ok, heres something i picked up while learning how to "grunge". i use it all the time now, and the amount of different results it can give are infinite. now the most important thing to realise when grunging is that the GREATER VARIETY OF brushes you have, the BETTER! so before you carry on with the rest of this tutorial im going to give you a minute to grab tons of brushes!
ok now once uve downloaded lots of these its time to install them. if you know all about this or you already have lots of great brushes at your disposal then shoot down the page and carry on!
firstly to install the brushes you need to unrar them (using winrar duh), to c:/programfiles/adobe/photoshop/presets/brushes. or something similar depending on where you installed PS. if you're using paintshoppro....then you're a baka and i cant help you [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
finally, once uve done the above you can open photoshop!
create a new canvas, (using forum size restrictions of course).
press "d" to reset the palette, go to filter->render->clouds - here
create a new layer, and set the layer mode to "soft light"
now, whip out your brushes (go to the brush tool, then press the little arrow in the top right corner of your brush menu, so that you can load different brush sets) and start brushing (keep the colour of the brush to black), firstly i recommend using large brushes that create a background, like cloudy or other rough, large brushes - here
now create a new layer, set mode to "soft light" again, now pull out some different brushes and dabble about with them on the canvas. - here (the key to good grunging is to get the right amount of brushing in the right areas, so that your grunge finishes with good amounts of "light" and "dark" areas. its up to you to experiment with placing and combinations of brushes, there is no guidebook for it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] )
now repeat the step above another until you feel your canvas is looking full enough and no more is needed (its easier to edit your image if you use lots of different layers, creating a new layer each time youve used a couple of brushes, i find) - here
now create a new layer, set the layer mode to "soft light", but this time set the foreground colour to white instead of black. now start brushing the sig again, remember these brushes will stand out more so use less of them.
finally go to layer->new adjustment layer->color balance. a window will appear, press "ok", another window will appear. now its time to put some colour into your bleak sig. flick between shadow/midtones/highlights and any of the bars on each (although i recommend leaving shadows alone), until your sig is looking acceptable and properly grunged - here
and thats my grunge tutorial!
after you've done the above you can add a cool character pic, some text, and a border, and voila you have yourself a grunge sig!
more examples (without pic/text/border)
remember depending on the positioning/type/amount of brushing you use, its possible to create completely different sigs using this tutorial over and over!
hope you liked it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] please post complaints/questions if you have any