I find the raping in Berserk A-OK. Don't you guys like rap music?

Can't touch this.. Da da da da. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]


Well, Berserk ain't a happy colourful kiddy manga. It's meant for 15(?) and aboves? or 18 and aboves. Not that sex sells or anything. But it really show's it's grittiness, and also realism.

Also During those era's, people rape women, kill children bla bla bla. It's normal although disgusting. Thats the difference when we live in a civil society. Aih, the Cruelties and evil's of us Humang Beings.

Pllus, sex is normal.


Aaaragh!! Come out berserk!! Can't wait!! *Drool Drool*