracked down by the knights of the holy chain?